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The Jewish firestorm : Comments
By Larry Stillman, published 15/3/2007The signatories of the petition organised by 'Independent Australian Jewish Voices' see a desperate situation, rather than being crude anti-Zionists.
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You accuse me of lack of logic.
Your last post seem to bare no relationship to any of mine.
I have not mentioned God, Jesus or the promised land. My doubts about Iran are not directly to do with Sharia law. It seems to me reasonable to suspect a nation which has stoning on its books, which denies rights to women and non Muslims and whose President hosts a conference denying the historical reality of the holocaust and invites a former official of the Klu Klux Klan may be particularly dangerous with nuclear weapons. The connection between lack of respect for human rights and attempts to wreck the rest of the world has an several historic precedents.
Where is you historical evidence of Iran or Persia ever having the combination of such a leader plus the possession of nuclear weapons?