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The Jewish firestorm : Comments

By Larry Stillman, published 15/3/2007

The signatories of the petition organised by 'Independent Australian Jewish Voices' see a desperate situation, rather than being crude anti-Zionists.

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You accuse me of lack of logic.

Your last post seem to bare no relationship to any of mine.

I have not mentioned God, Jesus or the promised land. My doubts about Iran are not directly to do with Sharia law. It seems to me reasonable to suspect a nation which has stoning on its books, which denies rights to women and non Muslims and whose President hosts a conference denying the historical reality of the holocaust and invites a former official of the Klu Klux Klan may be particularly dangerous with nuclear weapons. The connection between lack of respect for human rights and attempts to wreck the rest of the world has an several historic precedents.

Where is you historical evidence of Iran or Persia ever having the combination of such a leader plus the possession of nuclear weapons?
Posted by logic, Monday, 9 April 2007 12:44:14 PM
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Logic: Certainly, two major obstacles to the ME peace process are the election of Hamas to the Palestinian leadership, and the presence of Ahmedinejad as Iranian leader. At the moment, these are leading Israel's sworn enemies, and their mere existence is grist to the mill for Israel's hardliners. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make them vanish -- but that's not likely to happen. On paper, they have to be isolated from their support bases and pushed to the margins of their societies, but how to achieve this miracle? For a start, is there any chance of Israel putting a halt to building settlements on the West Bank and thus infuriating the Arab world even further? Is the present Israeli leadership capable of supporting the more moderate elements on the Palestinian side? Is there no-one in Iran who can see the folly of Ahmedinejad's crazy rhetoric?
Posted by Youngsteve, Monday, 9 April 2007 8:08:32 PM
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Sorry I am no Israeli and I don't know. Also I have no crystal ball but surely their must be people in Iran who detest the theocratic state. I believe that this is in fact the case. The settlements should not have occurred, I never was impressed with them. But the Muslim world does have a huge image and well being problem and the existance of a successful Western State in their midst will not do their self esteem much good.
Posted by logic, Monday, 9 April 2007 9:56:14 PM
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Would like to know what your future plan for Iran is, Logic?
To be logical, also means to be academically knowledgeable, which you do not appear to be.

If you were you would be wise enough to leave Iran alone, and even let her go atomic, which would create a nuclear power balance in the Middle East, similar to between India and Pakistan.

The scary thing, Logic, is that your mindset steers pointedly towards Iran being invaded, or possibly a nuclear strike by either the US or Israel.

If you believe an old established society of nearly 70 million people deserves such a thing, it places you with a
no better mental capacity than George W Bush, who we fear might still try to prove himself, not having brains enough to have learnt his lesson with Iraq.

Fear your logic has become frozen, Logic, better go back to school, though sometimes we wonder what sort of schooling you've ever had
Posted by bushbred, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 2:21:03 AM
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We have to look at this whole issue from a different perspective.

I only want at this stage to discuss the "lowenstien issue" from the perspective of the value of Jewish life in the Diaspora and the Land of Israel.

The Jews in the diaspora need a strong Israeli army that is capable of defending the Jews in israel and in the Diaspora. You can argue untill the cows come home, but the fact remains that the Jews have never been able to rely on the Christian or muslim or any other
bunch for their saftey. History is replete with the sick murder of Jews. It is also replete with the rantings of intellectuals who have either exasserbated the problem or succumbed to their own demise without ever accepting responsibility or even understanding their culpability.

So any critisism of The nation of Israel that will allow other sick Jews or Gentiles or Muslims to benefit or increase their capacity to harm in any way a Jew physically or mentally is an absolute no no. This is not rocket science it is simple self preservation. Any lowley animal in the wild knows this and its about time we indellably etched this in our minds. It is a cardinal rule of survival.

Any critisism against a Jew or the Jewish Nation that is clearly biased and or ignores the Jewish Perspective is clearly immoral and intended to harm the Jewish Nation and is unacceptable. This is anti semitism and no amount of intellectual obfuscation can change this.

All anti semites should know that you will go down in history as the evil that allowed evil to flourish while you tried to harm the Great Nation of Israel. You are complicit in the countless murders and genosides that plague our world. You choose to turn a blind eye to these attrocities for money or out of the sick need to try harm the Great Nation Of Israel. You are so obsessed that you allow the evil to floursh.

I worry that lowenstein may fit into this catagory .
Posted by POWER, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 3:11:45 AM
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"The scary thing, Logic, is that your mindset steers pointedly towards Iran being invaded, or possibly a nuclear strike by either the US or Israel."

Where did I say that?

You keep on harping ad nauseum about balance of power and Iran's past record. These are some classical conjectures but as you know a good education enables one to think and adapt with the times.

What sort of balance of power would have stopped Hitler or Stalin on their mad rampages? What sort of imperialistic record did Italy have before Mussolini took power? What would have happened if any of these people possessed nuclear weapons?

How can you be so sure that Israel has a fully operational nuclear bomb? Where could they have tested it? What makes you sure Iran has sufficient technical knowhow to produce enough U238 for a bomb or to make a weapon system capable of delivering it?

My doubts come not from political scientists or philosophers but from a nuclear engineer with adequate knowledge and experience in the field. Think about all of this. Use your much lauded education. Mine by the way is a degree in Engineering.
Posted by logic, Wednesday, 11 April 2007 10:49:50 PM
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