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Terrorism as a disease : Comments

By Jeremy Ballenger, published 12/3/2007

Instead of regarding terrorism as an ideological bent, it may be better to regard it more as a communicable disease.

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We now live in a multi-dimensional quantum world(we always did) in which everything is quite literally interconnected. This quantum world operates by the laws of pyscho-physics: for every action there is alawys and inevitably an equal and opposite reaction or manifestation.
Our dreadfully sane normal world is awash with weapons of all kinds, especially WMD's.The politics and "culture" of fear rules! Dreadfully sane peace loving America accounts for 48% of the worlds armements trade. It has over 700 foreign military bases and 13 nuclear air craft carrier attack fleets.
I am not saying the USA is the only gulity party--it is certainly the biggest bully on the block. I read something the other day that the USA is even working on a new generation of hydrogen bombs. That action will inevitably produce a counter response.
Perhaps then, as a result of the laws of psycho-physics mentioned above, terrorists spontaneously spring up like mushrooms in the all enveloping darkness of the worlds collective pysche?

Also in my opinion terrorists are possessed by an unfathomably deep anger at both mum and dad. They are dramatising their unresolved OEDIPAL dramas on to the world stage in spectacular fashion.
Posted by Ho Hum, Monday, 12 March 2007 9:11:17 AM
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Ho Hum,
You said:
"Also in my opinion terrorists are possessed by an unfathomably deep anger at both mum and dad. They are dramatising their unresolved OEDIPAL dramas on to the world stage in spectacular fashion"

People do not become radicalised because they have personal unresolved conflicts with their mum and dad. The radical divide has an economic nature. People are radicalised when they encounter others who display a lack of empathy, sympathy and failure to intellectually grasp the obvious connection between one's own personal activities/economic benefits with the poverty (both emotional and economic) suffered by others. It cannot be denied, however, that resentment does breed terrorists.
Posted by vivy, Monday, 12 March 2007 1:01:20 PM
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I have sources of inspiration re my claim about OEDIPAL dramatisation. I will refer to one.Is anyone familiar with the Psycho-History school "invented" by Lloyd deMause and the associated work of Alice Miller.
DeMause and his many colleagues give a very convincing case re the roots of terrorism and ALL forms of violence. The roots being sustained childhood abuse.I used to read the Psycho-History Review in the Melbourne University library---very disturbing stuff altogether. For an excellent example Google Reagans America Psycho History.

Alice Miller was/is inspired by deMause and her own independent work. Her book on toxic child rearing practices titled FOR YOUR GOOD is well worth a read.In it describes/explains how Hilter came to power on the suppressed collective rage of the German people. She also gives a fascinating description of how almost everything that Hitler did was a projection of the deep emotional/psychic wounds of his horrible childhood. She does the same for the former Romanian dictator/tyrant Cecesceau (or whatever).
Another book worth checking out is Spare the Child by Philip Greven which again gives a disturbing description of the toxic child rearing practices of USA "conservative" Christians.

Another source of mine points out that our normal dreadful sanity is incredibly limited. He uses the metaphor of an iceberg, the massive bulk of which is below the surface.He points out that we are stick figures running around on the tip pretending that we are in charge. But in Reality both our individual & collective lives are moved by deep unconscious forces, many of which are murderous in their intent.
Posted by Ho Hum, Monday, 12 March 2007 3:01:39 PM
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Ballenger doesn't appear to twig that the very mechanism by which he is able to spread his ideas is also the revolutionary vector for the terrorist micro-organisms. The free web gives this age-old plague a an extraordinary boost. The only remedy would appear to be restrictions on the freedom of web users - i.e. effective regulation. What a surprise (to the techn-ostrich fraternity).
Posted by Dan Fitzpatrick, Monday, 12 March 2007 3:17:33 PM
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The Author suggested a list of points supporting the contention that epidemiology might be a useful approach to understanding and countering ‘terrorism’.

· describe clinical patterns;
· identify risk factors for developing a radical element in the community;
· identify causes or determinants of radicalization;

I have to agree to a point. But in the realm of international relations, risk factors for creating terrorists at home may be simply exercising the sovereign right to defend one’s nation by taking out hotbeds of anti “you” training camps. If this is in another country, such as Afghanistan, and it is perceived by people of the same religious faith in OUR country as an attack on that shared religious faith, then we have a very high risk of terrorist actions.

In U.K. it was purely

a) Shared religious faith
b) Perception of attack on that faith in other countries
which moved certain Muslims to feel a responsibility to express their solidarity with their overseas religious brothers by attacking their own Government.

So, contrary to Vivys sincere post, the evidence is, that at least in regard to Islamic terrorism, poverty is not the link, though in Sri Lanka I could accept this understanding in part.

INNOCULATION is always the best approach to communicable diseases. If we have the seirum, lets use it.
I believe the best innoculation against Islamic terrorism is education about its true nature.

Muslims in Australia, will hardly appreciate our concerns unless they see history as we see it. They prefer to see history as their victimization. The freedom they have in the West, is due to .....

-Battle of Tours 732
-Battle of Vienna 1650s
-Dismantling of the Ottoman Empire.
-Defeat of the Nazi’s, (in league with Mufti of Jerusalem against Jews) and Japanese.

Until Muslims can share our sense of gratitude to Charlemaigne (Tours) and Count Strobiesky,(Vienna) and the Allies, they will always see us as oppressors who stole “their” lands.

We can never allow political correctness to hold us back from uniform, compulsory history teaching ‘from our viewpoint’ in ALL schools, religious or State.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 12 March 2007 3:46:26 PM
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I have to hand it to you for having a sense of humour above and beyond the call of reason, Boaz.

>>Muslims in Australia, will hardly appreciate our concerns unless they see history as we see it. They prefer to see history as their victimization. The freedom they have in the West, is due to ...[etc] Until Muslims can share our sense of gratitude to Charlemaigne (Tours) and Count Strobiesky,(Vienna) and the Allies, they will always see us as oppressors who stole “their” lands<<

Face it Boaz, this is like telling Irish Catholics that they should be grateful that they were so thoroughly humiliated by King William at the Battle of the Boyne. They owe their freedom to it, even.

Or like telling Boers that if the British hadn't invented the concentration camp and imprisoned their women and children in them, forcing them to surrender and become British colonies, their descendants would not have enjoyed the economic miracle that was South Africa under British rule. (ahem)

Hey, it's like telling the Incas that they should damn well be grateful that Pizarro annihilated them at Cajamarca, 'cos Peru's freedom began right there.

History is in the past, Boaz.

We are all a composite of many, many strands, both at the macro level of the little fishy who came out of the water and walked, and the micro level of who were our parents and which town they came from.

You cannot, without descending into farce, select a couple of battles out of the countless thousands that have been fought throught the ages, and attribute to them some kind of special power.

The world doesn't work that way.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 12 March 2007 4:35:03 PM
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Boaz, your historical quotes seem very enlightening among the so many using what can easily be termed backyard fence philosophy, ideas coming from the top of the head, rather from deeper in the skull which Socrates must have meant when he said to let the thoughts run deeper.

Possibly Socrates just simply meant commonsense which can only be acquired through experience, as Socrates certainly must have learnt as a Hoplite, equal or better than any Spartan warrior.

Am getting too far on in years, worse luck, but do believe that unlike Boaz, we do lack the historical reasoning that can only be gained by either years of academia, or by attempting the same with deep reading where such books surprisingly lay more of the blame on state terrorism than on the terrorists themselves. Certainly the resultant body counts give very much proof to this, anyhow.

It is also so interesting that historical academics can witness historical playbacks in todays Middle East. Particularly in Dubai, where any practising historian would not deny that the tremendous ultra-Western modernism would not only be adding more support to the terrorists, but would have our historians agreeing that
it is not much different to Palestine during the early Crusades when the knights built grandeous castles, not only for protection but also to impress the beaten population. In fact, anyone who studies history would know that Saladin made a similar comment in a similar situation.

So it can be seen that nothing really changes, with Dick Cheney, not only the dastardliest of mercenary camp followers, but besides second in charge to Dubya Bush, now declaring to make his headquarters in Dubai.

Looking at the whole menagerie in the White House, especially among the Republicans, one wonders whether anyone ever got five out of ten in history outside of the Promised Land.

Sadly, dear Pax America has become so much like Rome when she threw out classic Greek reasoning to let her
Germanic barbarian centurions take over the throne. Looks like the neo-cons will eventually see to that.
Posted by bushbred, Monday, 12 March 2007 5:21:31 PM
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Unfortunately practicing jihadists don't talk to ivory tower theorists.

Much of this looks like a parody of a Counter Terrorism Textbook 101.

Author Ballenger can provide an "its like a virus" overlay to terrorism because there are one or two correlations - just like he could provide a market model overlay in his previous OLO article.

Security services are not as helpless as Jeremy would have us believe "...terrorist groups. They are ideally suited to moving about undetected, and continue to do so despite our best efforts at vaccination and control."

The outging head of MI5, DAME ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER, said in her oft quoted Nov 2006 speech on counter-terrorism:

"In the years after 9/11, with atrocities taking place in Madrid, Casablanca, Bali, Istanbul and elsewhere, terrorists plotted to mount a string of attacks in the UK, but were disrupted. This run of domestic success was interrupted tragically in London in July 2005. Since then, the combined efforts of my Service, the police, SIS and GCHQ have thwarted a further five major conspiracies in the UK, saving many hundreds (possibly even thousands) of lives."

Theories are commendable when groped at in context. While Mr Ballenger plays with academics hoping for a piece of the skyrocketing security budget he could balance it with some coalface context (like MI5's above) coming from his own city (London).

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 12 March 2007 5:54:34 PM
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Terrorism is a political act - not a religious one.

Studies have shown that suicide bombers for example - particularly those from "the West" - are typically well-educated, middle class and well-informed (albeit misguided) about their cause.

The 911 terrorists for example were Arab playboy types, and their team leader was seen drinking, partying and gambling the night before - not quite the act of a religious zealot seeking martyrdom.

It's not so much a disease as a symptom of something else more basic and visceral, and is also probably inevitable in modern society where groups are powerless to act in other ways.

Conveniently blaming it all on some vague notion of a master plan for some sort of secular world domination is a manufactured distraction from the real motive behind it.
Posted by wobbles, Monday, 12 March 2007 7:38:01 PM
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Maybe the 911 terrorists took out a bit of insurance by partying on before they cooked themselves. They may have had doubts about paradise and the 72 virgins waiting for them and not as gullible as their Mufti's thought.
Posted by SILLE, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 9:12:28 AM
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Bushbred (would love to have a yarn over the backyard fence with you!), Pericles and Wobbles, great to read some commonsense.

I don't quite know what to make of the article itself yet. Though it could be a different way of looking at terrorism. At least it is not emotive and gives the idea that a 'cure' is logical. Not yours Boaz, that only deals with Muslim terrorism. As Hohum I think that terrorism is more than just a case of ideology.

Terrorism of course has been around for a very, very long time. I remember well when living in London in the 80's, how life was dominated by IRA terrorism. It was quite scary. The IRA even bombed Brighton when Thatcher and her Liberals were having a confab there and killed a member of the Royal family. Boaz, the Northern Irish weren't feeling at all grateful about the liberating King William 400 years before.
Posted by yvonne, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 8:19:47 PM
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Yeah and I was living in London in the 80s when the IRA blew two members of the Household Cavalry and 9 horses to bits. A great day for Ireland...400 years ago?

A bit like 15 Saudis having a spat at their parents by bombing the World Trade Centre more recently...

All for good causes? If only young bloods could follow different billionaires...

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 8:39:01 PM
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A very impressive paper of critical thinking. I don't always agree with your opinions but I can't fault the method. I wonder if those who argued that cultural conflict between Muslim and Western civilizations cannot be partly explained by common and traumatic history; would apply this same reasoning to an explanation of their own history and its effect on their contemporary culture? In dealing with an ascendant Islam, we had better find a appropriate theoretical framework to allow us to critically interact with Islam; our history of interaction as two civilisations is one tool to understand the values and attitudes of contemporary Islamic culture.
Posted by Netab, Tuesday, 10 April 2007 9:35:18 PM
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