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The Forum > Article Comments > 'When the World is Free …' > Comments

'When the World is Free …' : Comments

By James Cumes, published 8/3/2007

The Group of Seven Finance Ministers have manipulated global capital flows, interest-rate impacts, and other factors, to preserve the American and other economies from a catastrophic collapse.

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Compounding all this is the persistent rumour that the US has been printing money in a totally conscienceless way. The 350 tons of $100 bills flown out to Iraq in 2003 comes to mind.. This is a most valuable, timely and insightful piece and I welcome it!
Posted by Johntas, Thursday, 8 March 2007 3:30:18 PM
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I think that the present economic system is unsustainable in the medium to long term for a number of reasons. For instance it demands an ever increasing economy inspite of growing evironmental limits. It also is accelerating the gap between the rich and the poor within countries and between nations. This, I believe creates anger and dispear which is fueling the rifts within society and amongst nations. This invokes behaviour ranging from vandalism to terrorism and all human and finacial cost associated with that.
In the 90s the US Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to stimulate the economy. This endebted the people and the nation. I know that the Fed is private. Can anybody tell me how owns it and who has it work for. Not for the good of humanity it would seem.
Posted by Whispering Ted, Thursday, 8 March 2007 4:07:47 PM
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This form of capitalism can not forever survive, its end will bring much pain.
What will replace it? well for me not a dream world we may be well advised to form a more caring capitalism before this system falls.
Those understand workchoices, the way it works and why it harms the already poor and why, should understand the need for a system that cares more about people than profits.
In just one whole lifetime we in the west have gone from wanting equality for all to imposing poverty for some in the name of profit or wealth creation?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 9 March 2007 6:16:39 AM
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