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Dying for a cure : Comments
By Rebekah Beddoe, published 23/2/2007One woman's story: from ambitious, successful career woman, to chronic psychiatric patient.
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Dear Rebekah. How awful - next time you're feeling down, talk to that beautiful labrador you have, and you will get better results. So who are the villians? Are they the scientific researchers, possibly on a bonus for any breakthroughs, the drug manufacturers meeting their profit targets for shareholders, or the medicos who have been educated to use, and feel powerful in using, the routine of examine-diagnose-prescribe-examine-diagnose etc. Take your pick. For goodness sake, life is full of ups and downs - why do we let a bunch of idiots "diagnose" things that happen and our reactions to them with a whole set of technical terms. "Bipolar" = north-south = ups and downs. When I studied psychopathology 25 years ago it was called cyclothymia, providing the ups and downs were less frequent than 12 days apart! Why call it anything? A name makes people believe they have got something "wrong" with them, and opens the door to the simplistic medical model of fixing it with a drug. The community is brainwashed that this is the right approach - ask any GP who sends patients away without a prescription - they simply go to another doctor who gives them one. The solution, if you don't have a dog who will listen and lick your hand - accept the downer, everyone has individuality and worth, things won't be like this forever. PS -naming a downer with the term depression usually makes things worse and more permanent.
Posted by analyst, Friday, 23 February 2007 11:49:55 AM
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Hi Rebekah - your story sounds so much like mine. The basic story is: 1. Had 3rd baby 1998 after 17 year gap - baby didn't sleep through until 3 years old! Major sleep deprivation. 2. Father died unexpectedly - 2000 - coped ok. 3. Younger sister murdered 2001. Stopped sleeping the night was informed - Major sleep deprivation. Told by GP I was depressed and given anti depressants with similar story to what you were told. Major anxiety attacks - increased medication. Changed medication - bombed out - huge weight gain. Changed medication. Added medication. Six years later noticed side effects eg insomnia, hypertension, numbness of feelings, sexual disfunction, akithisia +++ increasing. I read Breggin & Cohen and also Joseph Glenmullen. Decided to slowly begin reducing medication. So far I can cope with the withdrawal symptoms. Very scared about stopping Zoloft. If I had been offered some alternatives eg meditation, tai chi, homoeopathy, I would have jumped at the chance, but I was given the impression that the drugs would simply stop the "depression" (I believe it just plain old sleep deprivation)- perhaps a dry mouth or a bit of dizziness were the only other things mentioned. It seemed also that when I wanted to stop, there would be no problem. Not true. Nevertheless, I will be drug free by the end of this year. In the meantime, I struggle to find ways to repair my relationship with my daughter who does not recognise anymore the stranger I've become. Bravo for your writings. I'm looking to buy a copy of your book.
Posted by COTTAGENCOUNTRY, Friday, 23 February 2007 7:49:18 PM
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Mental Health is about Health and not "illness"!
There is no easy way to talk about this issue of Mental Health and the neglectful way drugs are administered. As you say... "these drugs can induce the very symptoms they are supposed to relieve". I am deeply concerned about the condition of Mental Health servicing in Australia, and the way the narrow view of doctors is supported by so many, especially nurses, who fail to advocate for their clients "well-being" when it comes to complaints about DRUGS and their side-effects. One treatment appears to be pushed on ALL! I pray that more people do speak up, and I pray harder that something happens to stop this abusive one eyed gaze of power over people who need real support. The thing that hurts most is how many people suffer so badly... from the side-effects, that they loose their capacity to advocate for themselves... becoming further alienated from society, by the projections that go with how one often feels (frustrated) and appears (distressed) from the result of the side effects. Many become totally trapped - drifting endlessly in a system that negates the knowledge and capacity of others in the human service industry... who could also help solve problems in areas of mental health. I am so glad you have come through this and I admire you for disclosing your own findings, through experience. I ask anyone intersted to visit < > where I have some interesting links, about prevention of illness and resources that may help others sort through the maze of difficulties that this industry presents to consumers trying to learn more about the side-effects of these drugs. The Mental Health Council of Australia an independent body has "THE KIT": A guide to MH self-advocacy . I wish more people would read this information and get community support to act on it.. Also the Queensland Mental Health Association has Certificate courses for anyone who wants work in MH.;ie=ISO-8859-1&amp;q=Queensland+Mental+health+association&amp;btnG=Google+Search&amp;meta= . Posted by miacat, Saturday, 24 February 2007 1:48:38 AM
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This is such a sad story. I hope many people read this article and come to realize the dangers of SSRIs.
Go to: http://www.ssristories for a list [with full media news article] of over 1,400 tragic cases of SSRI Induced Suicides & Criminal Behavior. Posted by elaine, Saturday, 24 February 2007 6:36:25 AM
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Let's face it. You've been through hell. Self harm is depression, regardless of the cause. If it's not physical self harm then it's mental self harm. Same, same. Your words describe a familiar journey, through all the promises, taking advantage of your weakened and desperate condition to trial new "treatments" on you. I refer here to ECT (experimental and has no long term benefits), CBT (latest fad psychologist self help book topic which describes how to think healthy. Question? : How do you think healthy if your mind is in the throes of self contempt etc?") It's rubbish and does not help those of us who have plumbed the depths. It works over the long term if you work hard, exercise, stay healthy and have luck with relationships, docs and support. Lot's of luck. Your words drift off into the esoteric dreams we all have. Why me? What did I do? When will it end? I want it to stop. All casting thoughts outwards looking for help, which isn't there. All we want is relief, We don't want to die although that often seems the only way to stop the pain. The help we all need is within Rebekah within our own minds. Not religion, no way, that's a cop out. It's in our hopes, our family and our future. (see the philosophising start here). Meds do help, just not too many at once as no one can then asses what, if anything, is helping. Try this link "" It's my writing. Lots of anger, doubt, seeking, rage, frustration, lack of motivation, all the ususal. But I'm out, out of the pit and not returning. Happy to talk with you if you wish as I think some of your conclusions are a bit off base although perhaps highly relevant to yourself, most importantly. My mission is to shorten the trip for anyone who cares to actually think and act rather than drift and pray. Irt can be done, and surprisingly quickly once you get a grip on the things that help YOU. Posted by RobbyH, Saturday, 24 February 2007 10:13:15 AM
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So sorry to read of the nightmare you've been living. It's another sad illustration of just how wrong doctors can be. They had one thing right though - depression is the result of a chemical imbalance. The good news you won't hear from your average doctor I'm afraid is that this imbalance can be corrected through dietary measures and nutritional supplementation. Several years ago I began experiencing many of the symptoms you described. Having gone to the doctors about a tremor I had begun to notice, he mentioned low blood sugar which led me to discover a little recognized condition called hypoglycemia. I started with the website which I would strongly recommend to anyone else finding themselves in this position. I am now feeling better than I ever have and looking back I realize that I have lived with depression all my life. Hypothyroidism is another condition that causes depression and is worth checking out. Hope this is useful to you in your continued search for answers. Posted by Bronwyn, Saturday, 24 February 2007 11:26:24 PM