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Newsworthy rape : Comments

By Helen Pringle, published 8/2/2007

As Geoff Clark recently noted, the Australian media shows little interest in 'typical' cases of sexual assault.

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It is very important to read what one cites. The Washington Post article is concerned with why a particular area in the US has a much higher percentage of "unfounded" allegations than the national average. It does not present the percentage of "unfounded" allegations as typical but as a puzzle to be explained. The article also points out difficulties in comparing statistics across jurisdictions that use different criteria of "unfounded" – which is why I have used inverted commas around the term, to indicate that while it includes false allegations, it also includes other circumstances (eg alleged victim's failure to proceed). But of course, fraud and perjury are extremely serious matters and need to be addressed whatever the sex of the person perpetrating them. Thank you for the comments on the article! helen
Posted by isabelberners, Friday, 9 February 2007 11:28:51 AM
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Aqvaris said: “There can be no justice concerning rape/sexual assault or date rape, as long as it is available to women to use as a tool to defame an innocent man and the woman face zero consequences for their actions. Like wise there can be no justice for domestic abuse nor parental child molestation cases as long as women can use these accusations to frame an innocent man and the women face zero consequences for their actions.”

Aqvaris this is obvious irrational thinking and sexism against women? You apparently think that women are the only ones to make vexatious claims against innocents. Defamation is about destroying reputation and you spend a lot of time deflecting from the main focus. Ironically, Aqvaris does so here by a rather sick group defamation of women. Lawyers also use privilege of courtroom to defame rape victims.

So to balance things “There can be no justice concerning the rape/sexual assault or date rape, as long as it men use rape as a tool to control women and then defame an innocent women to excuse his actions and the man face zero consequences for their actions. Likewise there can be no justice for domestic abuse nor parental child molestation as long as men can use these accusations to frame and innocent women and the men face zero consequences for their actions. “

Aqvaris your gender assumptions about women, especially, rape victims leads you to believe a doubtful presentation of stats and that rape accusations compares to actual brutal rape. Moreover, this supposedly widespread use of rape accusations to frame men doesn’t stop men from using public spaces - particularly after dark. Will Aqvaris’ defamation of women lead to accusations of rape being more readily dismissed?

But more importantly Aqvaris, RObert et al show what women are still up against in society. It is clear that certain men cannot stand that discussions on problems like the article covers tend to focus attention exclusively on women. So they howl: “What about meeeeeee!” This is petty and miserable behaviour.

Write your own article and address your own supposed problems?
Posted by ronnie peters, Friday, 9 February 2007 11:50:42 AM
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It is a shame that this article has sparked sexist responses that do not relate to the topic. Yes there are woman(and men) who are raped, but never get justice. Yes there are men(and women) who use the rape card to cry wolf, yes this causes problems when trying to level justice, quantifying blame does not pose a solution, however, nor does it tell us anything we don't already know. No doubt, this same narrow minded attitude stems from a desire for superiority and control, which is probably the essence of what causes some humans to think they can commit rape in the first place.

Helen, there are many "savage and contemptuous" crimes that do not make the headlines of newspapers, for varying reasons, not only rape. However as mainstream news mediums essentially provide sensationalism to attract readers/viewers to achieve profits for their shareholders, not provide justice to rape victims, I don't have a problem with this. Perhaps the legal system needs to be scrutinised here instead as surely your goal is justice for rape victims, not publicity.
Posted by Yalmad, Saturday, 10 February 2007 12:22:16 AM
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ronnie's peter

It is rational to expect that the whole of any situation be discussed and that if measures are to be taken that justice would be across the board.
If a man is to be punished because a woman can simply claim rape/sexual assault. That no evidence need be brought forward as proof. That papers are allowed to report unfounded charges of rape/sexual assault. Use the man's name, but protect the woman's. Men being guilty until proven innocent. That women hold no responsibility. All of this on one side and the actual cases of rape on the other. And the authors suggestion is that what the situation needs is more reporting. As in "Only when rape makes front page news whatever the ethnicity of the rapist, can we begin to talk of justice under the rule of law for its victims."
This you proclaim by argument is the highest form of justice.
I suggest that it is you who is irrational. Your every manoeuvre is to
perpetuate victim hood and continual anti-male sentiment and vilification.

The rest of your argument is an ad-hominem attack and specious.
The emotionalism that you put forward in place of reason does not put
me down. I have no gender assumptions other than the basic assumptions
of physiology. My concern is genuine and not indifferent to actual
instances of rape. And yes. One injustice equals another. That you
cannot see or refuse to understand shows the depth for which you
actually understand human indignity and suffering. To put female
suffering above male suffering is an inexcusable indifference.
And your little game of turning around my post. Yes. absolutely. I agree. I also think such crimes ought to be met with equal punishment. Rape and a false claim of rape be treated equally. Equal number of years in prison in both cases. Your two faced. I am about equality. Equality across the board and at no ones expense. Except the guilty
Posted by aqvarivs, Saturday, 10 February 2007 4:45:52 AM
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Is Geoff saying some rapes should go unreported?
I heard him hang up on that reporter and wondered why?
Rape is always evil and while Australian medea is not unlike any western medea, not to be trusted in my view we have every right to read about such evil.
Now why do I not trust our medea?
Those working in the medea have only to watch the decline in print medea in NSW to see the answer daily.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 10 February 2007 6:47:41 AM
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ronnie, you are getting rather tiresome with your pathetic attacks.
I have continued to try and deal with you in a manner that has been much more polite than you deserve but that seems like a waste.

In which of my posts on this thread did I "So they howl: “What about meeeeeee!” This is petty and miserable behaviour."

Time to grow up. What is your issue?

Your one sided approach to gender violence perpetuates the harm.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 10 February 2007 7:46:55 AM
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