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The Forum > Article Comments > Latin America: the pink tide > Comments

Latin America: the pink tide : Comments

By Rodrigo Acuńa, published 12/2/2007

There is a new commonality, regional integration and a shift away from US power in Latin America.

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A great example for an independent Australia to aspire to, instead of being the U.S.A.'s deputy sheriff, great article.
Posted by SHONGA, Monday, 12 February 2007 12:27:37 PM
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Hallelujah , the worm is turning.
Lets hope others follow
Posted by LivinginLondon, Monday, 12 February 2007 11:09:54 PM
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"If Chávez and his project fail, one can hardly see Brazil’s Lula (Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva) ... taking up the baton for regional integration"

What experience do you have of Brazil, Rodrigo? Because this really doesn't ring true to me. Lula has his faults, but lack of desire for integration doesn't strike me as one of them. Just not a Chavez-style integration based on class war, of course.

I never thought I'd find myself publicly defending Lula: comparing him to Chavez may well be the only thing that would do it.
Posted by Ian, Tuesday, 13 February 2007 5:55:36 AM
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Of course you will not read anything about Latin America in Australia's mainstream media. 'The world' exists out of Australia, the US, and the UK and what these countries may or may not selectively comment on 'the Middle East', 'Europe' (the continent), 'Asia' or 'Africa'. When you are bi- or multi-lingual and can read other language papers on-line you get a fascinating look at the world through a very different lens than normally seen through Murdoch, PBL or Fairfax media channels.It was great read your article.
Posted by yvonne, Tuesday, 13 February 2007 9:49:39 PM
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