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The fake morality of Al Gore's convenient lie : Comments

By Scott Stephens, published 20/2/2007

Environmentalism is the new 'religion of choice for urban atheists'.

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Some of the websites referred to in the post are indeed worth dipping into. For one reason or another.
The one recommended by All- I found very interesting indeed because it encapsulates, so well, much of the utter determination against acceptance of reason by many of the skeptics.
The particular web referred to concludes : "If you still believe you are descended from an ape, click here. If not, click here".
Darwin had his fight one and a half centuries ago.
Climate scientists are even now being tossed into the squared circle to don boxing gloves for the umpteenth round of basically the same stoush.
Human civilisation sure does drag a ball and chain.
Posted by colinsett, Saturday, 3 March 2007 1:51:34 PM
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Bennie "unexpected changes to the environment" is an anthropogenic construct. Just because we humans like order over chaos doesn't mean the climate does as well. It has no conscience nor does it understand averages or normality - it just is.

It is hilarious humans claim they know the reason for every climatic event that happens every day of every year. We are so arrogant to think we will ever understand our nebulous climate. The recent trend of attributing global warming to every extreme climatic event is pure folly. We can model, we can predict, we can do anything to make us feel more in control until the cows come home, but the climate won't listen to us. It simply happens.

If we have to continue convincing ourselves we are distorting the climate by our actions, so be it. The flip side is we can change our actions to have the climate we want. Whatever, but this waffle is deliberatly trying to create fear and parallels the rise of Catholism in Europe - fear over the masses and maintain the Church's power. The question is who is seeking the power? Are the masses debilitating the corporations to create a new world-wide socialist dynasty? Perhaps not, but whenever people have strong convictions they have a hidden agenda. The question is - what is that hidden agenda?
Posted by tragedy, Saturday, 3 March 2007 2:02:13 PM
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Climatology alone is not a singular Science subject; there are several disciplines that are a must;
Scientific breakthroughs are not a subjective based consensus of other like minded intellectualized anti –epistemology type psycopathy diseased afflicted, in any case; and if it is corrupted; then you know you are in deep poo poo.

The inference that the Proletariat mantra of: “The Sciences and Metaphysics are ours Comrade.” Is a supposed collective and consensus based principle; is only the antipathy of what it is to base knowledge second to a Psychopathic Ego.

It is called Totalitarian intent by deception and con; also used to enhance ones Wealth and position in society amongst the blighting Citizenry ignorance; Who Welcome the new massiah.

It is harder to understand how so many good thinking minds have become so Numb and dead;
That the obvious is no longer visible; and Worship their Twilight Zoned Idealisms and Super free ways to the garbage tip of dumb and stupid policies of meaningless junk.
Hale the New Junk era.

Intellectual Terrorism is what it is and nothing less Al Gore.
PhD in Advanced Idiotry hardly qualifies anyone to be anything other than a Shop front dummy. Politics aside.
Posted by All-, Sunday, 4 March 2007 5:31:44 AM
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Great conspiracy theories. I reckon you have the ticker to set up your own virtual soapbox. You certainly seem every bit as balanced and rational as other denialists.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 4 March 2007 8:46:18 AM
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I loved the way Four Corners, for people who still hadn't realised this, showed the link between the 'dangers of tobacco' deniers and the 'global warming' deniers.
Junk scientists/deniers were 'hired' and funded by big organisations to sow confusion about global warming now and about smoking effects in the past.

I'm concerned (but amused as well, I must admit) that a number of people (including OLO contributors) have obviously fallen for this crap.
Wake up, and deny the deniers now it's not too late!
Posted by Celivia, Sunday, 4 March 2007 2:59:32 PM
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Umm Fester, what conspiracy theory are you talking about? And what soap opera? ; The farting carbon trade off tax opera? ; Fairdinkum.
I must have missed something.

Don’t fret Celivia, if it is global warming, there is nothing anyone can do to reverse it; but you have to admire some imaginative people who actually have the arrogance and shier stupid gullibility to swallow it all Hook line and sinker. Let alone the Brainless nincompoops behind all this Idiocy.

There is a vast difference between skeptics and knowledge; and if people have become so silly that they can no longer distinguish between fact and fiction, and then it will not be global warming that will destroy them, it will be them selves. That is an irreversible and historical fact.
There is no polite way to say Pull your head in or else.

I give up
Posted by All-, Sunday, 4 March 2007 6:50:35 PM
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