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The Forum > Article Comments > What, then, does Pope Benedict mean? > Comments

What, then, does Pope Benedict mean? : Comments

By Mark Bahnisch, published 3/1/2007

When Pope Benedict made his remarks in his Regensburg lecture about Islam it was simply a badly chosen example. Best Blogs 2006

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Dear Boaz,

I think you're unjust in your accusations. With your last statement, you were racist and generalized millions of people. If you had read the Koran fully you will understand that murder is never right and that tolerance is necessary. At the time of Muhammad, he was persecuted by many, as was Jesus and you can't tell me he was ecstatic about it.

Also, I find it a terrible act on you that you actually use Saddam Hussein as an example of Islam. Then I can go off and make a comparison in Christianity with Hitler. A religion does not make a person. A religion by itself is a holy and beautiful thing, humans come into that religion and make it something horrible and vulgar.

Also, either you are ignorant or blind not to see the similarities between Christianity, Islam (and Judaism). They are all based around the same principles and in none of these religions does it allow torture or murder, yet when Saddam Hussein is accused of genocide his religion seems to have to do with it.

I am a Muslim myself and my very best friend if an Wicken and my boyfriend is Anglican and I have never been racist to anyone. But I must tell you that Jesus is also considered a prophet and of very high esteem. I felt as if you were trying to pin Jesus and Muhammad against each other, but I consider both men with a vision and good people. Plus Muhammad has never cursed anyone BTW. No one can prove a religion is right or wrong until they've died so having the battle of which is the right religion is a personal quest, not one to be debated over. Please don't degrade yourself my making racist comments and uneducated comparisons about a religion you obviously know little about.

As for the Pope, I am just so sorry that Catholics are generalized with him. I think the Pope, being well educated should've realized that with extremists littered in Asia he was only going to cause as uproar. Very foolish indeed.
Posted by Alia24, Thursday, 4 January 2007 6:15:43 PM
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Alia24, welcome to the Forum.

As soon as he is able, Boaz will respond to your thoughtful and balanced post with the most blatant, arrogant and condescending propaganda that you have ever been faced with.

Boaz has developed a reputation on this forum for his rabble-rousing anti-Muslim rants, invariably expressed in the manner of a schoolteacher lecturing errant seven year-olds on their lack of personal hygiene.

You need to be prepared to endure his constant harping on the theme of how wicked Muhammed is the pinnacle of everything evil, and how this corruption inhabits every one of his followers. This is inevitably contrasted with the purity, probity and compassion with which Christians conduct their affairs.

You might occasionally point out to him that not every Christian functions in this way, at which point you must bear the teeth-grindingly fatuous response that they cannot, therefore, by definition, have been Christians in the first place.

At which point you might be tempted to point out the obvious: that evil people exist in every religion, so it is logically impossible to blame their behaviour on the religion itself - it must exist outside that framework, however moral - or immoral - that framework might be.

If you were to do so, you would be thanked for your input, but guided - in a most supercilious manner - to yet another dozen examples of how wicked was the Prophet Muhammed... and you are back where you started.

We've all been down that road, so please don't feel that you are being singled out for special treatment.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 4 January 2007 6:51:28 PM
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Ratzinger gives the impression that he believes himself to be 'god above' and not merely 'one of god'. Have you seen the throne he sits on in St. Peter's? the Carving of God behind him? Shameful ostentation. How many children could the construction of such a thing have fed? Yeah, "do this in remberance of me". Looks like he really understood that one!
Posted by K£vin, Thursday, 4 January 2007 9:12:37 PM
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Dear Alia24, yes, -welcome!

As Pericles says, there is a pattern to how I relate to Muslims, and on the subject of Islam.
I must take issue with one comment of Pericles though, he said this.

[and how this corruption inhabits every one of his followers.]

meaning of course, 'you'. Normally Pericles has useful things to say, but in this case (as he has often accused me, sometimes rightly) he has grossly misrepresented my position.

I limit my condemnation to Islam and its Prophet. But I urge you to simply consider the actual evidence.

I do so in the spirit and confidence of Galatians 1:8 (please search and read)

Just to engage you on something you said from your post.
"Your last comment was racist"
No.. actually it was 'religiousist' and discriminative, but not racist.

Your religion and your prophet CURSES me because I'm Christian.

I don't think you even saw that..did you ? Did you note the sources ?
I gave them. Do you disagree with the Quran and the Hadith ? please let me know. I don't just paste material out of nowhere.

Now.. Ratzinger

Evidence that the Emperor Quoted by Ratzinger was correct.

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53, Number 386:
Narrated Jubair bin Haiya:

(Partial quote)
Al-Mughira speaking (on a mission set by Umar)

"Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:-- "Whoever amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remain alive, shall become your master." (Pericles, did_you_see_the_last4_words ?)

Kill non Muslims until the rest submit and pay up- LUXURY to killed Muslims. Sounds worrisome and worldly to me. You as a Muslim may consider this 'noble' but I as the 'target' have a different view.
The difference between this and organized crime is that the Crims don't promise a 'Luxurious afterlife' to the footsoldiers but they still want the loot.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 5 January 2007 7:04:18 AM
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Sorry Boaz, I should have said discriminatory, yet there's little difference.

I almost feel as if you're trying to tell me you know more about my religion than I do. I have been a Muslim for a long time and explored numerous religions. Please believe me that murder and hate aren't part of any religion. I actually went in depth of these so called "curses" and I thank you for the laugh. It's true non-Muslims are cursed to hell for not believing. But are you telling me, in your religion I will go to heaven, not being a Christian? Religion is a lot more simple than what people make it out to be. In religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam if you don't believe you will go to hell. Then I can easily say I do not want any Christians in my country if they're religion curses me to eternal hell fire. Of course those words will never be uttered from me because I know religion DOES NOT make a person.

I would advise you reading the whole Quran or living with a moderate Muslim family to truly understand the religion. There's a lot of propaganda by the media in order to gain support for the MiddleEast. Extremists are taking the religion I was quite fond of and made it something vulgar, please don't give them that satisfaction by believing in it.

I will say it now, and I hope this makes it final. If you kill anyone, it is murder (few exceptions as in self defence) especially the murder of women and children regardless, even in war. Being a Muslim I am assured that all of these extremists who bombed the Twin Towers and continue terrorism will be sent to hell. It almost seems as two different religions.

Oh and I should also mention that no religion can be forced on someone, in Islam your intention is everything. And don't tell me what I find noble because all you know of me is my writing style and religion and that much could've been seen with a census form.
Posted by Alia24, Friday, 5 January 2007 6:36:45 PM
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Ok. With assumptions and accusations flying left, right and centre, may I please begin by stating off the bat that I am proudly agnostic. I had a Christian Orthodox upbringing but at an earlyish age decided to trade my "faith" in a divine being for a faith in oneself.

Now before I start attempting to shield myself from the stones with my white flag, may I just point out that on a forum such as this it is obvious that its users will consist predominantly of thoughtful people with at least adequate levels of common sense and intelligence (regardless of their ideals - or their definition of adequate, for that matter). So clearly to use ones own interpretation of their faith on its own as a form of justification would be foolish. Does that not merely disguise the fact that every religion appears to have its extremist and its impressionable, who combined can make devestating interpretations of their own?

Perspective. To understand where another is coming from without having to necessarily adopt their views. An awfully empowering asset. Now because David, for example, uses a smug (shall we say?) writing style, has this lead Alia to interperate his parting "COMMENT" as an accusation rather than merely a form of engaging flowing discussion? It appears so. Is religion forced? Often, no. But in reality no human "forces" their kid to walk, or monkey insist their young must climb trees. It just happens...
Posted by meliorator, Tuesday, 9 January 2007 9:31:29 PM
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