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As Bush loiters - a Christmas toll : Comments

By Pierre Tristam, published 21/12/2006

As President George W. Bush delays making a decision on the Iraq war, more and more lives are lost.

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Brilliant article. Not much more can be said.

No doubt some mindless ignoramus on The Right will brand it as emotional rhetoric though.

Bush is nothing more than an empty, hollow shell; A pointless and tragic excuse for human life.

It's not hard to see how warped the priorities of the Christian Right (who overwhelmingly and dangerously influence American politics) are when a president can be impeached for lying about adultery, yet Bush, a heartless, brainless and barely literate little rich boy, can destroy an entire country more than it's evil dictator, devastate so many lives, breach so many civil liberties in his own country and STILL be in power! All this, from an unofficial "world leader" who never won an election legitimately.

Last time I checked, no one died as a result of Clinton's lie. But it sure does put some perspective on things when you consider that tens, if not hundreds of thousands have died as a result of Bush's lie.

Yep, the word "Democracy" certainly is losing it's meaning in a country that is apparently trying to spread it. And to think our own Prime Minister endorses him and wished him well in the 2004 "elections".

If there is any justice in the world, Bush, along with his cronies, will soon be arrested for war crimes, breaches of civil liberties and electoral fraud and then thrown behind bars for the rest of their natural lives - where they belong.

I wouldn't mind seeing Howard and Blair go down as accessories to war crimes either (if there's such a charge).

On a lighter note, here's some amusing (but somewhat concerning) examples of the intellect of Bush. Enjoy...
Posted by Mr Man, Thursday, 21 December 2006 12:56:41 PM
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It does make you wonder whether the cost of freedom is worth it when you read such one sided propaganda written in this article. The hate and ignorance for the US President displayed here says it all!
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 December 2006 2:38:08 PM
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Thanks Runner. Nice to see a Christian demonstrating that compassion is still rife amongst Christians.

OK, Enough with the sarcasm.

Can you back your assertions with anything of substance?

How am I being ignorant about the US president?

If this is just a propaganda piece, then can you give an example of that by telling us the other side of the story? And I mean with something that hasn't been proven to be a lie or seriously entangled in corruption like the garbage we've all heard before.
Posted by Mr Man, Thursday, 21 December 2006 4:56:13 PM
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As Bush loiters, is to be sure an appropriaate title for the unholy mess in the Middle East today. During this Christmas thus it will not be to give thanks but to simply pray for some sort of wisdom and understanding. Not from any of our religions much, however, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist.

So if our religions today cannot give us wisdom and understanding, nor the US, our one unipolar nation which has been forced to admit failure, what are we left with?

As Socrates would say throw out the Gods and in with the Good. Failing that try to find goodness within us. Strangely enough it is what was said to Thomas Aquinas by Muslim scholars around year 1200, to get Christianity out of the Dark Ages. So it was that Aquinas was the one Christian Saint who became a philosopher using Socratic reasoning to tone down the faith that made Christians believe that the only safe place was the one after death.

Thus from Thomas Aquinas grew the liberalism and freedom that gave us the Rennaissance, the Age of Reason, then the Age of Enlightenment, and our modern democracy, which incidently goes back more to Greek reasoning than to our Scriptures.

Sadly because the strong and somewhat brutal rise of liberal Christianity has caused the former more liberal Muslims to descend into their own Dark Ages, death being superior to life, the world is in the mess it is in right now - no credit to the Christian West for it, owing to our overwhelming greed for using up the world's resources, patronising ourselves by not worrying about the future of our own great great grandkids.

Guess maybe it is not so much the more illustrious wisdom and understanding that we need today, but just plain commonsense. Some lately have even begun to call it insight.
Posted by bushbred, Thursday, 21 December 2006 6:31:11 PM
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Very poor item. Does not appear to have been following current politics at all. Even poorer that this is published on an Australian site.

To me Bush has long been the biggest threat to all, his country included. Only Fox News watchers could believe anything else. Clearly such views do not involve any thought.

However,why do I say it is poor? :

Bush announced his "plan", late last night Australian time. Being to increase the size of the US Forces and the Iraq numbers as well. He has tried to avoid actually making this his "decision" by saying he is only asking Robert Gates to consider this option. Rubbish. Orders are orders.

This "plan" has been in the wind for some time, since the big report of bipartisans was published. Anyone who cared to research would have both heard and read this. As such I can only guess that Pierre didn't bother to include that in his item as it didn't fit with his pre Xmas rave. Or perhaps he doesn't have internet access or listen to media outlets.

This is seemingly the only recommendation that Bush can use and say he's following the will of the people. Clearly it is not what the majority of people in the US, UK or Australia want at all. Polls clearly show these people want out of Iraq. As do I, having also opposed the invasion since it was first raised as a possibility.

Yes, Bush etc have delayed any action. Why? Simply to give the public the impression the report's alternatives have been considered. Secondly he had to wait until enough of the Fox brigade had spouted their alternate views and tried to diminish the report's recommendations. Yes more lives have been lost because of that but Pierre's claims have no credibility at all.

Pierre. Comparing death rates is odious in the extreme. All deaths in such a war are avoidable tragedies.
Posted by RobbyH, Thursday, 21 December 2006 9:57:53 PM
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Mr Man

Your comments about the lack of compassion shown by Christians can not be backed up by any reasonable evidence. With this false premise you present makes many of your other statements dubious.

I have no problem with people debating the morality of the war but the article along with your opinion paints the US Prsident as the anti Christ himself.

To assert he has no feelings or qualms about the loss of life by people is just a cheap political shot. I take it you do not know the man personally. Your generalisation of Christians having no compassion is similar. Many have sacrificed much to help others in need. Just because someone does not agree with your view of politics does not mean they lack compassion.

The mood of the electorate was behind the President when He sent soldiers into Iraq. It now is obviously against him as their seems to be no end to the people of Iraq killing each other and anyone else they see as fair game.

I don't pretend to be an expert as to what the US should now do(although many others feel they are)but to point all the blame for the deaths in Iraq at one man is a bit rich.

THe article is titled 'AS Bush loiters - a christmas toll'. Have you at leat considered the toll might be higher if the US pulls out
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 December 2006 11:43:47 PM
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