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The Forum > Article Comments > How did we get into this war? > Comments

How did we get into this war? : Comments

By John E. Carey, published 19/12/2006

The Powell Doctrine's questions are on the mark when contemplating a large scale military effort like Iraq - so why were they not adhered to?

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How easy is this question, the U.S.A. wanted us to legitimise another war for them. So unintellegant intellegence comes to the fore, and Howard, Bush and Blair scare the living s#$t out of us, and in we go doing just what the yanks tell us to do, again. There will be many words written on this topic, but when they are all boiled down, this and oil will be the reasons.
Posted by SHONGA, Tuesday, 19 December 2006 6:01:09 PM
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I think Shonga is right to a point - however I think the reason for the war was more visceral - sure enough oil was a prize.

The Americans went to war for revenge - in real life the psycholgy of that nation resembles television melodrama more and more.

Their noses were bloodied by radical muslims - in spite of commanding 40% of the worlds killing, espionage and war making apparatus they failed miserably in their attempts to apprehend Osama so the next soft Muslim target was Saddam - who happens to be oil rich and fairly unpopular.
Posted by sneekeepete, Friday, 22 December 2006 8:46:22 AM
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