The Forum > Article Comments > Right v left or right v wrong? > Comments
Right v left or right v wrong? : Comments
By Charlie Forsyth, published 29/11/2006The real things we worry about are the mortgage or rent payments, the cost and availability of health care, child-care, education ...
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Australian press has been tightly controlled by Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer for 50 years and the media moguls have thought it was their right to only publish articles that promoted their world view. There is the famous story of termination of the first editor of The Australian - the newspaper started out with liberal views. The editor was called into to see Rupert and his resignation was announced - the former editor went to see every member of staff individually and told them "I did not resign, I was sacked".
Although most farmers are paid up members of the National Party they may not be aware of it, they only pay $2.10 or $4.20 or $10.50 or rarely $21 per year. Most of the party funds are provided by lobbyists. Many of the stated farm policies only benefit large farms not the family farm that has managed to double in size every generation, or worse stagnated and become less viable.
The current government has shown itself to be particularly devoid of equitable social policy - hell bent as it is on selling off everything of value, especially if it generates revenue. If health insurance wasn't a profitable business then the established large health funds wouldn't have been bought up by overseas concerns. I can remember when my wealthy grandparents became frail, the standard of health care available was considerably poorer than it is now because health providers, being very mindful of recouping the costs of their services, didn't offer expensive or lengthy treatments. And because most patients didn't have money to pay, when a patient with the wherewithall to pay came along the practitioners didn't have the experience to use the better practices. Hmmm maybe this is the solution to the aging population problem.