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The corporate and economic reasons for war : Comments

By Chris Shaw, published 10/11/2006

No dispute ever had to fly the conference table and take to arms. War is the greatest card-trick in history.

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An excellent article Chris but there is much more that could have been said.
Oil Politics and International Banking have been manipulating the destiny of mankind for generations.

I wonder how many people know that Hitler and the Russian revolution were both financed by Wall Street or that the Federal Reserve Bank of America is privately owned?
How many are aware of the direct link between Middle East Oil and America’s involvement in both World Wars, let alone current events?
How many know that the entry of the US into both wars (as well as Vietnam and several other theatres) were contrived and staged events?
Who knows that Ho Chi Minh was armed by the USA with weapons left over from WW2?
How many have noticed the trend toward private acquisition of energy and water supplies over the last 20 years by the World Bank?
How many are aware of the link between the Balkan war and Armenia, China and natural gas supplies from the Caspian region?
How many know that much of the oil they thought was coming from the Middle East actually comes from the Caspian area via extended pipelines?
How many know about the direct link between the establishment of national centralised banking systems in each country after wars and that these banks are all in turn centrally controlled?
How many know the history of the Rockefeller and Rothschild dynasties and their influence on world history?
How many know that the US (and our) education system was deliberately devised to produce workers and not thinkers?
How many know about plans to control global Internet content?
How many have even heard of the Club of Rome and the Global 2000 report that concluded that the world population must be drastically reduced by war, famine or disease?

The short answer is that not many do. The truth is that not many even care.
In fact, despite all their protestations, all most people really want is a quiet comfortable life.

Posted by wobbles, Friday, 10 November 2006 3:08:45 PM
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Other quotes you could have used were –

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson." - Roosevelt 1933

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." Disraeli 1844

"Fifty men have run America, and that's a high figure." Joseph Kennedy

"Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws." – Rothschild 1828

"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it..." General Douglas MacArthur, 1957

"The New World Order is a world that has a supernational authority to regulate world commerce and industry; an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a World Development Fund that would make funds available to free and Communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order." Former West German Chancellor, Willy Brandt
Posted by wobbles, Friday, 10 November 2006 3:10:02 PM
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Chris and Brushy
I’ve taken some quotes from the PNAC web site, and found myself amazed at how they ring true, and have been my own exact words without ever having even read them on this site before.
Reasons? simple the old ‘1, 2’.. Human nature and History.

Wobbles. the FED.. ok.. run with this. You really mean ‘Jewish_Banking_Cartel_Conspiracy’ right?
State it clearly then defend it. (Ted Lapkin.. r_u_reading ?)

My Own Assessment.
1/ Iraq Status Quo prior to invasion.

a) Sunni (25% of the population) held power AND... privilege. They benefited unfairly from the nations resources which were not allocated in any way reflecting the population ethnic breakdown.
b) Shia and Kurd. Neglected (deliberately) attacked, gassed, marginalized.

2/ Iraq and PNAC plans for its renewal.

<“In addition, the NEW constitution provides for a distribution of oil revenue along PER-CAPITA lines, preventing either the Kurdish north or Shiite south from hoarding the country's wealth”>

DO YOU SEE THIS ? and do you object to equitable distribution ?

USA guided Iraq=Equity for all Iraqi’s.
SUNNI guided Iraq=Oppression,Greed,Mass killings,

OBSTACLES to a fairly run Iraqi Government: (From PNAC... and common sense)

<“Nevertheless.., the Sunnis face two fundamental choices, neither pleasant. They can accept the new constitution, in which, as a minority, they lose their long-held dominance over Iraq. Or they can continue to reject the constitution and hope that a prolonged insurgency will somehow bring them back to power.”>

YES.. wars ARE about ‘resources’ Chris... grabbing them and keeping them and the suggestion that this is a sin of just the USA is almost a bare faced lie at worst or simple historical naivity at best.

The mind boggles. The “poor hapless Kurds” have in the past brutally massacred Assyrian Christians. (that is why they are so FEW) The Shia have been fighting the Sunni’s since the Abbasyds and Ummayyads (Hatfields and Mcoys of the middle east). Its about “who is the true Muslim” and importantly.. ‘who’ controls the resources. ? what a joke. Pilger ? Laughable. WHAT are they suggesting as an alternative ? ‘International Socialism’ –insulting !
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 10 November 2006 3:59:41 PM
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Those wicked, wicked bankers! It is enough to make me become a Marxist. Viva Chavez! Viva Morales!

That wars and coups take place for economic reasons is well known. I hadn't seen that angle before on the dismissal and I suppose it is quite plausible. That politicians are beholden to their financial backers is also well known.

That all financiers are in cahoots together in a grand global conspiracy is a bit far fetched. It just goes against the "you can fool some of the people all of the time" principle.
Posted by gusi, Friday, 10 November 2006 4:33:55 PM
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Yes, what you are saying is correct, Boaz, as the prime causes of war, mostly just pure hatred and greed.

But these should be only the causes of small wars, which in our modern situation should be looked into by Willy Brandt's New World Order, only a different name for Immanuel Kant's late 18th century idea for a World Federation of

Of course, we had the UN replace the failed pre-WW2 League of Nations. But then since WW2, we have had the growing might of the US-of-A, to which we had been so thankful for the role it has played against dangerous Soviet Russia.

But as regards New World Orders, not long after the end of the Soviets - in the 1990's we began to have statements from a so-called democratic US about a different New World Order, White House neo-cons blatantly declaring that the 21st century will belong to America, and don't you all forget it.

Before 9/11 we then had the US prodding the UN as well as the world about the need for regime change in the ME, especially in Iraq, but the US still allowed to expand its nuclear weaponry - with other nations, especially those in the Middle-East to have an eye kept on them by the UN. Meaning of course, not the UN but the US, which for long now has been operating the UN's buttons and levers.

So behind your little wars, you have the world's most powerful nation, with loyal Britain and Australia to assist it, virtually playing dice with small nation's problems in the UN.

Also, Boaz, we might well ask what has Israel's stock of nuclear weaponry to do with small nation's arguments? Except of course, Iran which with a nuclear Israel nearly next door, should have the right for itself to go militarily nuclear as well.

Finally, with the US Republicans now pretty well neutered,we might have the White House before a World Court, not only to look into America's illegal attack on Iraq, but Israel's unlawful store of nuclear weaponry, the US and UN both implicated.
Posted by bushbred, Friday, 10 November 2006 5:36:14 PM
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Dear Team

How sweet it is. Forgive my hubris, but you have no idea how good it feels to write the article - no restrictions on space - no robot telling you to buzz off. So thanks to Sue and OLO for the opportunity.

This damn thing nearly killed me. Marlene would have divorced me, but she is disabled - it was just a matter of keeping the phone out of her reach :)

I was hoping to start a new train of thought that dispensed with the usual fuzzy logic. Can any others pick up the ball? Sue and OLO don't bite. It's just a matter of having a go and going back to the drawing board if it doesn't come up to scratch.

Go on. Chance your arm at an article. Let's get out of the rut.
Posted by Chris Shaw, Carisbrook 3464, Friday, 10 November 2006 8:07:56 PM
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