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The Forum > Article Comments > Truth, West Papua and Indonesia: 2 + 2 really can = 5 > Comments

Truth, West Papua and Indonesia: 2 + 2 really can = 5 : Comments

By Adam Henry, published 16/11/2006

To be critical of the Indonesian military for its documented and appalling human rights record is not anti-Indonesian.

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Yes I think it was worked out that PTBI was full of the proverbial some time ago, which is why nobody has graced his idiotic ranting with further responses.

It is funny that the Indonesians think they can sway opinion with an idiot like PTBI (what do they have to be proud of anyway) on the payroll. They really must think the average Aussie is as dumb as the average Indo.

Maybe a moderator should delete his account since he really does seem to be an Indonesian government spin doctor, and a second rate one at that! :P Where's ASIO when we need them to deport, or arrest and interrogate foreign spy's such as this one? They could easily work out which computer in the Indonesian embassy his posts come from.

No one is falling for the propaganda of this hopelessly corrupt & immoral regime, and there'll never be respect with their attempts to warp history to their liking, as often as they like to try.

The hilarity of some of the comments is comedic gold.

I suppose they're just doing what they do best... biting the hand that feeds like most of the backward peasants to the north of us, with their massively inflated egos, and the ridiculous excuses for government, justice & military.
I doubt there's a nation on earth of any significance that actually cares about what goes on up there, let alone harbours respect for these animals.
When you look at it, they really are nothing short of a pack of inbreds, whom our government feels the need to be nice to, just because we're neighbours, and we have little choice when they're executing our kids.

Do they really think we see them as anything more than disgusting, hypocritical, terrorist sympathisers? I certainly don't, and as far I can see they should be given full membership to the Axis of Evil, treated accordingly, and not repeatedly welcomed into our arms with their habitual backstabbing, goat shagging, money grabbing, self interested behaviour.
It's like dealing with depraved children whenever this lot are invloved.
Who needs it?
Posted by Stomont, Wednesday, 29 November 2006 1:28:37 PM
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@Isaac Brock:

Aww, don't be so upset, brockie. I am merely trying to make Aussies angry as punishment for their arrogant behaviour. I realised a long time ago that most Aussies are too ignorant and too racist to have a coherent debate concerning Indonesia. In any case, Indonesia's internal affairs is none of Australia's business. We don't care what you think. So, why engage in such a futile and useless exercise such as debating Indonesian internal affairs online with Australians lol?


Indeed, the less the two countries Indonesia and Australia has to do with each other the better :-)
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Friday, 1 December 2006 10:29:46 PM
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PTBI you are no different to S (or is that Stormfront). Both rely on racist stereotypes and generalisations without ever producing one ounce of evidence to support your positions.

Neither engages intellectually with the article!

Indonesia, nor Australia, does not live in a vacuum. The article as far as I see is twofold:
1) Yes it is critical of the TNI's military record. However it makes no charges against the Indonesian nation or people. The article is as I see it urging reform of the practices of the TNI for the benefit of the Indonesian nation
2) The article is primarily focused on the Realist strategies of the so-called Australian Pro-Jakarta Lobby. Australian foreign policy is what is savaged in this piece.

Apartheid South Africa rejected comment on its internal policies and human rights practices on identical grounds to you PTBI.

They developed a self-sufficient economy to stifle the possible use of economic sanctions. It was only at the very end that its economy faltered. Indonesia, since the Time-Warner meeting in 1967, has not been self-sufficient.

To suggest that Australians are racist, while the Javanese are not, flies in the face of empirical evidence. While tolerance and multiculturalism might be heralded in your constitution that has not been the practice. You are very well aware of this P.
The most popular adverts on West Papua TV are for skin whitening products aimed at dark skinned indigenous Papuans.

There are Australians that are racists, but then there are Indonesians that are racists, Chinese that are racists on and on and on. Conversely there are hopefully many more of us who are plainly not racists.

Ludicrous to suggest that no Australians can comment on Indonesian affairs! In light of your own long list of comments (which must have you in the running for a BIN or Embassy bonus) that request is absurd.

Have a Merry Christmas and New Year PTBI.

Perhaps you should write an article for Online Opinion next year?

Posted by Issac Brock, Sunday, 10 December 2006 5:35:20 PM
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@Isaac Brock:

LOL, comparing Indonesia with apartheid South Africa is very hilarious. There is absolutely nothing in common between our superior and tolerant country Indonesia with that ridicilously unsustainable racist South African apartheid state. In fact, Indonesia has always been a supporter for black liberation in SA since the Asia-Africa Conference held in Indonesia in 1955.

I think it is more suitable to compare such a racist white regime such as apartheid South Africa with colonial country Australia.

Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Thursday, 21 December 2006 2:07:27 AM
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Issac (by the way it's Isaac. even PTBI knows how to spell that one), one would think if you're going to say things like "Both rely on racist stereotypes and generalisations without ever producing one ounce of evidence to support your positions." that you yourself might come up with that evidence which you accuse PTBI & myself of lacking. But you haven't produced one ounce of evidence have you? Man I hate self-righteous hypocrites whose parents made their name up by misspelling another:P
Btw, Stomont is a derivation of my name. Nothing to do with Stormfront, whoever the hell they are. But I must be a racist bastard since my best friends are Cypriate, Persian, Taiwanese & Vietnamese, and I'm engaged to a Peruvian. Must be a racist eh?

If you actually read my post, I was merely having a stab at PTBI, since I couldn't care less about Indonesia or the article.

If it weren't for his original racist attack I wouldn't have bothered posting.

PTBI, are you serious? Give it back to the Aboriginals? What, so they can pollute the earth with their fires again, or so you lot can come dominate them, and steal/mismanage the resources? I think they're better off with us to be honest.

How about RETURN PAPUA TO PAPUANS, or RETURN ACEH TO THE ACEHNESE or RETURN BALI TO THE BALINESE? Cuts both ways. Hell we had to kick you out of Timor coz they were sick of being murdered and tortured by "Indonesians".

You guys have disenfranchised & destroyed many more populations/cultures than we ever have, and at least we try to make amends, no matter how badly.
Another hypocrite.

Anyway, how about making a contribution to OLO that doesn't involve Indonesia PTBI, or are you really sitting in the embassy's propaganda department?
Posted by Stomont, Thursday, 21 December 2006 3:06:34 PM
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"PTBI, are you serious? Give it back to the Aboriginals? What, so they can pollute the earth with their fires again? I think they're better off with us to be honest."

How disgusting and outrageous! You whites already committed genocide against Aboriginals, stole their land, and kidnapped their children. Now, you are still so cruel and racist you dare insult and dehumanise these noble people? What a lowlife thief!

Return Australia to its rightful owners!


"Must be a racist eh?"

Yeap, as your cruel racist attack on the victimised Aborigines above clearly shows.


LOL, Papuans, Acehnese, and Balinese are ethnicities, all of them are Indonesians. Papua, Bali, Aceh, and other provinces already belong to Papuans, Acehnese, Balinese, etc.

That a bunch of genocidal thieves living on stolen land like Australians dare to call others as thieves is just too bizarre.


"Hell we had to kick you out of Timor coz they were sick of being murdered and tortured by "Indonesians".

LOL, weakling and powerless Australia never has any ability to kick anyone from anywhere. The fact is, it was Indonesian president Habibie who kicked East Timor out of Indonesia by giving them independence. We are now content seeing this unsustainable half-island enjoy being a failed state and the poorest country in the world.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Friday, 22 December 2006 3:47:47 AM
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