The Forum > Article Comments > Adult Themes - both X and Y-rated > Comments
Adult Themes - both X and Y-rated : Comments
By Mark Bahnisch, published 2/11/2006In her book 'Adult Themes' Kate Crawford has done anyone interested in the changes in cultural and social trends a great service.
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Posted by funguy, Friday, 3 November 2006 6:39:01 PM
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For as long as I can remember, the young and /or unemployed have been the victim of smear campaigns, fobbed off as "dole bludgers" or "slackers". But as the piece suggests, why would you bother busting your and showing loyalty to scumbags who are only interested in exploiting you.
If this is the case, things haven't changed much since the early seventies, when s-t kicker jobs in dirty factories, or even the plight of stay at home mums, paralelled today's "full-time" employment, such as preparing junkfood for ignorant pigs in americanised takeaways. No one male or female, young or old, black or white, enjoys being "screwed' by oafish employers encouraged into God-complex mental states by neoliberal governments. And when you are taken for granted you tend rather quickly to think of ways of withdrawing your labour to ensure you only "pay" your boss what (S)HE'S "worth".
As for Devine, she's only another of Howard's wedge politic divisive attack-dogs (in this case; Bitch!!). Making adversaries out of the generations or the sexes, like ethnicity, is another way of keeping a community split and easier for the obscured Morlocks who are the root cause for conflict, keeping us proles in line.