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The Forum > Article Comments > West Papua - still calling for its freedom > Comments

West Papua - still calling for its freedom : Comments

By Andrew Johnson, published 26/10/2006

Australians must call on our government to ask the UN to resume its decolonisation obligations in West Papua.

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While Australias treatment of aborigines is not something to be proud of, I am not aware of any indigenous Australians seeking refuge in Indonesia. From Torres Straight it is a small hop by boat to this veritable cornucopia of human rights and social justice, yet we don't hear of any asylum seakers there. Perhaps they are enjoying their refuge in a boven digoel retreat.

The fact is that Indonesia is extremely heterogenous and that if it does not get its act together on autonomy, human rights and social justice rebellions in Ambon, Aceh and Papua will continue again.

My grandmother had a huge painting of Soekarno in her living room. She used to tell us that Indonesia was so blessed with its human and natural resources that it would soon be the richest country in world with the best doctors, engineers and lawyers. Sadly we are still waiting for that day.
Posted by gusi, Friday, 27 October 2006 3:55:34 AM
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Actually there are lots of Aborigines who moved to Indonesia due to their intermarriage with Makkasarese fishermen who regularly visited northern Australia for centuries. These Aborigines were accepted and easily assimiliated into tolerant Indonesian society, unlike the despicable genocide and racial discrimination they receive from the white Australians, descendents of criminals. Indeed there is only one solution to this festering problem of human rights violation:


Indonesia already gave much autonomy to Papua, the central govt is subsidising development in that relatively backward province by Rp 10 trillion every year so it can catch-up with other provinces. The govt also gave thousands of scholarships each year for native Papuans to receive higher education.

However, the Indonesian people has zero tolerance for barbaric separatists who want to engage in a campaign of murder and genocide against the transmigrants who make-up 50% of Papuan population. Worse, these uncivilised animals want to challenge the integrity of Indonesia. Indonesian people will defend the integrity of Indonesia until the last drop of blood, they will never clinch a single micrometer from this unshakable position.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Friday, 27 October 2006 10:32:32 AM
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Joining your spouse overseas is hardly the same as risking live and limb to escape oppression.
Posted by gusi, Friday, 27 October 2006 4:07:49 PM
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Proud to be Indonesian, you must joking. So full of all the worst propoganda the Indo's have to offer. You are not a tolerant people in general, and I'm sorry but Indonesia is light years behind Australia, and most other civilised countries in terms of human rights, and have committed countless disgracefully violent acts in the name of their self proclaimed sovereignty over their neighbours. You are as greedy, if not more so than the rest of us, only ever doing that which is neccessary to turn a profit.
At least we give independence a chance with our small neighbours, and support them financially. You cannot say the same.
Like most predominantly Muslim nations, it's high time you looked at your own behaviours, rather than blaming the world for your problems. We know we aren't perfect, and don't pretend to be, unlike yourselves who are apprently infallible (kind of like your religion).

Also, the actions of your' so called justice system suggest that Indonesia supports Islamic militants, and their murderous acts, making you complicit in whatever evil they do. This has been proven by the release, or reduction in sentence of those reponsible for the various bombings which have occurred recently.
The only reason Indonesia is interested in any of these tiny islands is if there is a perceived profit to be had.
Get off your' high horse. You only breed contempt with your self righteous rubbish.
If the West Papuans want independence, why shouldn't they have it? Indonesia seems to think it's entitled to every nearby piece of land with a population too weak to resist them. I'm sure the Indo's would have invaded Australia in a heartbeat, if it weren't for the yanks waving a massive stick around the Pacific rim.
Posted by Stomont, Friday, 27 October 2006 10:15:29 PM
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PTBI: "However, the Indonesian people has zero tolerance for barbaric separatists who want to engage in a campaign of murder and genocide against the transmigrants who make-up 50% of Papuan population. Worse, these uncivilised animals want to challenge the integrity of Indonesia. Indonesian people will defend the integrity of Indonesia until the last drop of blood, they will never clinch a single micrometer from this unshakable position."

You really don't like penis-gourd-wearing Highlanders, do you? Don't like them keeping pigs, do you? Your hatred shows who is really the savage here. As for your population figures, shows us all why you wanted West Papua in the first place: rape of resources and lebensraum. I use the German word deliberately.
Posted by Viking, Saturday, 28 October 2006 11:55:28 PM
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LOL, you are firing blindly, mate. First of all, I am not a Muslim, and Indonesia is a secular state based on Pancasila. In fact, Indonesia is the most successful country in the world in crushing Muslims extremists, from annihilating DI-TII rebellion in 1950s till crushing international terrorism today. Indeed, as humans, we Indonesians are not perfect, however we have heart and compassion for others. That is why we remain strong in our belief that nothing can justify the barbaric genocide and theft of land committed by the despicable whites against the defenceless Aboriginal people!




Au contraire, mon ami. We Indonesians love the penis-gourd very much. I also love eating pork, it is my favourite meat! :-)
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 6:37:08 PM
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