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Al Gore’s movie meets its match in Stockholm : Comments

By Bob Carter, published 13/10/2006

KTH meeting shows that dangerous global warming remains unproved.

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Anti-green “7. How important is statistical variation and unpredictability in a non linear climate system?”

“statistical variation and unpredictability “ is a critical, nee, fatal flaw in any model or prediction system.

“Valid” prediction systems have to have a high degree of reliability to be worth anything, otherwise they are just hunches, gut feels or “a liking for the colour of the horse”, might as well go feel a piece of seaweed if the bureau of metrology cannot come up with reliable predictions!

No one would not want to take a course in chemotherapy on the basis of a faulty test for cancer.

Bushbred “You smart-arses had better be right about the falseness of AL Gore's Message of Global Warming.”

I wonder if bushbred is prepared to be named and cited for gross waste of public resources when we find the hypothesis he is supporting, through Gore, is a political scam?

Two questions

Does what has happened irrefutably prove what will happen?
Are predictions infallible?

The doomsayers have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of time.

They have been wrong every time.

Simply because Al Gore, with a political agenda and a few scientists, with a lust for funding predict the demise of life as we know it does not mean we are on the edge of the abyss of human survival. Other scientists predict differently

Certainly their are a lot of things we can do and should do to improve the lot for the future of mankind. I would start with developing a contraceptive which could be introduced into the water supply of every third world country to stop them breeding beyond their economic capacity (the developed nations having already come to terms and effectively implemented a voluntary standard for population control).

Fix that problem and we fix all the side effects of deforestation, over fishing, greenhouse gases etc etc.

Chris C because you do not understand q7 does not mean it lacks sense.

The time for action is always now, it is just a question of which “Action”.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 15 October 2006 10:57:37 AM
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The green/left have been at pains to point out to anyone who will listen that they think GW Bush is a moron. Yet, they would now have us believe that the guy who lost out to that moron is some sort of visionary thinker. Lets get this clear, Al Gore came second to "dubbya" and has an ego that needs recognition by the bucket load. It isn't hard to tell which is the cart and which is the horse.

The key point about the so-called Global Warming threat is that both the reserach into cause and effect, and the research into any necessary solutions is in it's infancy. In computerised terms we are still back in the days when a 1 megabyte computer capacity cost $4 million and occupied a whole room.

The question for us costodians of the interests of "future generations" is whether they would rather inherit the $4 million in unpaid debt on a drawn out partial solution, or wait a few years and fix the problem quickly, cheaply and properly with a $1000 lap top?
Posted by Perseus, Sunday, 15 October 2006 11:10:05 AM
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What exactly is being done, Perseus? Nothing that I am aware of. Governments aren't limiting low lying developments. Even the consideration given to limiting damage from storm surges is laughable.

The warnings by scientists of drier conditions were totally ignored by the planners (Maybe they were waiting for a $1000 laptop?), resulting in the water supply shambles apparent nationwide today. There was also no thought as to how water resourses could cope with the high levels of immigration: Given the political influence of pro-immigration interests there is no likelihood of any reduction despite the fact that it is making the water problem much worse. The potential for individual water saving measures like tanks and grey water recycling for gardens and toilets is seconded to fixes potentially involving huge cost hikes for consumers and some extremely unpopular deals for privately funded infrastructure. (The fact that many privately funded infrastructure projects return many times the initial outlay of the backers makes ludicrous the claim by many public figures that privately funded infrastructure is necessary because publically funded projects dont return the profits."

Even the drive for fuel efficiency and renewable fuels is largely due to the instability in the Middle East, so I guess that is one thing that Bush deserves credit for.

The politicians make a point of regularly expressing concern about the effects of global warming though.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 15 October 2006 2:23:06 PM
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hey Bob ever thought of becoming a tabbco lawyer I hear the pay's good!
Posted by Kenny, Sunday, 15 October 2006 2:31:08 PM
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Who's pulling the professor's strings for him to present his very own "Uncertain Truth" in such biased fashion, thus manipulating public opinion?

The good professor failed to mention that some 300 NASA scientists concluded that there is a synergistic interaction between ozone depletion and greenhouse warming.

And scientists have concluded that 75 - 85% of the ozone destructive chlorine in the stratosphere is from human activity (, with the balance from natural causes. There is a marked increase globally of cataracts, skin cancers and genetic disorders linked to ozone depletion. Chlorine based chemicals can take up to 15 years to reach the stratosphere but remain in the atmosphere anywhere up to 50 - 200 years.

Why has he not included in his assessment, the devastating impact of fossil fuel emissions on human and animal health and the environment?

Why does he not give us some figures on the increases of CO2 and all the other chemicals in the atmosphere clearly caused by human activity?

And why is he purporting that scientists have reached a firm conclusion on the matter of global warming?

He will need to realise also that ground ozone is now a very real threat to health - all from human activity and the use of fossil fuels!

Here's some data for the prof. to peruse. The following emissions, courtesy of the federal government, are just part of its annual estimate of one specific small company in my region. Could the professor please assess how many stacks there are spewing out hydrocarbons (some Cat.1 carcinogens) including greenhouse gases, just in Australia, and then multiply the total by the following figures. That way he may get an indication of just how toxic this planet has become from human activity. The federal government has rated these figures as "LOW".

SO2 = 37,000,000kgs. CO = 3,100,000 kgs. N20 = 100,000 kgs. Particulates = 3,800,000kgs. Cyanide = 31,000kgs. VOCs (as benzene) = 100,000kgs. Mercury = 7,700kgs and many more!

Hello Professor Bob - are you there? Anybody home?!
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 15 October 2006 10:56:11 PM
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Since the dawn of time, humans have known that COMBUSTION leads to dire health consequences. More recently, high tech combustion processes have produced nano- particulates which according to a combination of Prof Peter Doherty and new high efficiency nano-particulate drug delivery systems, is inflicting ever increasing levels of CHRONIC disease on populations even though we are living statistically longer lives.
However since the dawn of time humans have also known that without COMBUSTION you die.

Thus there has always been that trade off and until technology can give us solar/nuclear/geothermal power at equivalent DENSITIES to combustion it will remain so. So dickie .. just drop it unless you have specific companies breaching clean air standards or unless you want to die fom lack of energy.

On to climate change:

Stockholm has ruled out global warming yet climate change (severe ectopic weather) is a major problem across the planet.

However studies I have done on US coastal waters this hurricane season are suggesting that IF humans reduce the amount of heat trapping colloidal matter in coastal WASTEWATERS, heat is removed from ocean surfaces to the POLES before it can build to levels that will sustain hurricanes or in Australian latitudes, DROUGHT.

So there are now 2 environmental problems that are solvable if we are smart, and anything else will have to wait till technology catches up with our appetite for sexual gratification and overpopulating this planet:

1* WASTEWATER emissions into coastal waters

2* rogue companies that save a few dollars on gas bills and don't
incinerate toxic air streans. I have personal experience with one such Company, a packaging company.
But we can't fight this issue by harping about global warming that is NOT taking place.
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 16 October 2006 6:23:06 AM
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