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SIEV X - a helpless human cargo : Comments

By Tony Kevin, published 12/10/2006

The fifth anniversary of the sinking of SIEV X: and why it still matters.

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Dear_CJ,Wobbles_ and_ Sneeky.(Thanx2divergence)

It appears that CJ has deliberately scanned my posts of any morsel of data which can be repackaged under Marilyn’s banner “Bad Christian”.

Why you have deliberately neglected to take my comments in CONTEXT ?
That being “relative priority of fixable and less fixable tragedies”.
-like herding of Aboriginals into reservations was less deserving of sustained attention?

Then, you went one step further “I guess thats what differentiates me from you”... which sounds a lot like a particular Pharisee(Luke_18:9-14)

"Two men went up into the temple to pray;
one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector.
The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself like this:
‘God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. (OrBOAZ, the AFP_and Coalition)
I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.’But the tax collector, standing far away, wouldn’t even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying,
‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted." .

My problem with Tony Kevin, and Marilyn S etc. -They are like the Pharisee.
But claiming “political” righteousness, while they themselves are undermining the whole country.

Me ? I don’t claim any particular righteousness, I point to Christ’s. I recognize that I am a weak and shameful human.

But I know blatant, scurrilous political opportunism when I smell it, and the STENCH of it in Tony’s article is overpowering and sickening.

The deliberate, calculated misuse of immigration for political ends by ethno religious/leftist groups is tantamount to WAR, and our treatment of such is accordingly harsh.
The ADF are right. “enemies” some of which are from ‘within’.

There are MANY dehumanized people closer to home. Much higher in the “need” pecking order.
Why focus on these foreign opportunists who chose to cross the highway in front of the 18 wheeler ?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 13 October 2006 11:58:19 AM
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I think a lot of people here are missing the point. The hypothesis declared in the 6th last paragraph does make sense. Therefore, don't we as Australians have a right to be told by those in charge of our national security what was going on and why our security was being targeted by elements of a foreign government. The real criminals were the people smugglers (not the innocent refugee victims) and those in Indonesia using them for political purposes. That is the real question that is being ignored in all these stupid posts.
Posted by rogindon, Friday, 13 October 2006 1:57:13 PM
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And another thing. The people who died (mostly from Iraq and Afghanistan) were overwhelming genuine refugees and innocent victims. The regimes they fled were so extreme and vile that we were prepared to send our troops to free the people living there. You can't get a refugee situation more extreme than that.
Posted by rogindon, Friday, 13 October 2006 2:04:36 PM
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BD The skeemeister rejects your lumping him in with others

Tony is pursuing a point of veiw he is a bit of a pedant but he's having a go - as I said above that is a real Aussie value - if there are questions to be answered let them be aired - if the truth brings down the nation so be it.

And as for WAR give us all a break - we always seem to get back to this theme of us being over run by them - the randy proslytising immigrant theory - so powerful and persuasive we must with stand him at every turn - fight them on the beaches (oops we already done that in Cronulla)

Being an objective critic of policy is hardly being an enemy from within - it might make you a realist though - what does it matter that some of us reject every thing or some things the government says or does? and argue in every forum that they are wrong misguided or inept - so what if it undermines harmony and security? if it cant with stand the criticism it and all around it deserves to crumble to dust -

If we are at war and you contend we are - being white anted by the ethno-religious left must only be the beginning - there must be a next step surely - what do you think it is?

- what do you propose to do with us? - what do you propse to do with the likes of me who think our immigration policy is evil spiteful and rascist - who thinks the war in Iraq is a sham as is the war on terror? - sure there are terrorist but personally I dont give a damn ; because in the scheme of things they have done not much.

what is yout logical conclusion to deal with the likes of Tony, Malcolm Fraser, Julian Burnside, David Marr, David Williamson, Ex Governor General Dean, Petro Giorgiou -education capms - perhaps rendition to Christams Island?
Posted by sneekeepete, Friday, 13 October 2006 2:15:22 PM
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Tony Kevin,
You should build a permanent memorial where the SievX sailed from, as a constant reminder to others that the voyage to Australia is hazardous. The sinking of the SievX is a matter for Indonesia but I reckon that for your approaches to them, for a inquiry, you were told to go and jump. So you are trying it on here.

The facts are that the SievX was unseaworthy and grossly overloaded.
Some passengers demanded to be let off,and were, well before she sank. It was not the first siev vessel to sink on such a trip. The people the Tampa picked were from a sinking boat.

A year or so ago, a bloke called Smith and Marylin Sheperd put the same article in another blog. They then claimed ADF personel were racist because, according to them, Sievx people were left to drown. They also said that a much greated effort was put in to find the missing Aust Customs boat off Cape York "near where the SievX sank",to make their "racist" point.
Sievx sank near Indonesia some 3000kls from Cape York, but stretching the truth does not matter to these people.

The claims by Kevin and Sheperd should not be given the time of day.
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 13 October 2006 2:35:03 PM
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It must be a girl thing as boys always tell me they cannot think of two things at once.

DB seems to think it is immoral to seek protection from persecution when in fact it is a universal right in global law. What is immoral is dropping bombs on people in another country just because you can.

Wobbles, I never write anything until I have the facts at my fingertips and on this story I have spent 5 years helping to find those facts.

It is a fact that the AFP were organising phoney people smuggling exercises, sinking boats and using bribes and training the Indon. police. They still are.

In each and every case before the TAMPA there were no 'people smugglers" talked about, simply because the reality is that Australia knew very well there were none.

In October 1999 Ali Bakhtiyari gave DIMA the name and address of a Pakistani "smuggler" named Hassan Ayoub and his side kicks name. This Ayoub continued unabated until after the TAMPA and when he was finally charged he was not charged with the boat that brought Ali, Roqia and his kids in 2001.

Do you know why? People have a right to come to Australia to seek our protection under the refugee convention therefore they are not being smuggled into Australia. The only place smuggling is required is out of their own countries and into nations that have not signed the refugee convention and who send people back to their deaths - like Malaysia and Indonesia.

OK? Now I want to know why those people died and why the feds never tried to get Abu Quassey.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Friday, 13 October 2006 3:28:14 PM
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