The Forum > Article Comments > 'An Inconvenient Truth': climate change is indeed a moral issue > Comments
'An Inconvenient Truth': climate change is indeed a moral issue : Comments
By Bob Carter, published 20/9/2006Al Gore nails his colours firmly to the climate alarmist mast.
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Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 10:13:27 AM
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Gadget. It appears that I misquoted the political scientist mates figures...your figures were correct.
Mea culpa! Should check my data. Cheers mate. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 12:27:22 PM
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From US Senator James Inhofe:
The National Academy of Sciences report reaffirmed the existence of the Medieval Warm Period from about 900 AD to 1300 AD and the Little Ice Age from about 1500 to 1850. Both of these periods occurred long before the invention of the SUV or human industrial activity. Scientists believe the Earth was warmer than today during the Medieval Warm Period, when the Vikings grew crops in Greenland. Will you be able to live with yourself for opposing the Kyoto Protocol?" My answer is blunt. The history of the modern environmental movement is chock full of predictions of doom that never came true. The alarmists freely concede that the Kyoto Protocol, even if fully ratified and complied with, would not have any meaningful impact on global temperatures. I firmly believe that when the history of our era is written, future generations will look back with puzzlement and wonder why we spent so much time and effort on global warming fears and pointless solutions like the Kyoto Protocol. French President Jacques Chirac provided the key clue as to why so many in the international community still revere the Kyoto Protocol, who in 2000 said Kyoto represents- "the first component of an authentic global governance." Comment: Inhofe does not mention the most vitl evidence for falsifying Greenhouse warming. At May-11-2006 there was more heat in the tropical Atlantic than the disasterous 2005 season. Since then the heat profile reversed to 50% less heat by July31 and consequently there were NO US hurricanes this year. Only a man made intervention could achieve a turnaround in such a short time. THAT MEANS Climate Change is CONTROLLABLE and that means greenhouse warming is FALSE. ITM, the NSW coast is looking CLEANER on the SHA maps. There is an artifact problem with the maps however and I will present current reports when that has cleared. Posted by KAEP, Thursday, 5 October 2006 11:59:35 AM
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Isky “What do you consider major development?”
Well in terms of medical development we can start with heart bypass surgery, a development my Dad needed but was not available, thankfully, both my brother and I have benefited considerably. Artificial joints. My mother was an early user in 1960’s. After the third one her hips collapsed and she was invalid. Today, medical and metallurgical developments mean her hip would have lasted a lot longer. The treatment of waste products and the improved technologies developed and developing around recycling – all those plastic storm pipes from recycled plastic, instead of using virgin new materials and creating more landfill. Agricultural technology has improved cropping rates on most crops. Of course, the entire micro electronics revolution and communication developments from mobile phones to internet are really just by-products of the evolved search starting with a navigation controller for cruise missiles. “Social development” has been marked by a breakdown of social class/caste order (a good thing) and a greater respect for individuals and individuality. Hence homosexuals can express their individuality with other consenting adults without fear of prosecution. Women have the vote and are treated, by advanced societies as equal to men, although in some matters some of them think they are entitled, erroneously, to be treated better and have preferred job opportunities despite broken work attendance due to pregnancy etc. Work attitudes are slow to change but the job-for-life attitude is one which has gone and that’s a good thing. Diversity is what makes for a happier life, generally. We come back to why live at all – and my humble view is to develop as an individual as much as possible. Any strict social order will repress such growth and hence the past 100 years has seen the greatest revolution in history as we continue to extol the individual and their individual sovereignty, versus their subordination to a social system or order. All human knowledge drives us toward recognising the sovereignty of individuals and the gross immorality derived from the assumed authority of power groups of church, state and political groups etc. Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 5 October 2006 12:14:52 PM
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NOAA Sea Height Anomaly maps are UnServiceable. NOAA has at least one bird down.
The SHA maps have been UnServiceable for over a week now. This is an important time where I need to convince NSW authorities to clean the NSW coast of wastewater effluent, lower coastal entropy and so undo this year's bushfire threat. Although the current maps are showing definite signs of a cleaner NSW coastline, the maps have too much artefact to be presented with confidence. Maps: Sept-25 (Normal pollution of NSW coastal waters) Sept-30 (marked improvement in NSW coastal pollution profile) Oct-2 (Bigger improvement in pollution profile but artefact lowers confidence level) Posted by KAEP, Thursday, 5 October 2006 12:26:13 PM
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Climate change is indeed a PRACTICAL issue.
A major heatwave is predicted for next week following hot Foehn like winds from the Nth West set to flow down to Sth Australia and across to the NSW coast. The Sea Height Anomaly (SHA) maps from NOAA are now reliable again and show that the NSW coast is now as polluted as ever. Sept-30-06 Oct-7-06 Oct-7-05 (Reference) This pollution or high entropy WILL attract built up heat now over the Plbara in NW Australia. Wastewater effluent discharges along the NSW coast can be temporarily suspended to mitigate this coming heatwave event. The consequences of not doing so will be a drying out of NSW and Victoria, setting the stage for Bushfires for the following week and for a general accentuation of existing drought conditions. Posted by KAEP, Sunday, 8 October 2006 5:35:41 AM