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'Mal'administration : Comments
By Graham Ring, published 24/8/2006Sheriff Brough rode into the Indigenous Affairs portfolio with six-guns blazing but he is starting to look like a loose cannon.
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Didn't you watch Lateline a couple of nights ago?
Judging by your Tony Abbott style claptrap about "mutual responsibility" you didn't see a beautiful example of an allegedly qualified WHITE ADMINISTRATOR stuffing up an educational and social welfare infrastructurefor the community placed in dependence upon him.
A white person is put in charge and because of bad planning by whites is probably able touse the Mutitjulu community as a private piggy bank. How then are the indigenous people of that community subject to "mutual obligation", when they have a white-imposed system buggered up by white people? Will they even be expected to make the good the money "lost" by white scavengers?
Your blame the victim mentality ignores the fact the colonisation has ruined indigenous culture, hence indigenous people, over two hundred years. The people confined to the margins, unlike the descendents of the squattocracy, can't hop into the Merc and trundle down to the Vaucluse or Toorak branch and transfer a whack of "old" money to sort out their personal problems.
Actually, any "obligation" more likely rests with the likes of Brough and others who benefit from the system; not its victims.
And when someone has the guts to point out a travesty for what it is, out is trotted the old "left" smear, to silence justifiable criticism.