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'Mal'administration : Comments

By Graham Ring, published 24/8/2006

Sheriff Brough rode into the Indigenous Affairs portfolio with six-guns blazing but he is starting to look like a loose cannon.

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Wonder if Graham saw latest "Lateline" (23/8) foray into unhappy goings on problems involving a school in general location of Mutijulu.
Much, much better than previous more sensationalistic effort that drew fire from "Crikey".
This viewer was really left feeling for the earnest, decent educators at the school, both white and black, messed around so badly over many years by a poorly set up system and likely incompetent, possibly even corrupt white administrator.
Both state and federal government ideology and competence was called into question this time, although not identified exactly or overtly.
But it seemed, at least Lateline was pointing its finger in the right direction this time.
Posted by funguy, Thursday, 24 August 2006 10:11:27 AM
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Brough is a "typical" straight conservative, he is interested much more in a sense of his own prestige than the subject at hand, he will work "at" Aboriginal Australia, but he won't work "with" them.

It is yet another sad case of the general failing of conservative politics to address the needs of ordinary people, Thacherism if you like.

Thankfully the lumbering apathy of the Australian public in general is ever so slowly realising that it is worse off after a decade of this government, then it was before it arrived.

Eventually there needs to be a third force in Australian politics, which encompasses the aspirations of the majority of the Australian electorate, black, white or brindle. [no disrespect meant]
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 24 August 2006 10:28:33 AM
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Surely the behaviour is just a bad example, bad because refutable, of politics as played.
Find a sensitive point, misuse of money, rebelling against authority, sexual miss conduct, particularly involving children, a real emotional billboard and one has current politics.
What happens to people when their belief is taken away when such are classed as the historical records indicate as savages. A common excuse for much action at the time. Then whilst exploiting these people for land or sex or just a feeling of superiority implant new system for belief add Christianity for culture impose ours. Provide those things which even the west has trouble in coping with like idleness, alcohol, loss of self esteem high sugar food and drugs and then blame the ‘savages’
Very political garners support of the red necks and saves money! Obtains votes.
This is not to deny the desirability of their personal responsibility for their actions just that the behaviour seems to be similar to that of other indigenous people round the world and demonstrating the need for time and compassion, education, not indoctrination and an understanding of the culture that is being replaced (perverted?)
Like any entrepreneurial event time for achieving the required outcome is at a premium patience in short supply idiocy rife. Read Nugget Coombs.
Posted by untutored mind, Thursday, 24 August 2006 10:51:33 AM
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JC himself couldn't satisfy Graham Ring when it comes to aboriginal affairs.

Why don't we just let the aboriginals sort themselves out, sans big bad whitey? They've done soooo well in the past! Of course, they would still require scads of white mans' money to allow Mick Dodson to bad mouth whites (swearing every second word, as he does).
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 24 August 2006 11:13:24 AM
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Your ignorance is absolutely breathtaking. Everyone is entitled to an opinion however next time you post on this subject could you please make it an educated opinion.
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 24 August 2006 11:42:38 AM
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Leigh seems to be one of J Warmongers' "battlers" which is a euqphemism for "haters" of everyone not us.

I listen to Lowitja O'Donohue and Shirley Peisley here in Adelaide, two of the dearest and best loved of the elder women, and they are in a state of despair deeper than ever in their long active lives.

Mal has had me cringing in disgust with his lack of understanding of anything at all about aboriginal issues - perhaps Leigh you should apply for a job with him as you would fit well, if not him with the ultra ignorant Vanstone.

For the life of me I fail to see why Leigh thinks "blacky" should not be allowed to bad mouth "whitey" while being paid by "whitey" - in case you hadn't noticed Leigh Mick Dodson is the epitome of an Australian.

Australia' s inability and churlishness towards facing the past in our history of dispossession and cultural genocide of the aboriginal owners of this island should disgust and shame every single one of us but does not.

I just don't understand that - I feel such despair myself sometimes.

Aborigines are people with a 100,000 year culture, we refuse to say sorry for stealing their land, their children, their culture - then expect them to grovel with gratitude to morons like Mal Brough.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 24 August 2006 1:15:31 PM
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People holding up certain identities as paragons of particular groups should be careful not to overlook the fact that one of those people was forced to retract a false 'stolen' generation claim.
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 24 August 2006 2:20:06 PM
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Mal Brough, what a poor choice of minister. Bet he really wanted defense. An officer cadet gradute from Portsea, living in Caboolture he probably has never spoken to an indiginous australian before his annointment.

He has learnt well in his ministerial role, how to bully, how to make funding bribes, how to pretend to do something, just standard Liberal operating practise.
Posted by Steve Madden, Thursday, 24 August 2006 3:03:47 PM
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Leigh, if you had watched Lateline last night, you would have seen a classic example of a smug white collar white guy clod bloodedly absolutely "stiffing" both taxpayers and the uneducated but usually decent people he was entrusted , no doubt at a good salary, to help.
As the yanks in the Deep South say, there is is only one thing worse than black trash and that is white trash. Because unlike the blacks, the whites have no excuse.
Ok, that is crude, but some white people disgust me and non more than someof the so-called genteel middle classes.
No doubt if Mick had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and gone to some upper-crust Grammar school he'd have talked with a plum in his mouth, with the best of them. But would he have ever said anything?
And is talking with a plum in your mouth your paramount criterion of moral worth?... Scuse me!!
Leigh, how do you think Mick's morals and character stack up compared to some of the sleek white scum represented in Lateline last night?
Posted by funguy, Thursday, 24 August 2006 4:02:26 PM
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This article and most of the posts from others have the usual "ring" about them. Just keep blaming the Government and the Minister of the day and everything will be turn out alright when a different Government gets into power. Ignore all the things that Mr Brough is trying to achieve, that's just part of Aboriginal sacred culture.

I find it interesting that when someone has the courage to tell it how it is he or she is lampooned for daring to confront a difficult issue head-on. Whatever is wrong with a Minister seeking an assurance that people who are being provided with taxpayers funds should at least keep their area clean and tidy? If people want more Government assistance surely they can demonstrate that the extra houses or whatever will be looked after in a reasonable manner.

Come down out of the clouds, and get into the real world.
Posted by Sniggid, Thursday, 24 August 2006 4:57:17 PM
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No Leigh, that was simply a spiteful campaign run by the appalling Andrew Bolt and has no basis in fact.

You should talk to the lady before you open your vile mouth.

Lowitja is a great and grand lady and you and your mate Bolt are not fit to lick her feet.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 24 August 2006 10:06:58 PM
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Steve Madden, Mal Brough knows plenty of Aboriginal people and may well be part-indigenous himself,20867,20023254-2702,00.html Certainly his sister identifies herself as Aboriginal.

Whatever his background, Brough has been a complete embarrassment as a minister, lurching from one gaffe to the next. The worst of these was the disgraceful Greg Andrews/Lateline debacle. A good summary may be found here which perhaps explains why Broughey isn't on speaking terms with the National Indigenous Times.

Sniggid, I personally believe Brough has not demonstrated sufficient maturity to deserve his place in Cabinet. You may see him as courageous for "daring to confront a difficult issue head-on." I see him as a bull-in-a-china-shop, making policy on the run and mouthing off without thinking.
Posted by Johnj, Thursday, 24 August 2006 10:39:01 PM
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Hmmm. Ok so Brough was not necessarily the best choice for this portfolio- let's get Abbott or Nelson in. Then the 'wise' indigenous elders really would have a head kicker to deal with and something to complain about! Home truths hurt especially when it is the 'white folk' pointing them out!

The fact is that Brough is correct in saying many indigenous communities are run by 'leaders' whom suck the community dry and put nothing back in. If the facts and figures are properly analysed you will find that per capita, the indigenous population in Australia is the most highly funded anywhere in world! This funding was squandered by ASIC for a decade and ASIC only has itself the blame- why charges or corruption have never been brought against ASICs leadership is beyond me.

I am the first to admit that what has happened to aboriginals in the past centuries is a blight on Australia's history and a tradgedy we should all accept responsibility for fixing. However it seems to me attempts at righting past wrongs are constantly thwarted by the indigenous leadership who are intent on perpetuating the victim mentality- or perhaps these leaders benefit so greatly from government funding that they are loath to give it up! For example it seems that everytime the government tries to create a dry community the aboriginal leadership cries foul- in this regard its remarkable how many community pubs are owned by the these 'leaders'.

The doctrine of 'mutual responsibilty' is the best step forward Australia has taken in relation to indigenous affairs. Lets focus on the 'mutual' part shall we
Posted by wre, Friday, 25 August 2006 9:07:51 AM
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Marilyn Shepherd,

Since you arrived on this forum, just about everyone has been a victim of your vicious tongue - even people who have shown some sympathy for your views. Vile mouths, warmongers, Nazis, old goats, liars, and on and on. While most of us can accept that there will always be differences of opinion, and we don't have to hate people with whom we disagree, you are a very different kettle of fish. We can all be caustic, at times, but you are beyond the pale.

I believe that, just this once, Graham should allow me to call you a total nutter. If I am granted this privilege, I give my word to never ever respond to you again, you foolish woman.

Let's see.
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 25 August 2006 1:42:56 PM
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I'm sorry we disagree on this one, I actually think Leigh is fit to lick her feet.
Posted by SHONGA, Friday, 25 August 2006 1:58:05 PM
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is there any discussion thread on olo left where far left and far right extremists dont control the boards and where posts arent dominated by primary school slanging matches.

its a disgrace
Posted by wre, Friday, 25 August 2006 2:00:43 PM
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Anyone who places any trust in the ABC"s Lateline either has a distinct leaning to the left or still believes in the tooth fairy.
Posted by mickijo, Friday, 25 August 2006 3:37:13 PM
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A third option here old boy, a hankering for THE TRUTH, which is censored on the commercial channels.
Posted by SHONGA, Friday, 25 August 2006 4:22:55 PM
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Didn't you watch Lateline a couple of nights ago?
Judging by your Tony Abbott style claptrap about "mutual responsibility" you didn't see a beautiful example of an allegedly qualified WHITE ADMINISTRATOR stuffing up an educational and social welfare infrastructurefor the community placed in dependence upon him.
A white person is put in charge and because of bad planning by whites is probably able touse the Mutitjulu community as a private piggy bank. How then are the indigenous people of that community subject to "mutual obligation", when they have a white-imposed system buggered up by white people? Will they even be expected to make the good the money "lost" by white scavengers?
Your blame the victim mentality ignores the fact the colonisation has ruined indigenous culture, hence indigenous people, over two hundred years. The people confined to the margins, unlike the descendents of the squattocracy, can't hop into the Merc and trundle down to the Vaucluse or Toorak branch and transfer a whack of "old" money to sort out their personal problems.
Actually, any "obligation" more likely rests with the likes of Brough and others who benefit from the system; not its victims.
And when someone has the guts to point out a travesty for what it is, out is trotted the old "left" smear, to silence justifiable criticism.
Posted by funguy, Saturday, 26 August 2006 2:21:32 AM
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funguy- I dont watch lateline because it ceased to be objective sometime ago (like NewsLimited)

Since we're raising 'smears' though, I enjoyed your Toorak and Vaucluse comments-designed to perpetuate the myth that all Howard supporters are millionaire business elite perhaps? If it was you're mistaken- Howard maintains popularity on the back of middle class and blue collar workers. His policy of 'mutual responsibility' also remains popular from Toorak to Wagga to Katherine to Townsville. Polls have consistently showed this.

Before you brand your countrymen a bunch of racists, let me state that doing so would be 'clap-trap'. Australians in general share a sense of shame and responsibility for the plight of our indigenous. However, most are keen to get on with bettering the future rather than dwelling on the past. This doesnt reflect denial, but reflects the Aussie trait, pragmatism. You can dwell on the colonial era all you want, but it won't help 'the people confined to the margins'. I would argue that it is attitudes like yours that maintain the margins.

I applaud lateline for exposing the flaws and incompetency of a white administrator. However when was the last time late line or any ABC news report exposed the blatant corruption that led to ASIC's downfall or the numerous conflicts of interest of aboriginal leaders within their own communities? In fact there is one very well known aboriginal leader who 'suddenly' became rich during the ASIC era and has a registered company office on Collins Street. Maybe you'd like to 'trundle down' there on behalf of the Mutitjulu coomunity and request full and frank disclosure?

No sane person wants to live in a country that has an indigenous under class. Australians as a whole are proud enough of Australia to want to rectify the problems. But if indigenous leaders continue to dwell on the past while benefitting from the guilt money that doing so creates, the wider aboriginal community will not benefit and that will not be the responsibility of Australians in general. It will be the responsibility of the apologists and those who perpetuate the victim mentality
Posted by wre, Saturday, 26 August 2006 10:49:18 AM
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During the last year this writer has contributed many comments about,this Mal, ever so weak and useless approach to conditions in that part of northern Australia,for how many years,has this been the case,and bloody nothing has ever been accomplished,the problem is not the people involved,those who created it,is the problem,white society and governments,they pushed these people to the brink of hell on earth,this is no make up opinion,it is recordeed history
Posted by KAROOSON, Monday, 28 August 2006 3:19:15 PM
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So friend what do you see as being an answer to the sisuation?
Posted by SHONGA, Monday, 28 August 2006 7:18:07 PM
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wre, you are dreaming if you think the average Australian wants to help Aboriginal people up ,maybe in their dreams .
Howard,Brough,Tony Abbott and their right-wing mates have deliberately hardened their souls .
Can you imagine the New Zealand Government ministers suggesting to Mauri People that they spend too much time in Traditional Activities including mourning , and that they should become in effect ,more like their invaders !
One can only wonder what was in their diet as youngsters .Obviously Not the sustenance to grow true, fair and honest leaders determined to help our dispossesed First Australians regain their pride and self esteem as our unique people with their OWN aspirations.
Posted by kartiya, Wednesday, 30 August 2006 9:33:50 PM
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I presume you're yet another Australian consumed by loathing and apologist doubt of your own country. Regardless of what most Australians think of the aboriginal community, they are proud enough of Australia itself to want to ensure that our indigenous peoples are not forever down trodden. As i said in my previous post most Australians come from difficult backgrounds- Greeks who lost everything at the hands of Nazi Germany and Italians who shared a similar fate. Vietnames who went through god knows what at the hands of three imperial powers (China, France, US). Jews who escaped the Holocaust and peasant class Irish and Scots who were spat upon by the English. This is why they have a hard (realistic) approach to life.

It's interesting that you mention the Maori people. Have you ever wondered why there is no Maori-Aboriginal alliance to fight the colonial 'invaders'? The Maori has never been shy of saying up front that they dont want anything to do with ASIC or the aboriginal leadership because it is a disgrace. The Maori Queen never once sat around telling people in NZ that they should say sorry to the Maoris and pity them. She was also at the forefront of the fight against Maori street gangs- when was the last time you saw any aboriginal leader on the streets of Isa, Alice Springs or Cairns demanding that aboriginals pick up their act?

Can I ask what was in the diet of aboriginal leaders as youngsters? Was it a diet of self pity? Do they have any stomach at all to help the first Australians regain their pride and self esteem? What are the aspirations of the aboriginal people? I trully dont know the answer to any of these questions and the reason why is simple-aboriginal leaders dont lead their community and pave a road for the future. They simply look after themselves and perpetuate this idea that aboriginals suffered worse at the hands of colonial powers than anybody else (nonsense).
Posted by wre, Thursday, 31 August 2006 8:03:50 AM
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WRE, fair go , the Maoris at least received a Treaty and real Land Rights around 1865 .Aboriginal Australians are still waiting .
Correct me if i am wrong ,but i believe the first University trained Maori doctor arrived around the end of the 1800's.
Our treatment of Aboriginal People has and continues to dissadvantage them and is a monumental disgrace .
When the Howard Government realises and admits that it needs more than a good cricket team to gain true World respect , I will be amongst the first to congratulate them .
Howard has the power but because he is slave to and believes he needs the popularist Racist Press and Ugly Right in his party, he lacks the backbone -it's much safer.
Malcolm Fraser has turned out to be at least Twice the man .
Posted by kartiya, Sunday, 3 September 2006 10:31:30 PM
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The treaty of Waitangi was agreed to between the Maoris and England because the Maori tribes all got together and agreed upon a representative to negotiate (the King/Queen didnt actually exist until this point). The Maoris also had a recognisable territorial/ tribal structure that facilitated this negotiation. Unfortunately the aboriginals did not have such a system- if they did, aboriginals did not and could not produce a credible presence at the negotiating table. Unfortunately from the time of Alexander the Great through Caesar through the Mongols through Spain in South America through Britain in Australasia conquest and negotiation were the way of the world. There is no point forever dwelling on the rights and wrongs of this. It happened.

Now let's talk about winning world respect. The reports written by the UN regarding health and living standards of indigenous Australians are written with such frequency because Australia as a nation is open to the criticism and is actually trying to remedy the problem. I'll draw your attention again to the simple facts and figures- per capita indigenous Australians receive more funding than any other indigenous population in the world! Furthermore I wonder how muslims in Russia, Moroccans in France and Kurds in Iraq would class the disadvantage of Australian aboriginals?

As for Malcolm Fraser- I hope a little country just north of South Africa called Zimbabwe keeps him awake at night. 25 years ago it was the breadbasket of Africa. Since then its had one president, ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Matabele, runs inflation at 1200% and has 6.5 million refugees.
Posted by wre, Monday, 4 September 2006 8:11:07 AM
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