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War crimes, waffle and the war on terror : Comments

By Clive Williams, published 9/8/2006

War crimes are being committed in the Middle East.

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1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians. 2. A Jew. 3. Bible A descendant of Shem.

This is the description of semitic in the US dictionary yet when people are abused as being anti-semitic they only ever mean Jews. Look though - Iraqis, Ethiopians and Arabs are all included which makes the term anti-semitic meaningless or you hate half the human race.

Leigh, Hezbollah has about 2,000 armed guerillas and only came into being in 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon and used christian Lebanese as a proxy army to kill muslims. Give it up.

Clive, yes firing rockets among civilians is a war crime and I have yet to find anyone say otherwise.

However, when we consider that people like Netanyahu are now claiming this war that Israel planned last year with the blessing of Bush and Blair, is about not stopping the Germans in 1930 we know the Israeli's are not just a few rogues.

They believe this rot. As an aryan with German background, and English ancestry that fought for Australia against the Germans I object strenuously to the Israeli's like Netanyahu blaming the arabs for the holocaust of the 1940's and want them to stop.

Start blowing up the 21 nations who ignored the holocaust instead even if that means the US, UK and us.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 2:19:20 PM
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I took a step back when I read that the 1899 Hague Convention prohibited bombing form the air, considering that the first aircraft did not fly until 1903. On checking I find that the convention prohibited the launching of projectiles and explosives from balloons, and that the prohibition expired in 1904.

I do wish authors would get their facts right!

I think the real issue in the middle east, as well as in Iraq, is that both wars are ones of extermination, like the war with Japan in the pacific was during ww2. I remember my uncle, who fought at kokoda, telling me how the japs would torture captured Australian prisoners within the hearing of Australian troops hidden in the jungle, in the hope of drawing them out. I won't tell you what Australians did to the Japanese they got hold of, it might upset too many people.

We seem to be moving toward a world where more and more of it will look like Iraq and Afghanistan look today. As the end of cheap oil pushes living standards down everywhere, and the population increases, the last sixty years will look more and more like a golden age. The imminent prospect of nuclear war would make it look like a platinum one. Thank heavens we have a sea boundary, and are self sufficient in food, minerals and energy.
Posted by plerdsus, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 2:45:49 PM
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Inshallah 2bob

mate why would we believe anythingg you say in defense of Israeli atrocities and war crimes. Especially when you mouth the following statements.

'Israel will pound Lebanon until someone realises that Lebanon is alone, and that Lebanon is beat.'



Posted by 2bob, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 1:01:44 AM

Mate doesn't that discredit you somewhat. You've run the Israeli line continually over the past 4 weeks.

Is this your truth now? You told us you were attacking Hezbollah not Lebanon.

You claim now to be attacking, not Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army, but Lebanon

Posted by keith, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 3:09:09 PM
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War Crimes? What war crimes? BS..

When islamic nations occupy, it is called "Victory of Allah."
But when non-islamic nations do the same, it is a "War Crime"

To all jihad-supporters, go and hide behind women skirts and cry "War crime"
Posted by Darwin1, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 4:01:53 PM
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I wait for the day when the UN is no longer referred to as the penultimate determinate of morality and the ultimate formal authority in the world. Israel would not be waging war if the UN resolution for disarming Hezbollah was adhered to.

The amoral UN twittles its collective thumbs while thousands of children die in warring African nations. Two percent of the deaths are due to murder and 98% due to starvation etc. Blacks murdering blacks hasn't been a crime at the UN for decades. Israel killing civilians that provide moral support and refuge to an organisation that has the stated aim of destroying Israel, well that certainly is a crime worthy of the UN making a fuss.

How people can respect the pathetic posturing of Kofi Annan and then ridicule President Bush in another breath bewilders me. The UN has more than its fair share of blood on its olive branches. Who can forget the UN Dutch "peace keepers" observing ethnic cleansing and being ordered not to intervene.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 6:03:31 PM
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I'd really like to see your evidence for the following claim...."As for that bombing in Qana...your defense of the IDF fell apart when they admitted they knew Hezbollah had moved out of Qana two days before their murderous attack.". I don't think any such admission was made.

Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 9 August 2006 6:35:43 PM
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