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Malign neglect meets brinkmanship : Comments

By Wonhyuk Lim, published 13/7/2006

When diplomacy stalls, North Korea escalates tension to break the deadlock.

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The removal of one man is the key to nullifying any threat from North Korea.

Kim Jong Il is a danger to the world, and a tyrant to the people of North Korea. He controls that country’s media - which slavishly lauds him – and also everything and everyone in the blighted country. He is a dictator with absolute power. He is also a very sick man.

According to Dr. Jerrold Post, George Washington University Political Psychologist, Kim Jong Il is a malignant narcissist.

Dr. Post, who has profiled many world leaders, including dictators and despots, says that the ‘Dear Leader’, as Kim is known, is so self-absorbed that he cannot empathise with the pain and suffering of anyone else, including that of North Koreans.

“A paranoid attitude, absence of conscience and willingness to use whatever aggression he needs” is certainly evidenced in the tyrant’s current testing of missiles in what is said to be an attempt to blackmail or bully the West into giving him what he wants.

The dictator is also said to be “jealous” of the world’s attention to Iran, which doesn’t yet have a missile capability when he, Kim, already does.

Kim Jong Il is also a drunk; just the type you want in charge of a nuclear arsenal. While the average income in North Korea is around $900 a year, Kim spends a cool $80K per year on booze. His habits, including the junior high school girls he collects for the pleasure of himself and his cronies, keeps him aloof from the North Korean people, 10% of whom have died of starvation while he plays.

If ever there was an ideal candidate for a good old Cold War style ‘wet job’ in the interests of world peace and the people of North Korea, it i
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 13 July 2006 10:57:37 AM
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, it is the "Dear Leader".
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 13 July 2006 11:04:10 AM
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Excellent and thought provoking piece, One can not help wondering if the south demobilised it's troops and withdrew from the boarder whether that would help Kim or help start his downfall.
Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 13 July 2006 2:14:59 PM
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I am a friend of common sense, it seems to me if my nation is refered to in a speech as being part of an axis of evil, then discovers one of the other nations mentioned suffers a pre-emptive strike, I may want to take precautions to protect my nation from a pre-emptive strike from the posessor of the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons of mass destruction on Earth.

Not only the largest stockpile, but with an unstable leader, and the historical fact that they have been the only aggressor in history to actually drop nuclear bombs on living civilians, have have been a motivator in this case?
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 13 July 2006 3:48:37 PM
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Wonhyuk Lim's message is seemingly on behalf of North Korea.

In Wonhyuk's detached frame of reference North Korea's nuclear missile brinkmanship should be rewarded by the US (which is naturally at fault).

Wonhyuk believes Kim Jong il is reliable and rational enough to disarm his nuclear weapons despite the fact that disarmament of such a DEVELOPED nuclear program has never happened in world history.

If you want to read an Australian analysis instead of what appears to be North Korea's viewpoint see

Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 13 July 2006 11:49:10 PM
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