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The Forum > Article Comments > The easy treatment of paedophiles inside Queensland prisons > Comments

The easy treatment of paedophiles inside Queensland prisons : Comments

By Bernie Matthews, published 14/7/2003

Bernie Matthews shows how paedophile prisoners often get an easier time in prison than others

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thank you for these article as a parent of a child who escaped the clutches of a very sick man. i am sickened by how many there are.
Posted by scooter, Wednesday, 8 December 2004 3:36:55 PM
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The injustice in our society at present is deplorable. The law needs to change to fall in line with community standards. Our community is not what it was; more parents are becoming alert to molesterer's activities and manilpulations and children are becoming stronger and more knowledgable.

Why then, should our sentencing laws reflect the era where people refused to believe children that disclosed details about sex abuse? We've done the research, we know it is highly unlikely that children manufacture these stories! We know that these type of criminals are persistent recidivists!

So why the hell aren't the politicians demanding that courts impose maximum sentancing?

Sexual crimes, for the most part, belong to the bastion of men. And decent men just don't want to believe it.
Posted by oceangrrl, Thursday, 30 December 2004 12:56:03 PM
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As the mother of 4 out of 5 children molested by their father, I have had a terrible time in the last 15 years trying to get this man brought before the courts, first Victoria now Queensland. The police have difficulty in obtaining a conviction of child sex offenses unlike those of other crimes. The community is still unwilling to accept that Mr. Nice Guy has committed offenses against children. I've had other family members call us liars despite that this man is now in Remand at Wacol in Brisbane. If you try to discuss it, people don't want to know. There lies the problem, it starts with community attitudes. No, it hasn't changed that much, it's just more open in the media. In our case it had to come to him offending against other children in the community before the Police were willing to apprehend him and then he was let out on bail and re-offended again. I had written to several local newspapers and was gagged by the police asking me to withdraw it after reporters contacted them. In fact I was threatened by one of the offender's supporters in the community to sue me for exposing her role that led to more kids being molested. Victims are silenced over and over. These creeps get freedom, but for the families of the "victims we have a life sentence". Child Sex offenders are never reformed and always pose a risk to children. They murder the spirits of children, personally I think that the Death Sentence is an appropriate penalty for these offenders or at least mandatory life imprisonment. They aren't your mainstream crim, but I would like to see them housed with mainstream prisoners then nature can take its course like they do in the wild when mutants are culled. I invite the politicians to walk in my family's shoes for a day. ..Jessie'smum
Posted by jessie'smum, Monday, 1 May 2006 2:30:55 PM
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I don't have any children of my own but when I was a child I remember my mum and dad telling me that if I am ever in trouble I should go to a school teacher or someone at a church for help but unbeknown to my parents these are where the paedophiles are so for this reason I would like to know where are children supposed to go if they are in trouble. It is not the bushy haired stranger that parents should be afraid of. I don't believe these animals will ever be rehabilitated so I don't understand why they are let out. What a sad world we live in. Lets just hope they get their just desserts in gaol.
Posted by Chanel, Tuesday, 21 August 2007 10:23:13 PM
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