The Forum > Article Comments > Gaza beach - when politics trumps human rights > Comments
Gaza beach - when politics trumps human rights : Comments
By Gerald Steinberg, published 23/6/2006NGOs have the power to influence public opinion and their credibility rarely gets questioned.
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Oh, thank you, thank you, for your last post.
I was not born until well after WW2, but if you had claimed that you had “quotes” which clearly displayed that both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan only wanted peace, and that they were forced to defend themselves against allied aggression, I would definitely give those quotes the hairy eyeball. Even though I only have history books to guide me as to what really happened in 1939. But your problem was that I was around at the time of the 1967 Six Day War, and I know for a fact that your assertion that the Arabs were only defending themselves against Israeli aggression, is dancing with the fairies stuff.
It is so preposterous, that it rates alongside the 60% of Muslims in Pakistan and Jordan who claim that Muslims had nothing at all to do with 9/11.
As to why you should bother “wasting your time with me?” Well, that is a good question. Because if you are going to present fantasy and wishful thinking as fact, then I am just going to sit back here and show everybody what a fool you are. You are not going to impress anybody, or do your cause any good, if you come up with boners like that one. But you sure as hell help my case. Because any young person who knows anything about the 1967 war, and who reads your assertion, must be thinking that if that is the standard of debate from pro terrorist side, then the Israelis must be right after all.
But please, don’t stop! I’ll bet that your next assertion is that the Arabs only want to create a multicultural paradise in the Holy Land, where both Islamic and Jewish law both defined the culture and the laws. And when that happy day happened, both Arab and Jew were going to sit around the campfire singing KUMBAYA and living happily ever after.