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Vulture Street story : Comments

By Graham Young, published 29/5/2006

This is a Brisbane story - a celebration for the life of Lionel Young - a story that lived and died on Vulture Street.

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• Graham Young ..."Dad believed in the individual, in his or her ability to achieve"..."It's typical that at the end of his life he was the major financial supporter of On Line Opinion"..."Dad believed that all that is necessary in life is to do the right thing. The only scripture passage I can recall him quoting to me was from St Paul"..."Test everything, and hold fast to that which is true"!

What precisely has been my righteous motto of the adherence within the era of universal deceit, as I probed into the root of the evil! Traversing rigorous exertion to establish contact with my hijacked father, incarcerated in his place at Legnica by the elders-of-zion in Poland. Set as sacrificial scapegoat to lure me into fait-accompli ambush, within the anticipated fatal entrapment on me. Along so much longed-for-journey, to be reunited with my dearest father, lingered in the utter agony since Apr-94.

When it would be true to say that my innocent father Michal (Moszek) Tenenbaum was Polish citizen of Jewish origin, born on December 19th, 1912 at Końsk in Voivodship of Lódz. Where our family/father's estate used to be administered by Polish authorities. Whilst my father resided instead at ulica Najswietszej Marii-Panny 8-10/m3 in Legnica.

Unfortunately to be illiterate since taking early in life on the family run shoemaking trade. Hence it was with an absolute reliance on others, the way all the letters were read to him, and consequently written in return. Predominantly by Tadeusz Plesniarski of ulica Wroclawska 72/6 in Legnica. When prior to the macabre ordeal, my father claimed to be comparably well, still carrying-on with his shoe-shop. Certainly of a good health, an affordable future and made financial effort to assist his persecuted son downunder.

Yet all the hell broke loose, when I'd approached predatory Bank in Sydney, to open foreign currency account (for my father's sake). Where having deposited US$3000 Polish Bank cheque, received early in 1992. Only to be bucketed thereafter with the untold fees, nothing short of the exorbitant extortion by the collusive banks on the frenzy-feeding.
Posted by Leo Braun, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 1:54:27 PM
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First I've learned about, when having received cannibalised statement. What led to dispute with bank's officials, culminating ultimately in a cashed Polish Bank cheque by extortionist bankers. Yet to no avail was my insistence to receive receipt for US$3000 cash-transaction, as I was escorted instead by the coercive-bank-manager. Needless to add that I declined subsequent money-gesture from father, who endeavoured nonetheless to send me an additional "bundle", when all the contact with him was suddenly lost.

Though I didn't realise the seriousness in the lacked communication since Apr-94, until much later in that year. When I couldn't hypothesise any more of him being somewhere on his typically prolonging holidays. As a result having contacted Australian Jewish Welfare Society and Polish Consulate General, just to be treated with a sheer contempt. Then against all the odds to my plight of endeavour eventually in Feb-95, I learnt to know to my astonishment that my vanished father was actually "taken care off" for a considerable period of time by the Gmina Wyznaniowa Zydowska in Poland, under the hospice of American Joint Distribution Committee.

Who treated me with the sheer contempt while passing a buck around. Since, I'd pleaded with every local and international Jewish organisations. While seeking to establish contact with the solitary confined father. Even having dispatched petition on 27-01-97, to Swiss Foreign Ministry Special Task Force for the afflicted WWII victims. Eventually scoring 02-05-97 reply from Ambassador Thomas Borer, who solely passed a buck to another Task Force Official Roland Rietmann. Resulting ultimately with 21-12-98 reply from the Executive Secretary Fridolin Bargetzi of the Swiss Federal Chancellery, along an assurance that the matter to receive careful attention from the appropriate authorities.

Yet no Swiss intervention ever eventuated as I proceeded to bang on the doors US Congress, Members House of Representatives, Senate and Judiciary (69 officials in-total), between 21-12-98 and 13-01-99. Followed by appeal to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak on 18-05-99; UN War Crimes Chief Prosecutor Louise Arbour on 21-05-99; Chief Communications Section UN Centre for Human Rights in Geneve on 21-07-99; UNHCR Mary Robinson in Geneve on 16-09-99;
Posted by Leo Braun, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 2:03:43 PM
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UN Secretary-General's-Spokesman Fred Eckhard on 16-09-99; The UNHCR Dennis McNamara (Kosovo Special Envoy), along the simultaneously dispatched plea to UN Under-Secretary-General for the Humanitarian Affairs Sergio Viera de Mello on 16-08-99. Finally to score 03-09-99 reply from UN Advocacy & External Relations Unit, Information Assistant Jackie Aidenbaum (c:\jackie\hlp-req). Confirming to take a notice of my father's plight, registered on UN files, with a copy forwarded to Room S-2914, for attention of the High Commissioner for the Human Rights.

Although when I followed the resultant six-monthly-silence with a wake-up-call on 07-03-00, the euphemistic nastiness manifested itself within 19-04-00 reply, as UN official Jackie Aidenbaum had a chutzpah to allege on hers earlier sent rebuff to me. According to which on me was not-to-bother them, as "UN could not provide any further assistance". Instead, she recommended to contact Polish Consulate and Jewish Organisations, in spite of conveyed already indisputable facts on the encountered an utter contempt versus my prior petitions.

But try to rationalise that with UNO officials, the accountable to-no-one apparatchiks in New-York and Geneve ivory-towers, engaged solely in methodology of passing a buck around. Who if acting in a good-fate, to redirect heart-wrenching appeals on behalf of my tormented father to the pertinent authority. Unless someone deliberately to engage in collusive practices, to frustrate my solemn plight of endeavour. No wonder, having dispatched over 3000 hard-copy-petitions to local and international corrupt instrumentalities, whilst solely seeking a contact with the solitary confined father in his place in Legnica.

In the meantime as Jewish Authority in Poland impounded my father's single source of income, his shoe-shop. Intercepted his old-age-pension and our-mail. Plunged him into subsustenance and utter destitution. As along with getting rid-off, of his confidant letter writer colleague Tadeusz Plesniarski, they rendered him to be isolated. Yet what a paradox for my father was to live in a modern block-of-flats, equipped with intercom-system. Which availed for the hostile set neighbours to keep a constant surveillance on my father. While tipping-off devious Jewish Authority in regard of any attempt to be ever made, for anyone to approach my father's vicinity.
Posted by Leo Braun, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 3:55:24 PM
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As so innocent and defenceless human-being, kept-under-lock, was driven to pound on his premises door. But to-no-avail was getting for him into the backyard or seeking to have any stroll. In a correlation to the animal cruelty, undoubtedly it would apply in the circumstances, should such horrific event to procure in the zoo. When for the fact was witnessed the nazi-styled torment-scenario. Overwhelmed by the utter-apathy while the human-being was condemned to face slow-agony-death. Imposed just for speaking my mind for the better Australia.

So while being blacklisted and thus without resolution-in-sight to unemployable's status, whilst my tormented father was held-for-ransom in Poland since Apr-94, compelled on me to venture abroad in a search of bloody-hyenas-den, as I headed on a pilgrimage 2000, towards safe-haven-enclave for persecuted Jews-in-Galuth. Only to face hideous Israeli apparatchiks, while sustaining humiliation and harassment within the ruthless intimidation tactics. As with added insult to the injury, I was told by Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister's Counsellor Hana Dvir, a propos sought 88-year-old father's birth-certificate as a proof of our relationship!

Instructed to fax it to Jerusalem, before they ever to proceed. Nevertheless on the following day, I was back on my way to Jerusalem. Where familiar outpost's military guard let me in (without lengthy-interrogation as-norm). With me solely armed with documented substance, compiled since Apr-94. What actually was precluded from submission, in spite of my plea towards the required contact with my father. Solely sought to know on father's wellbeing, without any monetary or valued property to be an issue in question. So why on earth sought crucial news about my father, to be kept from me?

I insisted to know, when a callous Counsellor Hana Dvir chilly replied in non-event-manner ..."you see, we must be sure, because your father died on 21-12-98, obviously if you wish at US$10 cost, you may apply via Israeli Consulate to Polish Authorities towards being issued with your father's Death Certificate"...She commented without looking at me, while scribbling their account-number, in response to my seeking such a certificate, substantiated in detail with reasons for my father's cruel death.
Posted by Leo Braun, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 4:07:22 PM
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Can anyone imagine my shock? Just as I was looking forward to receive reliable news from the credible source about my father, being dumbfounded instead by the sudden-tragedy-claim. Allegedly occurred two-years-beforehand, without the next-of-kin being notified? What didn't make any sense to me, due to received 21-12-98 reply from the Swiss Federal Chancellery (dated on the day of "death") along an assurance that my father's matter to receive careful attention. Likewise sounded 03-09-99 reply from UN Advocacy & External Relations Unit. Complemented by rigorous communication with:

Chairman Central Jewish Welfare Commission in Warsaw Marian Feldman; Poland Country Director Zvi Feine of American Joint Distribution Committee in Jerusalem; Poland AJDC Yitzhak Zohar in Krakow. Chairman Gmina Wyznaniowa Zydowska in Legnica Michal Cimmer; Ambassador Republic of Poland Dr Agnieszka Morawinska in Canberra; Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer; Polish Consul Aleksander Dietkow and Consul General Grzegorz Pienkowski in Sydney; Polish Consul Kilmartin in Brisbane; Executive Director Steve Denenberg of Australian Jewish Welfare Society in Sydney; Bella Sharp of Jewish Community Services in Sydney; Jewish Community Services, Search & Locate Section Doreen Hermann and JCS Director of Social Work Services Miriam Suss in Melbourne; President Queensland Zionist Council George Stein; President Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies Laurie Rosenblum and Jewish Community Organisation Secretary Phil Lerer in Brisbane.

To mention just few amongst the greater number of the officials who dealt with my father's issue. Notwithstanding with that, none ever endeavoured to notify me about the supposed father's death on 21-12-98 in Legnica. Prior to second meeting with Israeli Foreign Affairs Department's Consullor Hana Dvir on 30-08-00, in Jerusalem. Totally void of the consoling gesture, in helping to cope with the tragic news all of a sudden. Without an empathy, not a pat on the shoulder, within Zionist compassion ever shown. Not even a single glass of water to soothe dry mouth and dispel self-reflexed throat from the impending choking. Where in contradiction with terms so notoriously was absent the sympathetic Zionist heart. Melodramatically quite often to be staged otherwise, for all to see in the vast spectacles, to camouflage the Zionist inherent-cruelty.
Posted by Leo Braun, Friday, 22 September 2006 12:42:20 PM
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Can anyone imagine the ramification to the highly acclaimed safe-haven-status of Israel? Supposedly established for Jews escaping persecution in the amoral (galuth) world. Where were established numerous charitable organisations by the Zionists for the "sole-purpose" to deal with the inherent adversities faced-by-Jews! Yet amazingly none-to-assist me in establishing contact with my father, who survived WWII atrocities, just to face real perpetrators of the heinous crimes.

Shockingly for Israeli Holocaust Research Centre Yad-Vashem in Jerusalem, that prides itself a propos resolute-data-acquisition about the Jews afflicted within the atrocious calamities, to fail in 21st-century to arrange elementary contact through their counterparts in Poland, within the necessity to establish communication with the solitary confined my father, under the hospice American Joint Distribution Committee. What ought to represent an eye opener for civil liberties adherents on OLO forum.

• Graham Young ..."Lionel was the major financial benefactor of On Line Opinion. His respect for people also extended to the whole living world. He never saw a dog that he didn't like and respect, and I don't think the dog ever existed that didn't like and respect him in return"..."Even in his last years when the world was closing in on Dad because of deafness and bad eye-sight, he still kept working at something"..."There are a number of strong themes to Dad's story. Man as hero".

Speaking of the championed humanity by fathers in their unique ways, I believe that the humble shoemaker's ordeal (that remained still unresolved), mustn't be sacrificed in vain, yet given a chance to contribute constructively towards the humankind betterment. Where OLO forum having significant communication exchange function within the civil society via unhindered access (without the fear or favour), towards the 21st-century media revolution.

Yet if after reading the above spelled facts, someone still cannot see that Zionism is the supreme power in the world, where Zionists are the clandestine movers-n-shakers, acting from within every regime, government and institution, what is often spoken about, that Zionists are the greatest threat to the ordinary Jews, not mentioning the entire world survival, then clearly the reader is not a logical person.
Posted by Leo Braun, Friday, 22 September 2006 12:59:13 PM
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