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Decoding the Code : Comments

By Bill Muehlenberg, published 19/5/2006

The Bible is light years ahead of 'The Da Vinci Code' for both adventure and startling claims.

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What's all this claptrap about a fictional book that was deliberately written in this end times to stir upr srife ,controvesy,unbelief and division?
The Bible has stood the tests of many anti christ and philosophies as well as Communism ,(fallen) Nazism(fallen) Isalm (imploding on itself). God is in charge ,don't worry,there is a lot about fools in the Bible eg,A fool has said in his heart there is no God, and The preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing .

What is happening here ,is a book of fiction made into a fictious film that will tittilate the skeptics ("I told you so all along") atheists,and agnostics. The secular humanist who saw the DVC at Cannes found it long (two and a half hours ) too much dialogue to read and full of flaws.

,When Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Last Supper that everyone is going by did he go back in time machine with a digital camera at the LS as no body really has seen or been there except the Lord Himself and the disciples thousand years before Leonardo.
What a load of animal manure.

The RBC booklet is free of charge from RBC Lot 41 Lakes Rd Mandurah West Australia 6210 called," The Da Vinci Code" separating Fact from Fiction ,is worth reading or giving to skeptics.
All we can hope is that people will get saved by finding the truth out which is not in The DVC.
WE can expect fools to believe it ,without reading The Bible first.
Posted by dobbadan, Friday, 19 May 2006 4:21:40 PM
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The Bible and DVC are both works of fiction written by mere mortals. The only difference is that we know who wrote DVC and everyone knows it is fiction. Some people might want to believe the Bible is factual, some people believe DVC is factual. Everyone can believe what they want but belief does not turn fiction into fact. If "true believer" Christians are so certain in their acceptance of the Bible why get so uptight about an alternative view?
Posted by rossco, Friday, 19 May 2006 4:48:42 PM
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Kenny would say that wouldn't he.......but how would he know? do you know? Your omniscience is overwhelming.

Realist......thanks for telling us what we should/should not believe......nice that you want to reduce everyone else to your level!

Scout......suits you to doubt the existence of Christ.....better get back to scouting because you seem to be terribly lost!
Posted by Francis, Friday, 19 May 2006 5:09:00 PM
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Why is Realist on this Forum? He made this self-defeating statement concerning Bill Muehlenber's piece on the Da Vinci Code: "I dont believe anything written by another mortal or a group of mortals. Neither should any of you."

If all of us took Realist's adivce, none of us would read Online Opinion. Why does he/she bother writing a response?

His comment seems to amount to postmodern nothingness.
Posted by OzSpen, Friday, 19 May 2006 6:06:09 PM
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I was educated under the communist regime and had always been told that there is no God, you are on your own, a descendent of ape and when you die, you die and that's it. Until I came to Australia to study and one day (March 2003) I stepped into a church just out of curiosity. Then I heard people shared about their experience with Jesus and I thought in my heart, this Jesus they were talking about I must know. And as I opened up my heart, I now know Jesus is the Son of God, the one who died for me on the cross for all my sins. And more importantly He is still living and gives me hope and life. My life is never the same again since. And I know I will have eternal life with God after I die.
The Australians are so hard-hearted, it's amazing. It is said "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Many are rich and think that they have no need, but indeed they are poor in their spirit because without God nothing makes sense.
Why are you so offended by the name of Jesus? What if what He claimed is true? Why don’t you just read the four Gospels and judge for yourself if they are credible?
Posted by wjs, Friday, 19 May 2006 6:23:22 PM
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From what’s been written so far, there's two issues;
1) Nobody is trying to defend Brown’s writing as being truthful so I assume everyone agrees with Bill, that his historical claims are balderdash.
2) But is the Bible, and the Gospels in particular, true?
Well that’s not exactly a new question but many of the responses so far show that Brown might not know much but at least he won’t be lonely.

Kenny – Brown has less errors than the Bible
Anth - Jesus might be a figure of philosophy & faith is blind
Bosk – The gospels are hearsay & Jesus is mentioned by no contemporary account
Scout – Christ’s existence is in doubt & Paul’s writings predate the gospels
Dewi – The Bible is a secondary source document
Rossco – The Bible is fiction by unknown mortals. Everyone can believe what they want.

Just a sampling but it shows some serious doubts about the Bible.

Roman historian, Cornelius Tacitus (A.D. 55-120) writes of Jesus, “the founder … was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius”. F.F.Bruce, Rylands professor of biblical criticism & exegesis at the Uni of Manchester says “It is not historians who propagate the ‘Christ-myth’ theories.

So are the Gospels fiction?
Well the point is they claim to be an accurate record of events. Very simply, the books, the gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles, claim to be researched records of events, written by Luke who either witnessed the events or knew someone who did.

But is what is written in the gospels true to what actually happened? Well the apostles had to know if it was made up but never recanted They all believed it was the truth. And those who perpetuated the records on pain of death believed they were accurate records of events that happened.

Sure the gospels are full of supernatural events and astounding claims. This doesn’t make them false. It makes them worthy of investigation. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Posted by Snowy, Friday, 19 May 2006 8:12:50 PM
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