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Decoding the Code : Comments
By Bill Muehlenberg, published 19/5/2006The Bible is light years ahead of 'The Da Vinci Code' for both adventure and startling claims.
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Standards of conduct can only exist in relativity to the civilisation in which they occur. For example, our current knowledge and technology allows us to maintain much loftier ideals than were possible in the early days of humankind, when we huddled in caves with only the most primitive of stone tools to hunt and gather with. Now, however, we have an abundance of food, and can care for our sick and disabled, and can afford to suppress our characteristic xenophobia because our civilisation protects us.
You wail about lack of tolerance, but it is you who are being intolerant. And not of some vicious, violent man. Nor a political figure, shouting from a podium, whipping the masses into a hateful frenzy. No, the intolerance is of a novellist/historian entertaining people with a typewriter.
He is free to speculate about the past, just as Christians are (and do). We are free to contradict his assertions, too, but mostly I see attacks upon the man, and arguments of "offensiveness".
This "privilege" of non-criticism you say is denied to Christians is actually denied to everyone... and the level of vilification here is far lower than what occurs between competing denominations and religions.