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The Forum > Article Comments > An Asean bloc - a convenient fiction > Comments

An Asean bloc - a convenient fiction : Comments

By John Lee, published 16/5/2006

ASEAN may be surrounded by hype but is it really a significant bloc in regional politics?

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A token facade organisation.
Posted by Realist, Tuesday, 16 May 2006 12:02:36 PM
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Asean is a creation by newly independent nations. At the time of it's creation most of its members had just emerged out of colonialism and it's prime pupose was to stop it's members interfering in their neighbours politics and preserving the indepence of its members. It has been quite successful at that. I think it should be seen more as a mutual non agressian pact than a bloc.

It would be unfair to compare Asean to the EU or Nato.

The EU was formed in decades after the world wars. In order prevent a repeat of the slaughter its members were willing to trade sovereignty for peace.

Nato was formed at the start of the cold war in direct response to a military threat. No such threat exists in SE Asia and Asean has not integrated it's military.
Posted by gusi, Tuesday, 16 May 2006 3:14:41 PM
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Voices and shadows? A has power over B, until B does something differently. ASEAN, like other organisations ie: Within Africa, Latin America and inside Europe, is definately an important start.

'Cooperative peace and shared prosperity (and security) shall be the fundamental goals of ASEAN.'

Yes, we ought to agree with this ASEAN re-affirmation of 1995. It is an important pledge however... REGIONALISM?... must also be inclusive of the struggle and sustainable future of disadvantaged urban and village regional communities -not to forget the small island states, within the South-Eastern Region.

As anywhere else on this human planet, it will be difficult to take any regional effort seriously until we engage with those wearing the brunt of economic trade and socio-political development policies at ground level. Peace through economic politics and commercial trade will always be fragil for those who are not engaged within the prosperity of economic and socio-political life quality freedoms within the market, no matter how pretty or well-meaning the song appears to be dressed.

Otherwise, in modern terms, I sense we may indeed see a repeat of the historical patterns of betrayal between individual nation states, learning nothing, from the affirmative aggreements of post-WWII - the Marshall Plan or all the knowledge of each Declaration made since.
Posted by candoo, Tuesday, 16 May 2006 11:51:37 PM
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