The Forum > Article Comments > Seeking common values in the pregnancy counselling row > Comments
Seeking common values in the pregnancy counselling row : Comments
By Nicholas Tonti-Filippini, published 9/5/2006Pro-life and pro-choice camps need to work together to assist young people.
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The conception of a child should be a planned act by a couple intending to spend a lifetime caring and building relationship with that child.
The problem we now encounter is a social problem of illicit behaviors exploited by media promoting no restraint or responsibility when it comes to human sexuality. Having children is totally ignored in the whole equation. But the results of indulging in sex seems to be ignored when it was designed for pleasure in procreation of our species. The result of irresponsible sexual behaviour results in many social dilemas that we as a society must act upon. Christians are attempting to identify the social problem as lack of restraint and responsibile behaviours that is being condemned as outdated dogma.
Many despise Christianity because it teaches chastity before marriage and fidelity within marriage. This principle has served us well as a secure society, but throwing it off has resulted in many diseased, hurt and disfigured lives.
We must stop allowing second rate behaviours becoming acceptable principles upon which to build a society. You may not like the principles of best practise for society, but they are the only ones where fewer people get hurt. Unrestrained and pomiscuous sex has been tried before in ancient society that has finally resulted in the destruction of that society. It breeds disease and produces conflict that ultimately destroys that society [eg Africa]. That is why rape and incest is held as evil and criminal by Christians, even though it apears by some NT aboriginals as normal practise in their society.
We must encourage and teach best practise and not excuse bad behaviours to be accepted as normal social practise. This is judgmental - too bad! It is the only principle upon which to build a secure and healthy society.