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The Forum > Article Comments > Israel and US interests aren't identical > Comments

Israel and US interests aren't identical : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein, published 19/4/2006

Don't, whatever you do, criticise Washington's close relationship with Israel.

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I notice that this is a small step up from your usual hysterical shilling for Hamas. For this we should be thankful I suppose.

You point out that someone who once liked Hitchens no longer does. That is deep. Beyond which, you forgot to mention that he was a drink sodden former Trotskyite popinjay, as per George Galloway. No doubt one of your fellow travellers.

If you are going to perform a smear job at least have the relevant ammunition to hand.

Alternatively you could attempt to point out the errors in his response to the Mearsheimer and Walt article, a turgid and wholly nasty read that one. Talk about an extended exercise in innuendo with little supporting evidence. Much the same as the Loewenstein article.

I’ll leave you to get on with your spittle flecked anti Semitic simperings now.

Enjoy yourself.
Posted by Mr.P.Pig, Wednesday, 19 April 2006 4:56:54 PM
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Dearest Piggy Poo, George? Yeah, good friend of mine. Nothing escapes you now, does it? "Turgid and wholly nasty read"? Look, why not just come out and say it? It went way over your head now, didn't it? Still, I must admit, you do have a way with words: "Spittle flecked anti-Semitic simperings" - I like it! 10/10 for alliteration!
Posted by Strewth, Wednesday, 19 April 2006 9:46:57 PM
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SHONGA, you are so right, these governments need to wake up and be more like the other governments in the region . Saudi, Iran Hamas ....
Posted by The Big Fish, Wednesday, 19 April 2006 10:08:14 PM
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Part One

Hullo Antony - thanks for a much needed essay. Reckon it is about time aomething was done about Israel. It is not that most social scientists are not aware, but the true facts have been deliberately kept away from the public for years by a captive media.

The Brits warned the Americans back in the late 1940s that it wasn’t good politics to let the Jews resurrect the ancient Promised Land, as things have so much proven since. To give the Israelis their due they are an intellectually capable people, but they should remember that it was not the Arabs who practised the genocide against them but the Nazis.

Certainly us ordinary Aussies were sucked in for a long time, as many still are, but with virtually the whole of the rest of the Middle East anti-Israeli from the start, there was bound to be trouble. Then came the two Arab Israeli wars, all of us backing brave born again Israel, secretly congratulating the US for so quickly gifting the necessary planes, tanks and artillery.

Furthermore, the Israelis were told by the UN that they were entitled to hold onto the adjoining lands they had so courageously overrun, even though the right of conquest does not come under the UN Constitution.

But apart from a few social academics, not a one, even among the more radical media, felt for the Arabs.

Then in the early 1980s came undercover news that the Israelis not only had long range rockets but also had received designs to manufacture nuclear warheads to fit. We realise now that much was hushed up in our Western media about Mordecai, regarded as a no-gooder, rather than one with the insight as well as the guts to do something about which he was sure was wrong for Israel to have access to plans for atomic artillery, while the rest of the Middle East world was refused
Posted by bushbred, Thursday, 20 April 2006 4:43:12 PM
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Part Two

But lumped with America’s illegal attack on Iraq, it seems with Pax Americana on your side, you can get away with anything as long as it is also good for America, even the backing of Iraq in the early 1980s, chemical warfare and all helping the US to get its own back on Khomeni who saved Iran from US economic dominance under the US puppet shah.

Now we come to the real crux of the situation, and though having not read Antony’s essay thoroughly, might guess that what Antony is trying to say is that America’s over protection of Israel over the years ending in letting them become military nuclear will have future historians roundly condemning a nation that had with the victorious end of the Cold War, backed by a splendid record as regards the Marshall Plan, might prove in the end to have been a nation that blew its chances not so much to be the most respected but even the most ever treasured.

So we now wait to see what happens to Iran, which in reality has never attacked any other country in the Middle-East. Remember it was Iraq that initiated the eight-year war against Iran, and it is also well to remember that it was America that led Iraq on.

It is well to finish with two news clips, one from Tuesday’s West Australian, reporting that Israel has warned the United Nations of a new World War brought on by a new axis of terror against Israel.

The second clip is from last weeks “Guardian”. .”..... Israel should not look for a peace that the CIA foresaw, for Israel can still live without the intransigence that an arsenal of primed nuclear rockets is able to bring. A utopian notion perhaps, but there is still a chance for peace if Israel gave a promise to permanently defuse all those nuclear rockets at the ready, as long as Iran came to the party.

Peace is just waiting there to be arranged.
Posted by bushbred, Thursday, 20 April 2006 5:00:22 PM
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Big Fish,

I think Bob Brown should run the whole middle east and america...
dont u ?...:P
Posted by meredith, Thursday, 20 April 2006 9:46:09 PM
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