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Three men and their war : Comments
By Gary Brown, published 30/3/2006Many more will die violently before anything approaching peace returns to Iraq.
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Even though I am against the war and remain against it as it was sold to us based on false intelligence I also realise that to leave without a detailed exit strategy would also be wrong. Can we ever trust intelligence delivered to us by a politician again?
As a country who is a member of the so called "coalition of the willing" we must take responsibility and attempt to solve the onging problems that this war has created. We also must stay supportive of our soldiers who have been ordered into harms way based on this faulty intelligence.
It would be wrong of us to leave the Iraqi civilian population at the hands of the insergents and war lords in what will probably develop into a civil war. The only strategy I can think of is to continue to train Iraqi's to defend Iraq and then to pull back to a distance where we can deploy our troups at short notice for a time until we know things are under control. None of this however was considered by our Govt before we said yes to the war.
I don't know where you get your statistics but I suspect that there have been more deaths from the wars than Suddams tyranical rule, if you know otherwise I'd like to know them. Remember regime change was never the reason for the war - our politicians assured us of this!
To label debate "cowardess" just because it disagrees with your thoughts is a little perplexing. Fighting for improved principles is hardly cowardess it might just be the most patriotic thing we can do.
"The pen is mightier than the sword and the keypad is like the pen"
Were Aussie digger lives saved by bringing them home from Vietnam.... Yes! Was it cowardly to bring them home?
Read this article....
and this article ...