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The Forum > Article Comments > The UN’s new-look Human Rights Council - don’t hold your breath > Comments

The UN’s new-look Human Rights Council - don’t hold your breath : Comments

By Patrick Goodenough, published 24/3/2006

Facts, figures and the ramifications behind the new-look Human Rights Council: it isn't very reassuring.

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While sympathising with the apprehension about the UN's ability to uphold universal human rights, I inferred from near the end of this article that the US regularly hectors Cairo in Geneva about abuses.
I thought Egypt was the main place to which US agencies ultimately "render" captives to facilitate the abuse of their human rights.
Maybe I've misunderstood something, but I think we should look elsewhere for potential solutions to UN inconsistencies.
Posted by Henery, Friday, 24 March 2006 12:09:14 PM
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The UN has become a joke. The trouble is the joke's on us. It smells more and more like the League of Nations in 1939 all the time. Hopefully the US, followed by other major countries will withhold funding and send it to an early grave.
Posted by plerdsus, Friday, 24 March 2006 5:09:45 PM
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The time has come for reality to be spoken about instead of the nonsensical gibberish that the U.N is always on about.

Fancy having Saudi Arabia, a nation that practices not just apartheid on women, but on non-Muslims as well, on the Human Rights council.

How is it not to be looked at as a joke?

The brutal honesty of the situation is that the ONLY nations that respect human rights are western democracies. America haters will cringe at this, due to their brainwashed notions of torture at Abu-Graib (ironically, human rights groups who pressured the U.S to close the prison where light beatings, university pranks & mockery occurred, have put those Iraqi prisoners - now transferred to Iraqi run prisons, in places where real torture is likely to occur) but the USA are the only reason that our planet isn't truly stuffed.

Does anybody doubt for a millisecond that if the U.S was gone, that China wouldn't immediately invade Taiwan?

Human rights abusers, basically the whole planet but westerners, need to be looked at as people, not animals, from our powerful leftist media. We ignore human rights abuses in our own nation, regarding the Aboriginies, because if DOCS takes them away from hopelessly drunk parents, they will be threatened with a "stolen generation" lawsuit.

You know how bad it is though? I predict that in 20-30 years, there will be a class action case against our government, launched from our prison system, on behalf of Aboriginals who have wrecked their lives, are in prison, and likely drunks & drug addicts.

They will sue our govt. for NOT taking them from their ill-equipped parents, and they'll be right.

I hope the government of the day sends them round to Peter Garrett's house, as well as all the other racist leftists, who truly do look down at these people.

Racist because they would never allow the same treatment of their kids would they? What caring person could have no problem with kids in a house full of violent drunks?
Posted by Benjamin, Saturday, 25 March 2006 4:44:48 PM
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Back to the article though, it needs to be said that only westerners should sit at a U.N table on human rights, as only they are qualified to speak.

China on a human rights board? Sudan? Iran? What utter lunacy!

India has a caste system, can a nation get any more barbaric than that? Most Asian nations are notoriously racist to outsiders, one only has to look at the Japan-South Korean situation to see evidence of this.

The U.N failed in Rwanda, it is failing now in Sudan, it failed in East Timor. The western world, particularly the U.S, is expected to do everything.

Even the invasion of Iraq should have occurred on human rights grounds, but because we have a situation where Iraq was due to head that council themselves in mid 2003, what could ever be done?

No matter how it looks, the west needs to be the only players in this regard. Other cultures haven't shown themselves to be truly tolerant of minorities, some, like Saudi Arabia, don't even allow other religions to exist there!

Hooray for tolerance....

Think about how bad it is though, with China & India growing. I mean, when Bush came to Australia he was heckled by Greens senator Bob Brown, although the Chinese president, who was here at the same time, told Howard that NO dissenters could even be present when he spoke.

He also told Howard not to greet the Dali Lama when he came out a few years earlier, and Howard had to agree because of economic factors.

Do we want a situation where we can't tell China they are barbaric because they'll stop trade? It's ludicrous. They should have never have been sold weapons.

Thanks Russia.
Posted by Benjamin, Saturday, 25 March 2006 4:52:08 PM
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A-ha- The new U N, and its new human rights out look, how interesting.
I still view it as a conglomerate of New Age Self elevating Fundament Busters out of control, think about it.
Posted by All-, Sunday, 26 March 2006 8:20:06 AM
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This is one case where all the good guys should be on the side of the US. The so-called reform with its pro-abuser weighting is a farce. How on earth could Australia not oppose it?
Posted by Faustino, Monday, 27 March 2006 10:51:48 AM
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