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An enterprise of fools : Comments

By Ted Lapkin, published 20/3/2006

Jihadists would celebrate closure of Guantanamo's Camp Delta as a propaganda victory.

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"The political lexicon of radical Islam does not recognise the concepts of compromise, comity or conciliation."

So, we must strike it from our lexicon, too?

Mr Lapkin has not adequately explain how we're supposed to win a war for enlightened, civilised society by abandoning everything which makes us enlightened and civilised.

And this "Gitmo is a deterrent" nonsense is for domestic audiences only. No extremist who knows his jihad from his elbow has any illusions about the brutal fate awaiting him if captured. Gitmo is great for distracting the media but, as we have learned, the US has for years been running a booming business in "extraordinary rendition". Or kidnapping and torture, as it used to be known.

Muslim extremism needs to be addressed, but this piece does absolutely nothing to move us toward a solution.
Posted by Ozone, Monday, 20 March 2006 8:35:45 AM
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"It is a simple truth of human nature that those who reward anti-social behaviour will end up getting more of it. The feebler the penalty paid for past atrocities, the flimsier the deterrent against future acts of barbarity."

Guantanamo bay has nothing to do with the jihadists. What a tool. And this cuts both ways. I can hear the cry, "Don't allow Muslims into this country, the jihadists will rejoice!"

Don't reward the USA for not signing the Rights of The Child, ignoring the Non Proliferation Treaty by supporting India, asking other countries to torture people for them etc..the list is endless.
Posted by Steel, Monday, 20 March 2006 10:10:32 AM
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Tell me this Mr. Lapkin, how does detaining people for years, without trial, in atrocious conditions, help to promote a belief in justice, in the rule of law. How does it support our claims that "we" have superior values to "them". How does it encourage moderate Islam to continue a moderate path. How does it discourage extremists from becoming more extreme?

If people have committed crimes, bring them to justice, give them a trial, sentence them. Anything else is going back to the dark ages, when people were punished based on gossip and hearsay. That, Mr. L, is what you are condoning.
Posted by AMSADL, Monday, 20 March 2006 11:04:39 AM
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David Hicks is now reputed to be the most dangerous man in Guantanamo Bay and the only token westerner.

The second most dangerous was somebody's chauffer.

Another 10 people were picked up in Pakistan simply for wearing Casio digital watches (suspected to the type used as bomb timers.)

Despite all the rhetoric it is becoming more and more apparent that most of these people were not picked up "on the battlefield" but were sold to the West by bounty hunters - a very profitable industry.
I think the US is in this mess too deep now to back out with any dignity or credibility.
Holding and torturing people without charge makes the US no different to those they are fighting and only serves as a rallying point for the "jihadists" they hope to defeat.
Posted by wobbles, Monday, 20 March 2006 11:05:49 AM
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I find myself in agreement with the article. Terrorists declared war on the USA by committing war like acts. So these terrorists are prisoners of war and could be held in detention until the terrorist war is over, including Hicks.
Listen to the bleeding hearts who have, as the norm, no real knowledge of the deceitful lying islam and release these gutless murderers and they will see it as a victory and immediately go back to terrorism. Thus many more innocent men, women and children - including babies will be cold bloodedly slaughtered in the name of a pagan god, allah. numbat
Posted by numbat, Monday, 20 March 2006 11:06:18 AM
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Well said, Ted Lapkin, and another black mark against the United Nations for its suggestion.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 20 March 2006 11:37:32 AM
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