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John Howard’s decade of uncool : Comments

By Kim Huynh, published 1/3/2006

John Howard is a man who is genuinely uncool and never feigns otherwise.

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The uncoolest thing about Howard is that he is a liar.
The uncoolest thing about Australians is that they don't care.
Posted by AMSADL, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 9:38:46 AM
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Great piece. The PM reinforces the appeal of his uncoolness by overstating the dangers facing Australia. When threatened, people stick the safe and predictable, i.e. Howard.
Posted by Ozone, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 11:27:51 AM
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“Howard refused to meet the Spice Girls despite the fact they supported the Tories”, according to Michelle Grattan.

That silly comment about ‘Tories’ in Britain is to be expected from Michelle Grattan, one of the Leftist commentators who try to convince us that anything right of Labor is Conservative or Tory. We do not have a Conservative party in Australia capable of forming Government. The senior member of the current Coalition is the Liberal Party – the Nationals don’t really count, and are not really big “C conservatives, either – which is slightly to the right of Labor. When formed, the Liberal Party was a genuine “liberal” alternative to what existed, and it still is, despite the lamentations of poor old Malcolm Fraser, who has been seeing too much of Hawke and Whitlam (two other twisters of the word “Tory”) since his retirement.

Cool or uncool, John Howard is no Margaret Thatcher, nor is he suited to be the leader of a genuine Conservative or Tory party
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 11:41:27 AM
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AMSADL, I don't agree with your comments about Australians. People in Aust. are beginning to realise the shortcomings of the Howard led Liberals, but haven't quite worked out exactly what to do about him. How many people think Labor is an effective alternative?? No enough I'd wager, but the tide may soon turn. The average worker in Australia never bargained that putting the coalition Government back into power would bring with it the disasterous industrial relations laws. Sneaky little Johnie (Rotton) Howard never let that one slip out during his pre election BS. I have spoken to many workers, both Liberal & Labor supporters who are furious at how they've been dupped in regards to IR laws. As to the smooth sailing economy under Howard, I think he's simply been extremely fortunate in coming to power at a time of relative economic strength. The US can't continue to run up debts to fund it's war efforts and indulgent lifestyle without eventually causing a financial mentdown and they'll certainly take us with them. That day may not be far away. Dislike John Howard as I do, I really hope he's still in power to cop the flack that his policies truly deserve.
Posted by Wildcat, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 12:04:37 PM
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You had my attention until the "New Zealand is much cooler than Australia line". Unless you were talking about the temperature, you are are off your head. Before anyone argues with this point please picture yourself in Christchurch on a Saturday night.

Response to AMSADL:
"The uncoolest thing about Howard is that he is a liar.
The uncoolest thing about Australians is that they don't care."
Two questions for you:
- where on earth is a better place to live than Australia?
- If you dislike the governement and the people of Australia so much, you have a right to leave, why not exercise it?

I would hate to see you continuing your desparately unhappy life here when things would be so fabulous for you somewhere else.
Posted by jimmyj, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 12:24:12 PM
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More bleatings from the left about one of the greatest PMs this country has ever had.

Most of the problems I see living in Sydney (crime, health, traffic) are caused by the ruinous government of the NSW ALP.

The one thing Howard needs to do is reform the unfair tax system, and his legacy will be complete.
Posted by gw, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 12:49:08 PM
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The smallmindedness and boarishness portrayed by many of the oneliners in this article can only bring me to say:

'“Booyakasha Kym Huynh! Big Up Yourself!”'


Kym has probably only ever seen Auckland city central. He's obviously never spent time in the huge parts of NZ that reflect a friendly but closed society.
Posted by keith, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 1:03:40 PM
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SO John Howard only made the seconds in Cricket & Rugby at school did he?
I guess thats nowhere near as impressive as an "associate" lecturer.
Posted by Joe Karachi, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 3:12:07 PM
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To identify Howard as the liar he is - and how more and more Australians appear willing to overlook his consistent lies in return for low interest rates - is one single criticism; it's not a conclusion that Australia is a bad place.

Of course Australia's a great country, and that's why people who love it so much, like I do, are so saddened at the direction Howard has taken it. It doesn't mean I'm about to leave the country; that's the easy way out.

People aren't about to make life easy for the Howard cheersquad members by leaving Australia to them. Instead we voice our objections to him and his government as is our right in a liberal democracy. Telling people to leave if they don't like it is primary school juvenility.
Posted by queerpenguin, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 3:12:55 PM
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For jimmyj and others, Howard is a liar who has made Australia a less fair place. Australians don't care about that enough to throw him out and replace him with an inept ALP opposition. However, should the economy go bad or interest rates rise suddenly, Howard would be toast and he knows it. Australians generally have no great love for Howard or care whether he is uncool, as long as the nation is relatively prosperous.

This doean't mean that people shouldn't critcise Howard and hold him accountable. It doesn't mean that people who do that should leave Australia. If you could grow up a bit you would think before you fire off a nasty, shallow post.
Posted by PK, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 3:50:27 PM
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jimmyj says:
"- where on earth is a better place to live than Australia?
- If you dislike the government and the people of Australia so much, you have a right to leave, why not exercise it?"

Changing the subject and attacking the man, not the ball?

So can you put your hand on your heart, jimmyj, and say that you really think Howard is honest, that he told the truth on WMDs, children overboard, AWB funding of Saddam Hussein.

Just give a straight answer, yes or no, and try not to abuse me in the process.

I agree. Australia is a great place to live, but despite, not because of Howard. And it could be much, much greater, if we had a real leader as PM, not a base, dishonest, narrow minded populist only interested in keeping himself in power.
Posted by AMSADL, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 4:10:38 PM
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Appear to get a few noses out of joint here - may as well keep up the good work.

Please point out where I stated my support for John Howard or that he was completely honest?

In terms of playing the "man and not the ball" how about the statement "why are Australians uncool, because they don't care". This is the statement that I find offensive because unlike so many statements labelled as such on this site - this is a racist generalisation.

Let's try a simple formula:
- Why are Indonesions so (insert derogatory comment), because (insert derogatory reason).

If I was to make a sweeping and derogatory generalisation about say, people from China, it would be racism. Of course it is impossible to be racist about Australians...

Posted by jimmyj, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 4:30:11 PM
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That's a definite "cut out and keep" article, Kim.

John Howard. Nailed. Skewered. Spotlit.

Great work.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 4:35:01 PM
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Dr Kim Huynh (Associate Lecturer)

Thank you for your article, even though it is probably the most irritating article that I have read since I first came to OLO around a year or so ago.

I find it apalling that an academic with your qualifications (presumably a doctorate)has written such an apalling article, which in no way reflects academic argument. Indeed, it shows little respect for the English language or your students. A skilled university teacher does not have to stoop to almost 30 uses of the terms cool, uncool and the like, to reach a young audience - let alone to make your point, which is still not clear to this reader.

You failed to state the subject of your article, let alone your conceptual framework and related philosophy. I guess you are teaching influential young Australians and overseas students in the same or similar vernacular? How pathetic. I further assume that you will allow students to submit written work which is as apalling as yours, and which contains no balanced or substantive argument.

So will your students be able to write: "I think that X theory is cool, Y theory is ultra cool, and Z theory is sooo uncool"? I guess you will pass students who write in the vernacular?

Until 10 years ago, I was a Labor voter all of my life. Labor has not been able to deliver the goods for me.

You have not argued in a politically academic sense. You have attacked a man. That says a lot about how you probably operate in your classrooms. Little wonder that you have only reached the rank of Associate Lecturer - the role of which is equivalent to the title of Tutor- prior to around 1995.

Good post Jo Karachi

PS: Dr - your definition of "cool" please, and "uncool". Are you aware of the notions of synonyms and antonyms?
Posted by kalweb, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 5:06:07 PM
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John Howard will be remembered for his weakness. if you said boo to him he would jump out of his thick skin, he is like a school bully he picks on those who cant defend themselves , he speaks with a forked tongue, if we had anyone to stand up against him, he would not be able to say "I cant recall of ever saying that" maybe some one should tell him, you need to have a good memory to be good liar,
Posted by mangotreeone1, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 5:07:32 PM
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It was the hard work,courage and ethos of WW2 generations and their post war efforts that set Australia up for the prosperity that all enjoy today Kim Huynh.John Howard is the link between that honest past and the decay of our present generations we see today.

All politicians have to be dishonest since the electorate are either too ignorant or dishonest themselves.Politicians merely reflect your dishonesty Kim Huynh.You cannot remain in power by wearing your heart on your sleeve.To remain in power you have to pander to the ignorance of the electorate.

If being cool is the greatest is his greatest sin,then you have a lot to learn Kim Huynh.Being cool means that we can be defined by our peers since we don't have the courage to forge our own image and belief systems.If John Howard is uncool,then I applaud him.

There are no ultimate truths in this world,we just do the best to survive and if there is enough time for introspection,that is a bonus.

It is easy to be the Paul Keating hero full of bravado and hot air,but it takes tenacity,insight and intelligence to remain on power for such a long time with such pathetic,whinging and self indulgent electorate.

The real challenge for John Howard is to bring back the moral fibre and work ethic that gave us this prosperity we enjoy now.

I fear it will take a real calamity to bring us to our senses and then it may be too late.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 9:50:04 PM
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I must say that I agree with comments re attacking the ball (i.e. Issue) and not the individual... However, John Howard's government has been established on such a strong leadership basis both publicly and internally that we have little choice but to discuss the man rather than the party and policies. I was interested in the discusions of Mr Howard as a liar and only one comment cited examples and another referred to memory lapses. I remember even further back. Anyone remember voting Keating out of office for attempting to impose a GST tax?? Or the vigourous opposition leader that took his place on the basis of a GST never happening. Why is it that so many people can discuss issues intellegently but as a voting public we have a memory term as far back as our last meal? I don't care about cool or being called uncool. I wish I had viable voting alternatives. I believe the GST a fantastic example of the similarity of our major parties blindly opposing identical aims proposed from across the floor. I also really really have a problem with my representatives lying to me. At least have the courage to say 'I made a decision...' or, 'I changed my mind...'

I wonder if people will analyse the foreign policy and it's domestic affects. Short term memory again... What was the last time America declared an unwinnable war and we supported them wholly? Something about a blank cheque?

My greatest fear for this wonderful country is a lack of political spectrum and, unfortunately, John howard is not the only representative who embodies this rot. Give me somebody who wants to achieve something of benefit for their constituants to vote for. Please.
Posted by Nickname, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 10:02:47 PM
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Nickname ,you falsely presume that Govt must do something of benefit for the the electorate.The best thing that Govt can do,is be less intrusive in all our lives.If we rely on Govt to do anything for us ,it will cost three times as much.

The Howard Govt has been more socialist than any Labor Govt since they have kept economic growth going and collected more taxes than any Labor Govt could ever have dreamt of.What really irks me is that they have fostered the "Nanny State" more than Labor's inherant capacity for a socialist utopia.

Presently the Labor Party are in self destructive mode,electing their no talent union hacks in backroom brawls,and the the rest of us could't give a rats .... because no matter how many AWB scandals there are,Labor are a bunch of no talent losers.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 1 March 2006 10:36:37 PM
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Mate you really haven't got a clue have you. Adsaml mate you are spot on as usual, Australians are legendry for their apathy, most would rather watch The Simpsons than the news, which is why, nobody ever votes for Little Johhny "Bonsai" Howard, deputy sherrif. However he keeps getting in. The average punter wouldn't know their head from their collective toes politically.

jimmyj, if we don't like the rodent, we won't leave, we will just continue to vote against him, and his facist party, untill the balance of a majority of Australians wake up to themselves, and join us to throw him out of office. It has taken them a decade so far, maybe they will realise what the Tories stand for when their pay and living standards get cut even more.

In any case the decade of fear is slowly coming to a close, surely Australians won't be so stupid to give him another three years, God help us all.

Bonsai is a little bush. If you are still out there Winston, yes it is still all a communist plot.
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 2 March 2006 12:57:38 AM
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Ten years of this bloke? a dreadfull thing for Australia, he has had a lot of luck and a lot of help from my ALP.
Right now Bill Shortens entry into the house is chalanged and Creans exit is questioned.
My deeply held view and often quoted one that Latham could never win almosr saw me thrown out of the party long before the election proved my point.
The only task the ALP has is to each and every day win ground in middle Australia towards victory ,those within the party who plan for another Howard win are those who put him in the house, another 3 years of lies ?please no!
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 2 March 2006 5:21:15 AM
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John Howard,no regrets about the war against Iraq,as he believed what he was told?,then I read about the AWB,and his version,now he wants the voters to believe what he says about the AWB is the truth,now who is so ignorant to believe his CRAP,I do know who,and they are the suckers that support the liberal/nationalist coalition,known as the Howard government.
Posted by KAROOSON, Thursday, 2 March 2006 5:21:30 AM
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Id rather him than most of you, he has adapted into a strong leader. Nobody is perfect, everyone tells lies so dont kid ourselves, at least his heart is in the right place, with his percieved good for our country coming before all else.

Give him a break, i hope to be as fit and alert as him at his age, this bloke works 16 hour days and has done for 10 years, give him a break.

I dont vote for any party, i vote for strong individuals. Surprisingly, he has moulded to be one of them, as is his dedication.

Good work Johnny, now say sorry.
Posted by Realist, Thursday, 2 March 2006 9:03:47 AM
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I see you have avoided giving a straight answer to a straight question. Much like John Howard.

So let me refer you to a number of polls which show that a majority of Australians believe he was dishonest in relation to WMDs, AWB, Children overboard.

Now, since most Australians think he has been dishonest, yet they have elected him 4 times, I think this is a pretty strong case to support my generalisation that Australians don't care that he is a liar.

The argument that they didn't like the alternative(s) doesn't hold water, in my view. Everyone has the alternative of spoiling the ballot paper if nobody on the list is acceptable. People voted FOR Howard. He didn't get in by default.

Your simple formula is incorrectly formatted in relation to my original comments. I said:

The uncoolest thing about Howard is that he is a liar.
The uncoolest thing about Australians is that they don't care.

I stand by those comments, and have established a valid case for them.

Yes it is a generalisation. But it generally holds true. To format your suggested formula correctly try the following:

the x thing about the Irish is that they are Catholics
the y thing about the Italians is that they like Pasta

x, y or z can be anything you want. Remember this web site is "On line OPINION".

It is my opinion that the fact that Australians generally don't care that Howard is a liar is uncool. If that upsets you, that's a shame. Give me evidence, rather than abuse, to support your assertion that it is "a racist generalisation".

I think most Australians prefer not to think about it, because when they are confronted with the fact that they have on multiple occasions elected a liar as their leader, then they are confronted with the question "How important is honesty to you?".

And if we go around telling migrants that they must not be "un-Australian" we need to be clear about what it is to be Australian. Where does honesty rate on the definition of "Australian values"?
Posted by AMSADL, Thursday, 2 March 2006 9:58:33 AM
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Great post. Perhaps a referendum asking "How important is honesty to you?" to help establish just what 'values' the majority of Australians hold true.

If our leaders lead by example - just what do recent migrants make of our values?

On subject of "cool"

While "uncool" is humourous (picture Rick Moranis as Howard in movie) it isn't threatening, these days everyone is so easily threatened (just look how easily some posters react) that Howard appears to be a safe option.

Latham never appeared 'safe', although I would not go so far as to describe him as 'cool'. He was just never an alternative. Neither is Beazley.

I agree that overall Howard has succeeded because of his ordinariness - just as Michelle Grattan stated. Perhaps Howard could be described as the Steven Bradbury of Aussie politics - when all your opponents are flat on their backs, all you have to do is dodge.
Posted by Scout, Thursday, 2 March 2006 10:28:58 AM
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Response to AMSDAL

Thanks you for your response. You have responded to the issue that I raised. I do not agree with your formula as you have illustrated positive and not negative generalisations. It is not OK to make derogatory generalisations (try Italians are habitually unfaithful, Irish are drunkards).

Personally I would have argued that the terms “uncool” and “don’t care” are hardly negative enough to warrant the “r” label. Patronising and insulting - yes - racist - a bit of a stretch. I expected your response to be along the lines of SHONGAs “you have no idea”, with no discussion of the issue raised (proving who is really playing the man) and stand corrected.

- Did Howard knowingly lie about any of these issues? – increasingly likely.
- Is his government knowingly lie about any of these issues? – increasingly highly likely.

Having said that, it is wrong to make comments inferring that anyone who voted for Howard is stupid, uncaring, etc. I voted for Howard in the last election, I have not voted for Howard in all of the last three elections. My decision to vote for Howard in the last election was easy as I did not want a man with a history of violent and offensive behavior running our country.

I guess some Howard-haters are bent out of shape by the patron saint of all haters losing an election. Would you prefer Mark Latham running our country?

I do not know if I will vote for Howard at the next election. I do not determine who I would vote for years before an election as I like to see what will happen as well as the personalities and policies in play. I guess that makes me uncaring, ignorant etc but there it is.

In terms of my so-called abusive postings – I have not stated you have “no idea”, I have not referred to anyone as a rodent, fascist or weak.

Just because people disagree with you does not mean they don’t care.
Posted by jimmyj, Thursday, 2 March 2006 12:25:35 PM
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It is sad about Howard isn't it? The country is in great shape, employment high, no real poverty,taxes too much but returns the benefits.
Now if Labor was in power, we would have had Kim, Mark, Kevin,Simon,Jillian[?] .
What a choice.
Posted by mickijo, Thursday, 2 March 2006 3:46:32 PM
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Alternatives to Mr Howard:

# Loosekips Latham - the Premier Thug
# Boring Beazely
# Simple Simon
# Natasha twit on the twot
# Bartlett the boozer and basher
# Bobbie the environment basher

Posted by kalweb, Friday, 3 March 2006 9:15:04 PM
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This article only goes to show what a waste of money is going on at Universities. "Cool" is only an issue to adolescents and those who have never had to grow up.

Guess what ..people LIKE uncool if it goes along with diligence, steadiness, reliability and intelligence.
Posted by Atman, Friday, 3 March 2006 10:16:13 PM
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Wildcat, I'm afraid Labor would be worse and I dislike Howard's government very much. Where do we turn?

Jimmyj, What a deep and meaningful comment. I assume you will leave when the Coalition loses, eventually. Dumb comment.

GW, How is it that the State government is responsible for everything? I thought Howard claimed credit for the state of Australian society. Forget that did we? The truth is both Federal and State governments share the blame. Open the other eye please.

Katweb, I agree with you. What a ridiculous issue to write about. Coolness has nothing to do with politics and only exists in the minds of impressionable young children. In fact it doesn't exist at all.

The truth about Howard is that he has always been a second rater, a perennial loser. It's simply by being the last standing that he got in and he will cling to office as long as he is breathing. He was a loser for so long that even Downer beat him for leader. How sad that is.

The fact that Howard got the nod to me indicates he had been around for long enough to have dirt on so many people they all just said "OK, it's your turn" whilst not really beleiving he would win.

He win and is still there because Labor also has been abysmal for so long you just can't remember anything good they have achieved.It really is an indictment of the preselection process that allows the major parties to reject threats to old men like Howard and Beazley.
Posted by pegasus, Sunday, 5 March 2006 2:23:28 AM
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I wouldlike to Point-out J-Howard 10-Wasted Years.He--has involved Australia in a War that no one will ever win.
He Gave Australians the G-S-T-but we stil Pay all the Taxes-and more and more Taxes-and the Poors are getting Poorer.
The Guns -Law was Useless -there are more Guns than ever -Before -
and what about all the LIES -Are Australians becoming -Gullible-People
Perhaps-?----i do not think that J-Howard is or was a Genuine Person
i think he was in the right Place at the Right Time-very lucky Man...
Endeed --He took over a Country with a good Economy and ever since he has Claimed as his own Achievement
Thankyou for Listening-ozevic
Posted by ozevic, Monday, 6 March 2006 12:10:09 PM
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Initially I liked the Howard's conservative approach 10 years ago (I must admit), but it is starting to wear a bit thin for me now. Are we really still in the best country in the world?

I would hate to see single mothers struggle to juggle work outside the home as well as parenting alone, unless of course they have a very good support system. If my wife was suddenly left husbandless (God forbid), I know our 3 children would suffer terribly with the pressure on her to look for work, find it and sustain it. I thought people paid taxes in this country for many reasons, being - education, health, welfare, commonwealth games etc. etc.

The future of our next generation will be at risk, as women should in my opinion have a choice, and not be forced to work outside the home if their children need them at home, remember women could not carry a sick 7 year on their back while they are at work. And nor should they feel forced to stay in a relationship out of fear that they will be destitute if they leave their partner.

The Howard Government should be thanking these women for looking after the future generation, even if they have to dish out on the Single Parenting Payment, it would cost the Government a lot more to do the same job. Put the family first Johnny, single and coupled parents are already doing a lot, they are help to keep the funding on education down to an all time low, some parents putting many hours in voluntarily at school.

Keep up the good work Julia, let's hope you get an opportunity one day to run for the top job.
Posted by joseph, Wednesday, 8 March 2006 2:16:51 AM
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There was a time when J-Howard was the Treasurer -and not a very good one i say no one wanted J-H-or liked him .he was and still he is very BORING endeed -but he got voted in as P-M-he has Caused so much Damage to Australia and the Australian People -it wil take a Generation and More to Undo the Damage i am very worried thinking what kind of-Legacy our Children will be left-?
Posted by ozevic, Wednesday, 8 March 2006 9:44:21 AM
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John Howard knows full well that this sort of persection is happening in China Yet he still wants to trade uranium with the Chinese Regime and still wants to do trade with murders. So what does thay say about John Howard and what future does that give Australia? PLease write to John Howard and Mr Downer and tell you know whats going on and that Australians are not stupid.

The Secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp

A former CCP informant has revealed that in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, there is another facility especially used to torture Falun Dafa practitioners in the Sujiatun District.

This source said There are more than six thousand Falun Dafa practitioners detained here. If Falun Dafa practitioners are sent to Sujiatun, they will never come out. What is the CCP doing to them inside those walls?
The CCP can't let a prisoner consume food forever. Then what are they doing? I am sorry that I have to use such a direct way to speak such a fact, but the Falun Dafa practitioners will be killed for their organs, which will be sent to all medical facilities. Currently, organ selling is a very profitable business in China. No one investigates it. Even doctors are involved in this trade. They cannot find enough bodies through executions, and no one is more readily available than practitioners to do this business.

This source further exposed - I was told the people who built Sujiatun Camp were long term prisoners who did not know what were they building, and for what purpose. Why was a crematorium built and why are so many doctors housed there? The CCP is not kind enough to treat prisoners so well. Why is there a crematorium inside the Sujiatun Secret Camp? Why do they need to burn bodies? Why do they need so many doctors?

The informant said, It is very hard to obtain information in China, because people live in fear. We have many information sources that we are paying regularly.

This insider said,I feel a responsibility to reveal the Secret Sujiatun Facility to the public.
Posted by Jana Banana, Thursday, 9 March 2006 6:42:32 PM
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Kalweb: whilst saying nothing of substance, you have impressively managed both gross intellectual snobbery AND hopeless myopia in (not) appreciating the deeper meaning of Dr. Huynh's article. What, I ask you, is wrong with shifting discourse away from the ivory tower? How is discussing 'cool' an affront to language or academia? Your suggestion that one can only make a valid point by presenting an officially sanctioned "conceptual framework" is an insult to anyone who a) does not have that training, and b) is (god forbid) cleverer than you, in being able to appreciate allegory and metaphor as vehicles for legitimate points. Reread your own blustering - (gramatically and academicly poor, if you MUST bake a point of it) - post, and consider that you would do well to seek alternatives to orthodox intellectual argument. Are you suggesting that certain artists, song-writers, poets, novelists and ordinary men & women do not have valuable and legitimate political views? I imagine you are, which is a sad indictment of your exclusive views.

Dr. Huynh is not pandering to an uneducated audience, as you imply. (nor does he speak in similar terms to his students). He is making an allegorical point. For you to suggest that it is wrong to 'attack a man' in a political argument proves that you have absolutely no appreciation for what it is that is so alarming about Howard's decade of uncool: Never before has a Prime-Minister brought so much of his personal values, beliefs and ambition to the office. Never has it been so appropriate to attack politics via the individual.

The personal IS political. You who attack Dr. Huynh for writing a personal response to a political phenomena ignore that, and worse, you ignore that people who are intelligent enough to think critically about such things do not need to feign authority the way that others do in order to disguise the huge gaps in their understanding.

So relax - things will make more sense. Try to see writing such as Dr. Huynhh's for what it is, not what you feel it should be.
Posted by Cosm, Wednesday, 30 May 2007 1:32:26 AM
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