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Playing dominoes in Iraq : Comments

By John Hickman, published 13/2/2006

With no weapons of mass destruction and democracy not likely to be long term the US will have to justify the War in Iraq some other way.

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Keep the discussive pot boiling, matey, but I must say both you and John have not mentioned Immanuel Kant's main political recipe for Perpetual Peace, never to let one personage nor one nation alone ever to attain world rulership, for such can bring out the worst in man or woman.

Kant's recipe for Perpetual Peace, was a Federation of Nations, by which incidently the League of Nations was founded. It is a pity Kant did not warn about the power of the veto, in which nations such as the US and the Soviets began the elitist big power wrecking of the United Nations, the US finally finishing the rotten job with the help of Britain and us Aussies with the illegal attack on Iraq.

Looks like we need a great philosopher, and great Christian, incidently, like Immnuel Kant to be born again - certainly many decent people like Nelson Mandela must be praying for it.

George C, WA - Bushbred
Posted by bushbred, Tuesday, 14 February 2006 6:58:05 PM
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I’ve got to admit, I kinda' supported the war at the very beginning. Like many of the pro-war nuts, I just wanted to see Saddam gone – I didn’t care about WMD, the sooner that bastard was gone the better. So I see where they’re all coming from.

My opinion on the war made a complete 180 degree turn when I learned the whole story along with the undeniable evidence of deceit and lies. One of the literally thousands of examples was the faked Bin Laden footage of him admitting to 9/11. Why did they need to fake the admission?

Could someone from the Right please explain to me why they don’t question things like that? No, none of you will, because you don’t have an answer, you’ll simply pretend it didn’t happen – along with everything else that contradicts your beliefs on this issue.

I’m absolutely astonished that Keith could say “Nothing needs to be added”. Keith, if you could actually say that, then you don’t even know half of what’s really going on. Level-headed people, with nothing to gain, will make perfect sense, and the Pro-War Right will let it go in one ear and out the other. Yet at the same time, they’ll listen to the mainstream media (who have everything to gain from their selective reporting) as if what they said was Gospel.

How about we start paying more attention to independent media sources so that we get the real story, instead of brainwashing ourselves with propaganda from the mainstream media, who are too afraid to report on what’s really happening, or the Right-Wing media, who are very well looked after for their deceit and bias.

Our governments must be laughing at us. All we’ve done is demonstrate to them that we’ll believe any old garbage they feed us, giving them the key to do whatever they want…a truly frightening concept.
Posted by Jinx, Tuesday, 14 February 2006 11:34:05 PM
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I'm glad you've become "enlightened" by 5 years of conspiracy theory since 9/11.

You oppose and discredit a lot.

Show us your decision making ability.

If you were the President (of the US) what would you do about Iran?

If Iran, despite the anti Bush crowd and cospiracy theorists, actuaally wants to build nuclear weapons is that a good thing?

Would you fall back on the lazy logic that "its OK for Iran to have nukes because other countries have nukes."

Following the logic its OK for every country to have nukes.

About Iran - what if the threat isn't a manufactured conspiracy this time?

What if Iran's words and deeds are what they appear to be? Noting the precedent that the other regional nuclear powers (Israel, India and Pakistan) WERE conducting civlian nuclear power research until it became obvious that the main effort was on nuclear weapons.

I'm confident that the President of Iran will counter the UN sanctions by starving his people, circumventing the sanctions while constructing his nukes.

So if Iran's nuclear weapon development is not a conspiracy and diplomacy won't work, what as US President would you do?
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 12:16:20 AM
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I'll stick to my point. Themistocles said all that needed to be said about this article.
I refuse to respond to the personal abuse you injected into your post. It lowers the tond of this forum.
Posted by keith, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 8:32:42 AM
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I’m not talking about the conspiracy theories (Although they do raise some interesting questions that don’t have any other explanations – unlike the loopy man-on-the-moon conspiracy).

What I’m talking about is the unmitigated corruption, hypocrisy and cronyism of the current US government. By raising the question as to why they fake the Bin Laden tape, I wasn’t necessarily suggesting that the US government was behind it, just that there’s more to this than we realise. Another point, why would they show us picture of 19 apparent hijackers when one of half of those men are still alive and living normal lives?

I’m curious as to what your thoughts are on both of these? It’s a cop-out to merely throw accusations of conspiracy theories. You’ve seen the footage, we all have? So again, please share your thoughts on these.

If Bush was elected without seriously manipulating the electoral system then he would have more of my support. But I refuse to support such blatant hypocrisy and disregard for democratic values. I would have thought that all westerners would feel the same - obviously not. I don’t understand how Nixon could be impeached when Bush has done far worse things…ever read ‘Worse Than Watergate’?

It’s not so much about being anti-war as it is about being pro-democracy and anti-corruption. Of course war is sometimes the only answer. But I only support wars that are about freedom and security, not profit and fear-mongering.

To answer your questions: If Iran had intensions to develop and use WMD then I would attack. Providing that all diplomatic attempts had been made to disarm them and the intelligence was real, not the manipulated kind of intelligence we got with Iraq. But if I were President, I'd like to think that I wouldn’t manipulate it. Even Colin Powell refused to read the speech to the UN at first, branding it as crap.

If the Iraq war is necessary then it was only to undo something that they originally played a role in. Prevention is better than cure i.e. don’t give weapons to a madman, particularly biological weapons.
Posted by Jinx, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 5:18:04 PM
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A true dodging and weaving of a politician.
Answer the question!
Posted by keith, Wednesday, 15 February 2006 7:53:35 PM
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