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National watchdog is needed : Comments

By Bruce Hawker, published 3/2/2006

Bruce Hawker argues there is a need for government officials to face the Cole Inquiry over the AWB oil-for-food scandal.

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Good Point Bruiser,

Try to put that one together though. A watchdog? who is noble enough to head it since very few in this country who would be qualified are untainted, non affiliated and non bias.

Then, we would have to keep the screws on them. Another corporate gravy train for the most part and as time goes by the core always rots.
Posted by Realist, Friday, 3 February 2006 9:54:52 AM
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Bruce: Who ever was in power would appoint a trusty toady who would be directed as to how far they can go in any investigation.
The present mob has loaded various boards and one only has to read a certain columnist's reports on howard to know that this does pay.
These appointees have no decency and no shame or honesty it seems and it would be the same for the "fearless, impartial, no-nonsense?" investigator appointed.
Note also the law courts, It seems that liberals appoint perhaps compliant liberals and labour compliant labour judges. And they do vote as liberal and labour it seems - so much for impartial courts.
This will always be while we have the low standard of grubby, greedy politicians here in Oz. numbat
Posted by numbat, Friday, 3 February 2006 10:26:18 AM
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This story comes across as just another 'opposition' rant against against the government.

In Qld as in NSW, both Labor run states, Bettie and 'Premya Iemma' and their minions have been there long enough to cover their tracks, but wait, are the cracks appearing , in QLD the polls dont look good for ' I.m Sorry Bettie' and Iemma's handling of the "riot' leaves a lot to be looked into.

Strewth. The whole thing is a sorry mess. Politicians are a sorry bunch. The worst of all, we (well, some people) still believe them.
And I'm really sorry about that!
Posted by Coyote, Friday, 3 February 2006 11:13:49 AM
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Yes of course there should be a watchdog, but it will never happen whilst Howard is in power (which could be a long time yet), and whilst Australians don't give a toss about integrity in government (which could be an even longer time yet).
Posted by AMSADL, Friday, 3 February 2006 1:51:48 PM
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Bruce, yes we need a big watchdog with the powers of a Royal Commission in perpetuity, otherwise like the Cole inquiry, it will not be able to make adverse findings in relation to public servants and their masters. Nor will it be able to second them to give evidence. The Cole inquiry will not only be test for the survival of the AWB, it will also test the integrity and accountability of the Howard government.

Will they side step this one as deftly as they have others?

But I also notice Rudd and Beazley have not called for a watchdog. Lest it bite them if they win government in 2020?

“Corruption is nature's way of restoring our faith in democracy.”
Posted by Rainier, Friday, 3 February 2006 2:11:59 PM
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An individual Australian is allowed to only take out of Australia $10,000 ( to my knowledge). Who, what or where, is keeping records of the flow of cash in such immense amounts leaving the country?.
Please no one say the "which" bank has a branch in the Cayman Islands.
Posted by Kipp, Friday, 3 February 2006 4:08:28 PM
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