The Forum > Article Comments > The polarisation of the church: liberalism and fundamentalism > Comments
The polarisation of the church: liberalism and fundamentalism : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 3/2/2006Peter Sellick argues liberal and fundamentalist theologies are both fatally flawed, and a synthesis is needed for the health of the church.
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Jellyback (post 11:21:54 AM 3/2/06)
Not totally true of Roman Catholics. Whilst broadly Amillennial, Catholics are divided into 'clans' - better not say sects - who, whilst acknowledging the Pope's divine authority, don't all ascribe to the same thinking on all matters. I've encountered many Bible-believing Catholics who say of some priests, "He's a crook!" [actual quote.]
I can't specifically answer your second question - maybe Peter can. However, I could out-source it? Anyone else know?
Christ was certainly emphatic about Matt 22:37-39. But at no stage did He think we'd lose sight of Exod 20. The Fruits of the Spirit were not to be ignored either, but love is always central. But love is shallow & meaningless without holiness, righteousness & truth.
Dogma is difficult. But Scripture is confirmed by Scripture - taking multiple examples, not in isolation.
Sadly some modern-day interpreters have been deceived & influenced by Humanism, Post-modernism, Eastern philosophies, & a myriad of non-Christian thinking. Krishna is not Christ anymore than Allah is Yahweh.
A great quote comes from Meic PEARCE: "The only things that are never invulnerable are those things which never claimed objective value, such as entertainment & fashion, which are taken with unprecedented seriousness & are at the heart of the infantilisation of the Western culture." (personal communication RML 96/3684, 11/4/1996.)
Good questions! I need to be challenged, too. Divergent opinions inspire. [But remember: opinions are only just that - opinions. Opinions aren't necessarily facts.]
"I am the Way, the Truth & the Life .." & "You will know the Truth, & the Truth will set you free."
Tigerlily (post 1:37:51 PM 3/2/06)
I must admit that I didn't read the hyperlinks. I encountered the thinking of "god can't be proven or disproven" when I first did my studies. I can't prove that I ate a chicken sandwich at 12:15pm on the 15th June 1953, but who cares.
If you promise that you're not a Hindu or a Rastafarian, "Tigerlily", I'll read the links that you included.
Cheers all