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The Forum > Article Comments > The refugee problem - time for a “new order” > Comments

The refugee problem - time for a “new order” : Comments

By Guy Goodwin-Gill, published 3/3/2006

The refugee problem tests our commitment and the principle that everyone has an equal right to dignity and worth.

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People like will never learn


The Armenian

Hindu genocide

Tibet genocide

Cambodia genocide

muslim genocide in india

Native Americans had African American slaves as well as Europeans,

then theres the Holocaust cared out by your beloved Hitler.It happens ever where.
Posted by Amel, Saturday, 4 March 2006 1:13:59 AM
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To Mr Amel.

And your point is....?

To Joh. Hi Joe, I thought you were dead. I loved it when you said "If the black African countries do not want to come to Queensland for the Commonwealth Games, we won't miss them." And "The aborigines can demonstrate 'till their black in the face, their not getting any land rights in Queensland"

You are pretty witty yourself, Joh. Must be from eating Flo's scones.

I better not repost what I wrote because I have already been banned once before from OLO. But I suppose I can say that it was a naughty ryme on Senator Stott Destoya.

It went

"Senator "Stott Destroyer", helps you leave strong willed.
Promises you will go to heaven, if perchance your killed."

And don't you worry about that.
Posted by redneck, Saturday, 4 March 2006 5:24:18 AM
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Leave dysfunctional countries to sort out their own problems, and let's stop importing "refugees" or any people who do not fit the Western cultural mold. Europeans are committing cultural suicide. By the end of this century, white people will be the minority, thanks to low birth rates and the silly idea that we can be 'nice' to non-Westerners because we are superior and we will always prevail. The world is going to be turned on its head, with Europe (where it is well under way already)and other white countries feeling what it is like to be colonised.
Posted by Leigh, Saturday, 4 March 2006 10:28:34 AM
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Yes Amel..what was your point ? I can think of one

"All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God"

seems rather appropriate.

Regarding refugees. I wonder what those who seem to advocate a more open policy have to say about world realities, which seem to suddenly not exist as soon as ones brain crosses the Australian national border. Its like 'brain death' suddenly to all that people do to people in the rest of the world.

The Author says:

"A “law-based” approach to international protection already exists, beginning with the 1951 Convention and other relevant treaties. And while protection is often wider than rights, it still begins with rights which ought to permeate the whole.
It is here, on the solid foundation of rights, that a truly protecting agency must make its stand and prove its worth."

Now that is the point "rights" where my poor brain explodes.
Where do they come from ? ummmmm unless you believe in God there IS NO SUCH THING as 'rights' The best you can hope for is 'privileges' based on your relationship to those holding power.

Even if half the world agrees that 'this' and 'that' are 'rights' -if the other half disagrees, then they are not worth squat !

The idea that certain 'rights' are self evident is just codswallop.
They may be evident to you, but not to Joe bloggs or Gengis Khan.
Or to the Caliph who will tell you your rights are guided by Sharia law.

There is ANOTHER aspect to 'rights' and that is the 'right' of a sovereign people to maintain that soveriegnty ! Free from the intrusive threat of opportunistic 'others'.

If we don't treat this issue with even handedness and balance, it will degenerate into 'right/left' political slanging.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 4 March 2006 12:23:04 PM
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'Australian progress and democracy can only rely on the intellectual and humanitarian capacities of those it serves.' Quoted rainier.
Well I wish we could get migrants who fitted such wonderful criteria as the above, instead of the steady stream of the unassimilatable, the unemployable and the plain dangerous that are flooding into our cities where ethnic gangs are making life unbearable for the residents.
Posted by mickijo, Saturday, 4 March 2006 2:43:58 PM
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Gosh, I thought this was written by Greg Barns, or Andrew Bartlett. Bet the polies, beaurucrats and academic PC's take notice of Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, rather than the people. Like redneck, I love those hyphenated names, a indication of the dysfunctional and warped. Why do these brain dead people want to remove borders, they must surely be totally bereft of anything other than their names and religious commercial interests they represent

Like others, I believe we should shut our borders to everyone until we have sorted out the growing mess we have here. Has any one noticed that if you are islamic, you are entitled to have as many wifes as you like in this country and are entitled to welfare payments for all of them. Sounds like we have already begun to give up our ways in deference to fundamentalist religious priorities. What pathetic women those fools must be.
Posted by The alchemist, Saturday, 4 March 2006 5:55:42 PM
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