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The perpetual graveyard : Comments

By Darlene Taylor, published 1/2/2006

Darlene Taylor examines the pros and cons of roadside memorials to traffic accident victims

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Hoons - society's biggest pest!

Children are unsafe going to school and responsible motorists risk their lives sharing the same road as these idiots. They are also a noisy nuisance because they blast their stupid stereos at a zillion decibels – you can hear the thumping, headache-inducing poor excuse for music from miles away. The sound also limits their concentration while they should be focusing on driving.

Typical of the kind of mentality that says:

‘I will do whatever I want, regardless of how it may affect other people’. Very un-Australian.

I see it daily on mass and I've reached a point where I can accurately analyze hooning behaviour – not difficult given the simplicity of their intellect. The black V8 Holden is notorious because it’s somehow meant to represent masculine ‘power’.

They carouse around the streets with crew cuts and baseball caps. Their thick forearms resting on the door window while the other arm fully extended to control the steering wheel – no doubt a reflection of their illusion of life-control. Their bodies are pressed back hard into their Holden Racing Team seat covers as if to gain a superior view of the road, which in their mind represents the world.

And they’re gutless cowards. Often I’ve been terrorized by these imbeciles as a pedestrian or while riding my pushbike. They love to yell at you to give you a fright and I’ve also been swerved at and spat at.

I usually swear back, or get off my bike and tell them to come back and face me. This is usually met with something dismissive like, 'Bring it on fagot', because they’re also homophobic.

They're full of themselves while in their cars – easy to drive off but they never come back, especially when their mates aren’t with them.

Obviously each and every one of these morons believes wholeheartedly in their ‘superior’ driving ability and that nothing bad could ever happen at their expense. Typical losers. I say harsher fines and fewer warnings before confiscation. Make the world more pleasant by getting these clowns off the roads.
Posted by tubley, Monday, 6 February 2006 11:49:50 AM
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Anyway, as for the topic - I find roadside memorials a whole lot less distracting than the bloody big in-your-face MacDonalds advertisements that, unlike roadside memorials, actually have the sole purpose of steeling your attention from anything happening on the road.
Posted by tubley, Monday, 6 February 2006 11:53:49 AM
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As with motorcycles, the power of a vehicle should be limited for new drivers.

My first motorbike was only 250 CC Kwaka, my last bike a 750 CC Honda, apart from still being alive to tell the tale (at age 52), I believe starting on a motorbike gave me additional skills as a car driver. Its pretty basic; I assume everyone on the road to be capable of doing anything at anytime for no logical reason. As a result I am rarely surprised. Must confess, when young did love speed, however I was both lucky and had a talent.

I concur with Tubley that road side memorials are not a distraction - roadside advertising most definitely is.


If someone wants to memorialise their dog - so what? I buried my dog in the back yard under a tree as way to remember her. Most animals I have known have been very good people. Which is more than I can say for rude drivers.
Posted by Scout, Monday, 6 February 2006 12:34:53 PM
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Yeah Tubley, hoons are the bottom dwellers of the road-safety scum-bucket.

I also agree with Scout.

But there is also plenty of well-deserved criticism for various other groups – ‘normal’ drivers, police, Main Roads Departments, local councils, state and federal governments, magistrates, driver-trainers….. in fact just about everyone involved with road safety.

I have commented on lots of these: Please see ‘Ludwig’s Really Loony Roadshow’ – 53 postings so far - under “Putting the brakes on the road toll” (

Helloooow Belly….. are you out there? Could you please give us your thoughts as per the request in my last post. Thanks
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 6 February 2006 8:25:00 PM
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I am doing an article on roadside memorials for an assignment in my journalist course. I was hoping that I could have an email interview with someone who disagrees with roadside memorials. Some of the comments in this forum would make great quotes, but I would need permission from the writers. My email address is: My assignment is due 1st May so I need to make contact quickly. Thanks in anticipation.
Posted by ugatha, Wednesday, 19 April 2006 12:56:39 PM
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