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Kerry Packer: admiring men with balls : Comments

By Trish Bolton, published 4/1/2006

Trish Bolton argues Kerry Packer is responsible for a parochial, populist and devalued media.

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PhilB and Remco,

And let’s not forget the role of Murdoch in this too.
Their supposed (gammon) rivalry hid a deep comradery and desire to manipulate politics and politicians for their own capitalist ends. 60% to 70% of the Australian mainstream press is owned by Newscorp, which is much too large.

Only a diversity of media can deliver the kind of diversity of public opinion that good democracies thrive on. I find it strange that the free marketeer gurus and neo-cons don’t seem to argue this media ownership and regulation.

Over the past 10 years many people who are small-l liberal, and not necessarily left-wing even, understand that something big has happened to the country. Packer and Murdock have much to answer for.

So talk of Packer’s virtues does not hide his engagement with the devaluing and diminishing of our public democracy and the role that his media outlets have played in this erosion.

Why are most people blind to this manufacturing of consent around the status quo? Because this is a fundamental part of their blindness.

I'm seriously sick of reading little epithets about Packer giving money (tax deductible) and donations. Measure this against lots of community minded people right across the nation who give time and money regularly for the common good and you realize how cheap the big goanna was.

He was reptile with reptilian instincts and desires -but to be fair to our scaled mates, I've had pet carpet snakes with better manners and personalities.
Posted by Rainier, Friday, 6 January 2006 11:55:16 AM
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Hello to Yabbie and others,

It sounds like you know a bit about abattoirs. We agree with everything you are saying.

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My Name is Angie and I work with Wendy
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 8 January 2006 11:18:14 AM
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Rainier excellent post ref media.Have you seen the Fox Media network that comes out of the U.S.(Fox news fair and balanced) owned by Murduck?.It is a right wing talk fest love in to be sure.Fox would have you believe that George Bush as well as bringing peace and democracy to the world,was the first man to split the atom,discover penicillin,and is well on the way to finding a cure for aids.I have never experienced such bias reporting in my life.For good measure they bring on some old hack country music stars to sing you some good old patriotic clap trap which would drive some people to drink.

The reporting on the current situation in Iraq is something else.Fox would have you believe that a new Disney Park will be opening there next week,and it will be a great place to take the family on hols.I have already made a booking.Apparently they are planning a Disney Park in Iran and Syria.

Of course our own media is not much better,the hard indepth investigative reporting on shows like a Current Affair in Oz are real mind benders.e.g Will Mrs Jones cat tabby get down from the tree by tea time, take our poll and ring blah blah blah.Is it any wonder the population is being dumbed down.
Posted by PHILB, Sunday, 8 January 2006 8:05:40 PM
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How many of the posters here throw in an extra couple of thousand dollars tax at the end of the year to be good Australian citizens?

How many of you donated defibrilliators to ambulances (and don't give me the "he was rich he gambled more than that" line - it was precisely because of his wealth he could do both things, and did. Earning money brings with it the freedom to spend it how you will)?

How many people have employed thousands of people in their lifetime?

How many hate the idea that other people have the nous and acumen to make themselves wealthy and powerful, so they poo-poo the achievements of others?

Packer might not have been perfect but he was a good businessman, who over his lifetime employed many people, helping them put food on the table, raise kids, contributing to a growing, prosperous economy.

As for all the whingers complaining about entertainment on television - why don't you start up your own television station (or raise money to buy an existing one) and see how far you get without giving the audience what they want.

I have said it before on these forums - the reason people accept and actually want copious amounts of entertainment and sport on television and in print is because people are generally happy with their lot in life.

Aussies just aren't interested in politics or the so-called hard news because we live in a pretty good society, with a good economy.

If you don't like it, turn off and spend your available free time quoting sob stories on internet forums about how evil people are because they like earning money.

And just for the record - capitalism actually works - if you want your news to be dictated to you from higher powers, even though the majority of the population couldn't care less, why don't you move to Cuba. Because you know, Castro is such a gentle benevolent fellow who would have killed or imprisoned Kerry Packer years ago for trying to give the people what they want.

Posted by the usual suspect, Monday, 9 January 2006 10:54:19 AM
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Hey t.u.s - chill out dude.

No one has argued against capitalism. The problem many people have (and the includes yours truly) is unfettered monopolies.

A truly competitive, high-level of employment market is one where many small to medium businesses are challenging each other. Vast monopolies restrict and limit creativity and diversity.

BTW - if Aussies aren't interested in politics what the .... are we all doing here, mate?

Packer may have employed many people, however a truly diverse media with many players rather than just two would employ a lot more - and provide a broad range of opinion and entertainment. As for what the majority wants - if that was really true then shows like Jon Daly (USA) or our own John Safran wouldn't even get off the the ground.

People aren't as stupid as you seem to think.

Just imagine (if you can) a media that is as diverse and complex and competitive as the world in which we live.
Posted by Scout, Monday, 9 January 2006 11:47:36 AM
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Scout, I never said anyone is stupid - it is the people on this forum who are critical of Aussies who watch Channel 9 or Big Brother who assume the general populace is stupid.

And remember, neither PBL or News Ltd started out as huge companies -they have been built over many decades by hard-nosed entrepreneurs who made tough decisions and gave the audience what they wanted.

The reason they do well is because they provide the best possible service to the most people.

Like I said, if you think there is a market for more hard news, go start it up. Use a community radio station to attract your loyal following and build from there.

Better yet, allow the ABC to have advertisements so it can pay for more of the programming you like to see, rather than my tax dollars substituting re-runs of BBC comedies and biased news reporting.

(BTW - if you were serious about eliminating monopolies, why don't you petition to have the ABC allow advertisements. As it is, they are allowed to promote, aka advertise, all their Bananas in Pyjamas and other merchandise while no other companies are allowed the same privilege.)

And you didn't answer my question about donating extra tax dollars to those nice men and women at the ATO.

Posted by the usual suspect, Monday, 9 January 2006 2:49:53 PM
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