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The Forum > Article Comments > Kerry Packer: admiring men with balls > Comments

Kerry Packer: admiring men with balls : Comments

By Trish Bolton, published 4/1/2006

Trish Bolton argues Kerry Packer is responsible for a parochial, populist and devalued media.

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Well Wendy, you need to understand all the benefits of the live export trade too. Here in WA we depend on it to a huge extent.
If it were not for the live trade, the market would collapse

Regional abbatoirs simply can't find staff, young Aussies don't want to work there anymore, playing video games seems like more fun.
WA sheep and lamb prices are well below the Eastern States, simply
because we lack abbatoirs and people who want to work in them.

So if you know of workers or abbatoirs who want to make money, send them over here as we urgently need them. Meanwhile for us anyhow,
the live trade is a huge bonus.

Packer was tough in business, but then business is tough, if you want to survive. The dreamers soon go under...
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 5 January 2006 1:09:19 PM
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Second Part two Re balls for Brains

We are giving the jobs back to the Australian Country People. Do you have any idea the amount of jobs that could be and SHOULD be available to the Indigenous people?

If the Australian Government is to remain committed to creating more employment and stronger economic foundations for regional communities through increase value adding, then a more relevant long term strategy and vision into the marketing and selling of one of Australia’s most potentially lucrative resources must be sought. Even the live exporters themselves recognize that the value and profitability of the trade is not intrinsic to the product itself, but rather a product of market distortion in the form of tariff and non tariff barriers. Apart from all those facts it is a fact the 96 percent of Australia’s WANT live exports stopped for many reasons. It is a FACT that WE the Tax payer pay millions each year to prop this barbaric trade up AGAINST our wishes. It is a FACT that millions of dollars are being spent overseas to build infrastructure IN OTHER COUNTRIES! The Last 4 enquiries into Live Exports ALL recommended and found that it should be BANNED immediately over the last twenty years. By the way the tax payers paid MILLIONS again for THOSE enquiries ONLY to have the findings ignored because of the bullying of certain people. So Kerry Packer was a bully and certainly no friend to his fellow Aussies and farmers. His family should not be blamed for that. however all eyes will be on James Packer to see if HE is willing to help us STOP the Barbaric treatment of Animals in feedlots and live exports. FREE and Green is what we were. Australia has much to be proud of and we together can get a good world wide meat trade WITHOUT this cruelty and WITH giving our jobs BACK to our country towns.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 5 January 2006 2:01:05 PM
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Do I detect a threat, Realist?

>>Dont cross the line, you have crossed the line ... if i recieve attacks like that again ... i will turn my attention to you. Final warning. You dont take the polite ones. Let this one sink in.<<

Surely not. That's only for small people.

But you might like to cogitate upon the contradictions in your post.

For one thing, advertising a web address australianpropertyonline on your OLO profile hardly indicates someone with privacy on their mind. It also provides a clue to your line of business, to those astute enough to relate "property" to "real estate". Even though the page it links to just says says "This site is currently under construction."

The only piece of information I used that is not contained within your posts was your forename. Big deal. That took nearly three minutes to find, given all the other clues you littered around the place.

I have been wondering what it is about you that causes me to react to you the way I do. I can only think that it must be your open and uncritical worship of money that offends me most. That leads to idolizing values and people that I have found consistently offensive for most of my life. Certainly since before I was your age.

But you will be glad to hear that I am becoming bored with it. If you promise not to write such egregious rubbish in future, stop pretending that you have the answer to life, the universe and everything, and above all stop promoting yourself in such distasteful ways, I shall stop responding.

Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 5 January 2006 2:14:06 PM
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The ultimate insult was perpetrated on Australians when the taxpayer was forced to funds the memorial service for Kerry PACKER. Just what was John HOWARD thinking when he approved this payment. Did he owe the Packer for a favourable HOWARD spin during elections ?

Trish BOLTONS posting was spot on. Australian commercial television is not the place to tune in, but to tune out. Its overbearing obsession with celebrity is sickening, and we would better closing the Australian commercial channels and taking direct feed from the US channels, given the almost identical format, style and content.

Kerry PACKER did nothing to expand (or better) the Australian cattle herd. He simply traded in properties to his advantage.

Jamed PACKER seems to be less the bully boy, but it appears he is more interested in that holy alter of capitalism - gambling.
Posted by JamesW, Thursday, 5 January 2006 5:14:08 PM
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These discussions (apart from the inappropriate personal diatribes of Pericles and Realist) goes to show that:

1. one can exploit loopholes in the tax system to pay virtually no tax which is then apologised if you make a "substantial" contribution to the community.

It seems to be ignored that these contributions are miniscule compared to what you have screwed and legitimised as being the 'system' or the government is wasteful in some areas. One respondent even said "but like a true Aussie, he looks after many and stood by his mates and his country." Gawd.

2. On the subject of "stood by his mates", the government who received $30.51 out of a $40m tax claim can offer a state funeral - dare I suggest, to ensure continued favourable media coverage.

3. Some respect entrepreneurs even when they are exploiters - even Alan Bond remains admired in some circles despite his $1bn rape of a company. What happened to the "fair go"?

Who control the media, wins the people and hence the syncophancy of government.
Posted by Remco, Thursday, 5 January 2006 5:38:57 PM
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"Who controls the media wins the people and hence the syncophancy of government" Spot on Remco.All the tosh about what Packer did for charity, his business interests, improving the cattle industry,and other such accolades, are irrelavent to what the real game was and is "Australia incorperated" total control.My estimation of this man fell when he pulled a story on a current affairs programme and a heap of journos resigned over it.Its one thing to own a media outlet,but it's another to intefere with its content.
Posted by PHILB, Friday, 6 January 2006 3:56:52 AM
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