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The Forum > Article Comments > The sin of the Archbishop > Comments

The sin of the Archbishop : Comments

By Rod Benson, published 28/11/2005

Rod Benson argues the Archbishop of Canterbury reinforces political correctness among senior clergy but ignores political reality.

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Like Rod Benson, I am an admirer of Rowan Williams and I also am somewhat surprised at Williams' use of the word 'sinful' to describe those particular acts of our missionary forbears.
Maybe we ought to remember that even our finest leaders are human. Among the current surge of new hymns there are some superb works like those of Brian Wren, Robin Mann, Elizabeth Smith, Digby Hannah and Ross Langmead.
Posted by ledingham, Tuesday, 29 November 2005 4:49:38 AM
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I do not hold Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in high esteem as a churchman. I believe the man has lost his path. I believe he is taking the Anglican church into dangerous and treacherous places. But I do agree with Mr Benson's point of view on the matter of his article here.
Posted by Maximus, Tuesday, 29 November 2005 8:18:15 AM
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I am moving toward the Anglican Church because I feel, like Rod, that the larger, modern churches such as Hillsong have gone a little too far in the commercialisation of Christianity. Whilst I am sure that many Hillsong programs have led to good things in churches and in individual's lives, I just feel that there is a need to tone things down a bit.

In terms of what the Archbishop of Canterbury said re hymms, I agree with Rod that he is just playing the "PC" card. It is sad to think that pragmatic considerations about language and culture have been politicised to such an extent that one of the highest members of the Anglican Church has come out to support political correctness. Even so, I hope and pray that Rowan Williams will speak cautiously and think carefully before he speaks out on matters potentially political in nature.
Posted by Dinhaan, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 6:53:37 PM
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