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Protecting freedom of speech : Comments
By Philip Ruddock, published 15/11/2005Philip Ruddock argues Australians have nothing to fear from the new anti-terrorism legislation.
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I suspect that we will continue to fundamentally disagree on this issue, but I respect your sincerity.
You may have detected that, inter alia, I’m an unashamed heterosexual who likes to discuss sexual issues.
Many of the issues we are discussing are mentioned on the Eros Foundation website .
I see political correctness as bowing to the “communal values” of the dominant political grouping in a given area.
I do not share many of the communal values of the area of country Queensland that I live in. This area strongly supported (and relied on) Joh Bjelke Peterson. People here are of “good” Anglo-German stock. Many still revere (Sir) Joh’s memory and consider “the South” and even Brisbane, to be somewhere between Sodom and the old Kremlin. Down the road the Assembly of God, at Hattonvale, is so powerful it fills a cathedral sized “church” in what is still a county town. Barnaby Joyce, Hanson and FF are very popular. The liberals and mainstream Nationals are usually considered a bit leftie.
What the successful farmers and other pillars of the community believe is pretty much accepted. So given that backdrop I do not accept that I must adhere to the communities political values on many issues, but I have a right to live here.
Regarding the States banning XXX porn for 'no reason'. State laws and approaches to XXX are longer established and difficult politically to repeal while the ACT enjoyed a Commonwealth spoon-fed legal environment until 1988 On self government the ACT received a relatively fresh start. The laws made recognised that XXX and brothels were the types of industry that a small Territory could have an economic jump over the States on. The States were/are, by comparison legally and politically conservative.
Enforcing a ban on possession is what Joh believed – this was part of his authoritarian style.
Its pretty hard to tackle the “demand end” when a supply will always exist. Check all mail with printed matter, both international and interstate? Filter international sites on the internet?