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The Forum > Article Comments > The Larry Summers saga - women’s scientific aptitude and the truth about choice > Comments

The Larry Summers saga - women’s scientific aptitude and the truth about choice : Comments

By Leslie Cannold, published 24/3/2005

Leslie Cannold argues that Larry Summers' thesis that women lack 'intrinsic aptitude' is very mistaken

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Penikiko, I would probably be regetful if I'd said what he said :)

Timkins and Andyman, yes, noted.
Andy, the main point on your post I have reservations about is trying to make the playing field so 'even'. If we all had the same "equipment". I'd agree. But we don't. Females are the nurterers, and men are the warriors,protectors, providers. Once the nurtering is basically done, arrange it how u like, maximize ur potential by any means, but never, NEVER let those precious children (if there are any) come to the view that they are just 'baggage' who are in the way of better careers.
I feel we have become so much slaves of the '2 income' mentality and economy, driven by our sense of what we 'should rightfully have' (consumerism) that we have lost track of true happiness, which is (in my arrogant godbothering narrow minded opinion :)) To enjoy family life, and good meals and shared work and recreation.

I recommend a close reading of the book of Ecclesiastes, written by King Solomon who had 'tried the lot' and ended up with some notable conclusions. (about life);&version=64;

It opens with these words:

1 The words of the Teacher, son of David, king of Jerusalem:
2 Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.
3 What does man gain from all his labour at which he toils under the sun?
4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains for ever......


.. And the existentialists thought they had discovered something 'new' :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 27 March 2005 7:11:32 PM
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The Harvard man (Prof. Summers) did NOT say (or imply) that “women are less intelligent than men”.

When we start basing our comments on untruths then the whole discussion becomes idiotic and pointless. Your mistake is an unfortunate example of what happens when emotions take over.

Only an idiot would believe that women (generally) are less intelligent than men (generally). But every rational, grounded person—male and female—would accept that women and men are....…different.

The word ‘different’ contains no implication of ‘superiority’ or ‘inferiority’.

The simple reality is that men and women are superior to those of the opposite sex; only in different facets of their natural abilities.

There is a great and largely unrealised danger to society in the propositions of gender feminists like Leslie Cannold. The essay at explains.

There's ample evidence---and growing---that gender feminism has caused great harm to all men, women and children, in any order you please.
Posted by ozaware, Tuesday, 29 March 2005 1:07:35 PM
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Ok, so if he didn't say or imply what I said he did, what is the problem? Why are we posting on this forum? Why did this person write an article and what was the article about (I've forgotten).

I am confused.
Posted by Penekiko, Tuesday, 29 March 2005 3:11:57 PM
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The situation with Summers represents a battle going on within US universities between the left and right side of politics. Most of the US universities are heavily dominated by left wing politics, and also by feminism, and many people in the US have now begun to complain about it as there is so little diversity of thought anymore. Complaints have come from the students and from the parents who save all their lives to send their children to university, only to have them brainwashed by a left wing politician or by a feminist.

Summers is much more right wing than left, and it has been thought that the meeting he was invited to attend was a staged set-up, to try and ambush him in some way, and then attempt to ruin his career. It is probable that if he had made remarks negative towards the male gender at that meeting, the feminists there would probably had applauded him, but they waited until he said something about the female gender, and then played the part of drama-queens, saying that they felt physically ill etc.

So the meeting was probably a staged set up, to try and take out Summers from Harvard, and to keep the present status quo of left wing politics and feminism within the US university system.

Many women in the US have now seen through the charade of the feminists at Harvard, and have begun to speak out about it, and I have previously given some links to their example articles

Whether US parents will continue to send their children to a US university is another matter if the lack of diversity in those universities continues, and whether parents will continue to send their kids to universities in Australia if they become so lacking in diversity as they are in the US is also a looming issue.
Posted by Timkins, Tuesday, 29 March 2005 3:36:27 PM
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Summer's remarks are just daft, but he is perfectly entitled to make them. Everyone has a right to say silly things, but they have to be prepared to cop the flack that follows.
Weighting the public sphere to keep women at the lower end of it, is not just a problem for women. Only accessing half the available talent properly is a tax on all of us.
For example, the angst expended over the fact that boys do less well at school than girls, something that is not a recent phenomenon, by the way, is interesting. In the whole debate I never hear a soul worrying about what happens to all those talented, high performing, highly educated girls after they leave school and university. The loss to society of maximising their brain power must be incalculable, but we don't seem to care much, because it is female brain power we are losing, something we still don't value very much.
Yes, intelligent, educated mothers are a good thing, but motherhood alone simply does not exercise the brain enough. I know, I spent 5 years at home when my kids were small and I was never more miserable in my life. I loved my kids, but hated my isolation and the sheer boredom and drudgery of my days. I went back to work part-time and found myself again. I dread to think what kind of mother I would have been if I'd stayed at home any longer.
It always strikes me as so convenient for blokes when they argue that women, by virtue of their biology, should just accept earning less money, exercising less political power and doing much more of the boring, mundane, unrewarding work. What are they so afraid of, I wonder? Let the most talented bloom and shine, whatever their bloody gender. All of us will benefit when we do, but surely it is the least we can do for our sons and daughters?
Posted by enaj, Wednesday, 30 March 2005 1:35:46 PM
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Timkins is exactly right.

"Femininazism" has been aggressively advancing in our society using deadly techniques that often pass unnoticed. In Leslie Cannold's essay is an example:

"calls for his resignation have been coming thick and fast"

Gender feminists have no interest in freedom of speech. They will "cut the throat" of anyone who does not toe their line. In this sentence we see that their response to Professor Summer's (at least 'informed', if not scientific views) is to seek to literally destroy him by ousting him from his livelihood.

These people are as dangerous to our society as the Nazi movement was to German society sixty years ago. Yet, sucked in by their disingenuous appeals (which also was Hitler's technique!), very few 'ordinary' people realise it....
Posted by ozaware, Thursday, 31 March 2005 7:40:30 AM
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