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The science of religion : Comments

By John Warren, published 17/3/2005

John Warren argues that the evolution of religion can be explained by science.

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Kenny, be careful or I might punish u by sending you to sit at the feet of Pericles and learn big words like "Penumbral" and "Exuquite" *smile*

Man, I can hardly remember then let alone spell them. Kenny, when your grammer catches up with your lofty claims about 'scientific training' I might be more prone to listen :) ur grammer is LOUSY. No offence, its just a fact brudder...

U gave us your position clearly, by admitting u can't find the evidence for your view but 'that doesn't stop us from finding a natural cause for it'. Duh ... in other words, no MATTER what facts I'm presented with, my mind is made up. You tend to dispute the factual nature of what we present, and I'd like to see your reasoned debunking of the resurrection of Jesus based on the available evidence and not just wild assumptions or arguments from silence.

I'd say Aslan puts 10 times the effort into his posts as you do, u just seem to repeat the same old "your an idiot" slogans.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 2 April 2005 5:58:01 PM
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I bring new hope and joy to our religious brethren - the ones who are still here after the Rapture, that is. Here's a teaser from an interesting article in the age: "The stories go as follows: the Second Coming of Jesus has happened. Millions of born-again Christians have been suddenly taken into the sky to be with their Lord - this is called the Rapture - and unbelievers are left behind to make what they will of the aftermath."

and here's the link:

Seems christians are right and everybody else is wrong. Nyah, nyah nyah!

Bless you all
Posted by Ringtail, Sunday, 3 April 2005 8:56:19 AM
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Thanks for that, Ringtail. Do you know if the late Pope was among the transportees?

More seriously, this LaHaye clown shares a worrisome characteristic with some of the more prolific godbotherers in these forums: the inability to distinguish fiction from non-fiction - even when they write it themselves!

These forums are an endless source of amusement for me - albeit rather black humour. Posts from Ringtail are like windows of light in a dark and gloomy room.

Posted by morganzola, Sunday, 3 April 2005 9:54:21 AM
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aarrgghh... Tim Lawho ? don't worry, I do know of him, but kinda wish I didn't.. I also see a worrisome trend of ME and the others of my ilk here being associated directly with LaHaye's views. There are a number of views on the last days and the 2nd coming and the rapture, the chronology is the main issue, and I'd put Mr LaHayes efforts somewhere along with the Davinci code and Chariots of the Gods, and Hal Lindsays "Late Great Planet Earth".

The best medicine to treat your bludgeoned senses with is of course a good read of the bible -nyah nyah :)
Stop whining u 2, and don't let best seller authors cause u to waste time writing about them here... if they have a good case, ok, if a lousy and contentious one, also ok its no biggy. Even the influence of Lahaye in the White house, is not related to his last days views as much as a general re-Christianization of pagan/liberal american educational life.

People who disagree with his input, should make their own, work and strive and struggle to impose 'their' views on us :) which we have been enduring for a LONGGGG time now.

We can never avoid the politics of state and religion and non-religion, but my biggest worry and fear, is that in all of this, the simple beauty and peace which truly passes understanding, of knowing Christ will not be seen.

Instead of railing against the godbotherers, seek for urselves, and u will find :) its always a choice matter, Jesus knocks, and for those who open the door, He will come in, if the door remains closed, he moves on. Sadly, perhaps one day the last person who shared the gospel with you might also.

Today is Sunday, "where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them" said Jesus, and how true that is :) in spite of the raucous goings on in this rather competitive forum.
Blessings back at ya Ringy and Morg.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 3 April 2005 11:50:16 AM
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Morgan - thank you.
Boaz - good response, now we're communicating. I will never see religion the way you do. I have been questioning religious issues since I was 12. I now know who I am and where I want to be and am v/happy with that.

Maybe it is the way our brains are wired?
Posted by Ringtail, Monday, 4 April 2005 7:31:46 AM
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Ringtail..... (and Morgan)
you should hear yourself .. "I'll NEVER see religion the way you do"
hmmmmm....If we were in the grand canyon I'd be hearing echo after repeating echo of 'closed mind' :) Lets go back a step, from seeing 'religion' in the same way, to seeing ANYthing.... like the Pope just passed way..right ? this is not disputed I hope. I mean, it happened, it was real... he died. I can't imagine in 200 yrs time people disputing this. We know of his passing through reports, many of them. Thus far none have claimed he 'rose' from death. But if they DID, don't you think it would be just so easy to send some heavies, grab his body and SHOW it to the world, get some independant medical people from 'your' camp and verify it all. I surely cannot imagine anyone (who has at least an quarter of a brain) after seeing he is still really dead, go out and endure untold suffering based on a claim that he DID rise :). The Jews could have ensured the same thing, as could the Romans, "LOOK... u morons.. HERE HE IS.. 'THIS' is his corpse .. do u GET it yet he is Dee Ee Aye Dee- Dead?" Thats all they had to do, after all, Jesus was where after his crucifixion ? In a tomb guarded by Roman Soldiers who would pay with their LIVES if they let anyone disturb it. they HAD to guard it because the authorities were aware.... of his claim "after 3 days he will rise"

Now.. dont take that little diatribe as 'insisting' :) I'm just 'pointing'.

I've only said all this because of 'I'll Never'...I'd prefer to hear, "I'm yet to be convinced".... which at least shows an open mind.

Buttt.. back to the material world and tidying up various technical loose ends which have caused my economic life to pass before my eyes for the past 2 weeks :) Now, (having solved a problem) I can actually predict when I'll be able to buy my next jar of Peanut Butter.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 4 April 2005 8:53:50 AM
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