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George Bush's Iraq adventure is rich in dangerous precedents : Comments

By Owen Harries, published 2/3/2005

Owen Harries argues for prudent morality in foreign policy.

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Britain and Germany both pursued selfish interests in W/W2?? as I see it Germany was way in front in the selfish stakes. It was Germany who brutally conquered adjoining nations for the 'good' of Germany. States can't be held to the same moral standards as individuals?? They can and they must. The German nation butchered inmates of concentration camps then so followed the general German population. Because of fear in some but others 'we are winning the war so what the hell, Hitler (the nation) must be right'. Germany's leaders were butcherous criminals then so became the vast majority of the German people and armed forces.Look at Australia, once a nation with outstanding compassion. Yet under this present greedy lying mean spirited Goverment I think we have/are changing. Again the people following the nation or Government. Now if in both of the examples above the national leaders were decent and honourable then so the peoples to a great degree. Australia never went to war without a declaration of war previously, though it was a close thing regards Vietnam. Now not only have "we" gone to an undeclared war we have invaded another nation, a nation at peace with us also. Note now the Australian people, most now have followed what I see as a corrupt Government and are agreeable to this undeclared war in THEIR name. I mean the South Vietnamese were 'leant-on or ordered to ask for our intervention, NOT SO!! the sovereign people of Iraq. We have slavishly followed America whose aim in the Middle East is to foster democracy, whether they,the Iraq's at present want it or not. Yet this same peace loving, DEMOCRATIC loving! America has fostered many, many insurrections in other lands many in South America. As a result many peoples were/are forced to live under right wing and very brutal dictatorships. Funny country, not ha-ha but queer, America.
I agree with the quote mentioned written by John Stuart Mill and with Owen Harries our foreign policy must be a moral one for the good of other nations and for our good.
Posted by numbat, Wednesday, 2 March 2005 1:11:39 PM
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As a Christian teacher and writer for 7 years, some people are trying to convince me that George Bush and John Howard are christians and are acting "in God's will" where Iraq is concerned.
As far as I'm concerned these men are not demonstrating the love and compassion of Christ, and the New Testament is clear, that to wage or initiate war is WRONG. The attack on Iraq is not only unlawful by international human rights standards, it's immoral because to create war is to kill, and it is against Christ's teaching and other teachings in the New Testament.

Teresa van Lieshout
Faith and Politics: A Framework for Australian Social and POlitical Life
Posted by Teresa van Lieshout, Thursday, 3 March 2005 4:29:58 PM
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Do you think that the Rushdie Fatwa has affected the way in which Islam is percieved & in some cases published in print?

Are you as critical of Islam as you are of christianity? or, like most authors Post Rushdie, just scared to death of critising Islam.
Posted by Sayeret, Tuesday, 8 March 2005 8:04:16 AM
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Sayeret: You have strayed from the topic but as you ask I think that islam is a bloodthirsty,cruel, pagan religion. Only three islamic or part islamic nations have some freedoms we take for granted in the Christian west. The inhabitants of all the other islamic nations live in squalor and are ruled by intolerant bloody dictators. regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Tuesday, 8 March 2005 4:21:28 PM
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Numbat, I was interested as Islam seems to be protected from the criticism levelled by Teresa. A great level of debate here concern how 'morally bereft' the West is, whilst accepting that it's ok to chop someone head off, provided he is Christian Or Jew & if it is Allahs will.
I want to hear the progressive left criticize these monsters, but I won't be holding my breath!
Posted by Sayeret, Tuesday, 15 March 2005 7:47:46 AM
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I am criticising John Howard and George Bush, as humans, and their initiating war. I am not criticising christianity. I love Christ, and so uphold his teachings and the New Testament.

Yes, in my writing I am critical of Islam. Clearly Islam has created nations and cultures that do not proport the love and compassion of Christ. They oppress women, they are too violent, and there is not true freedom. Freedom comes from love, not Bush and Howards way, or from Islam. Jesus Christ, and the prayer and practice of Christians combined, are the only entities that create human freedom.
Posted by Teresa van Lieshout, Tuesday, 15 March 2005 7:46:36 PM
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