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SpongeBob comes a Buster with US Christian Right : Comments

By Jane Rankin-Reid, published 8/3/2005

Jane Rankin-Reid examines the charges of moral turpitude against Sponge Bob Square Pants and Buster.

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Jane RR,

You say in your latest comment that “No, repression of homosexuals has an historical habit of creating intense unhappiness, high levels of self harm and dangerous increases in youth and adult suicide rates.”

Would it be OK to deprive children of these “cartoons” on the basis that they are repressive to fatherhood and thereby contribute to their and their children’s suicide rates?

Are you claiming children cannot be negatively influenced by cartoons, or that there should be no censorship at all, or do you object to Christians having a say – or is it simply the perceived attack on the homosexual lifestyle/orientation that you find most repugnant?
Posted by Seeker, Saturday, 12 March 2005 4:34:39 PM
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I'm certain that Buster the Rabbit-who is often accompanied by his own cartoon father Arthur on his tv visits to "non-traditional" contemporary US families -Muslims, orthodox Jews, Mormons, Pentacostal Christians among others - does not send an anti-fatherhood message just because in Sugartime he drops in on a pair of American mums who make maple syrup. SpongeBob in contrast is pure invention and has no mum and no dad at all. Were we to follow your logic, the ommission of any kind of parental supervision in the undersea world of Bikini Bottom where SpongeBob lives, could be just as bad for children's heads.

Perhaps it is best to avoid "the tyranny of the literal" in interpeting views which may appear contrary to one's own. I cannot and haven't make assumsions about issues effecting fatherhood, or fathers' rights and it would be disengenious to construe my article on the US Christian Right's pressure on PBS and the Education Department to remove Buster and SpongeBob from contributing to early learning educational programs, as such. My story on Buster's woes is not intended to lead you to the conclusion that I or he, a cartoon rabbit, are in any way covertly questioning fathers' rights. It is an important issue, you're right, but again, I haven't written about this topic to date...why don't you have a shot at covering it for us?
Posted by Jane RR, Saturday, 12 March 2005 7:18:36 PM
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lifestyle n : "a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes."

Homosexuals live according to their values and attitudes ie. they have "sex" with other men (or boys), and they are extremely promiscuous. That is their lifestyle.

You wanted quotes from well-known gay activists about dissimilarity between homoosexual relationships and heterosexual relationships. How about Matthew Loader?:
"In that bill a person could be the ‘putative spouse’ of another if he or she was cohabiting with another: 'in a relationship that has the distinguishing characteristics of a relationship between a married couple (except for the characteristics of different sex and legally recognised marriage and other characteristics arising from either of those characteristics)'. It is a torturous definition and one which, by its very inability to escape from comparison to heterosexually defined ‘marriage’, emphasises enduring ‘subsidiary status’ for same sex couples."

Or perhaps Daniel Harris in his review of Andrew Sullivan's book on gay marriage:
"For us, gay marriage is like a lunch counter where homosexuals aren’t allowed to dine and where we therefore fully intend to stage a lengthy sit-in, to park ourselves down right beneath the noses of the exasperated waitresses until they pull their pencils from behind their ears and take our orders. And yet please don’t mistake our eagerness to sit at this counter as a sign that we like the food. Please don’t insist that we see this fast food joint as a four-star restaurant that merits our unqualified respect."

BTW, Christianity is not US religion, it's middle eastern religion. And I am not interested in recriminalising homosexuality. I simply want to stop homosexuals forcing their worldiew on others (eg. my kids) by presenting homosexuality as a normal, valid, healthy lifestyle when it is plainly not.

BTW, Australian Queer Eye recently got cancelled and Hillsong is one of the biggest and fastest growing churches in Australia.


There is plenty of rational reasons why homosexuality is wrong. post your email addr and I will send you stacks of info from peer-reviewed science journals many of whch were written by homosexuals themselves.

Posted by Aslan, Sunday, 13 March 2005 1:53:21 AM
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Aslan, given the variety of sexual behaviour that heterosexuals indulge in (including anal sex) and their promiscuity (why else the spread of STD's?), I don't believe any het is in any position to judge, criticise and curtail the behaviour of gays.

And don't blast me with your statistics - we can prove anything with stats - I am using common sense and rationality - try it instead of hatred.

The banning of a cartoon because of a perceived gay bias displays the hysteria running through fundamentalist religion, but is also indicative of the mind control the far right wishes to inflict upon the general population. I have never answered my door to a couple of gays trying to force their beliefs upon me.
Posted by Ringtail, Sunday, 13 March 2005 8:24:40 AM
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sorry for the delay, I tried to post a response to yours but the dreaded 'rules' discriminated against me :)
Jane, homosexual behavior 'existed' when the original prohibitions were given, if it didn't they would not have been made most likely. So that argument doesn't carry much weight. Many types of behavior 'exist' but reason tells us that is no reason to legitimize them.

Modern ? a Christian is a Christian is a Christian, quite apart from the social trends which may prevail at any given time in history. So, pls don't expect us to 'keep up with the times' in some areas. Though this morning at Church we had a Christian Rap/R&B band, that left me speechless,(as in, 'impressed') and had someone told me that later on this morning at church I'd be 'grooving' with all the guys out front I would have had them insitutionalized :) but there I was, with all the guys, with the band members showing us a few steps, amazing and really nice.

As for using my efforts to hold Churches accountable, well, let me begin here and now. I call upon all Anglican and Catholic Bishops, to move from anything resembling a 'palace' and live more as Jesus taught, washing the feet of the disciples, rather than manifesting what the world see's as material comfort, status and extravagance. Perhaps that might be a step in return to Christs example and teaching which can only be a good thing, and also a step away from anything the passions of the flesh try to persuade is to follow.

If I detect some issue of importance, I do write to people Jane, including Christians as well as government. I'll be at VCAT soon regarding an issue of this nature.
Keep up the good work
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 13 March 2005 1:04:49 PM
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Highlighting the equally immoral behaviour of many heterosexuals in no way validates the bahaviour of homosexuals. My overriding concern is for the well being of society, and it is an indisputable historical fact that a society flourishes when it has strong families, and rapidly declines when departs from this standard. See the work of Giambatista Vico and J D Unwin. Thus, I not only object to homosexual behaviour, but also to perverse and immoral heterosexual behaviour.

And since I, as a married heterosexual, do not engage in illicit sexual behaviour outside of marriage, I see no reason why I should not be allowed to judge.

You said: "And don't blast me with your statistics - we can prove anything with stats - I am using common sense and rationality - try it instead of hatred"

This is an ad hominem argument (ie. you are using common sense and rationality, whereas I am just hateful). Actually, its not an argument at all. You have just made a wild assertion about me and my methods but have offered no substantiation. If you think I am hateful, lacking in common sense and rationality, and misuse statistics, then you bare the burden of proof in demonstrating this. If you can't then I see no reason why I or anyone else should pay any attention to you.

Regarding "mind control", actually its the far left who are trying to do this. Remeber how that English professor was complaining that English teachers had failed in their duty to teach because many of their former students voted for Howard? Consider Mike Moore's propaganda films and how he manipulates the truth with impugnity...

And homosexuals don't push their views on others by knocking on doors. They do it through the Courts, through lobbying govts, by hi-jacking public school curriculums, by influencing the media and film producers to always portray homosexuals in a positive light as normal happy people.

Posted by Aslan, Sunday, 13 March 2005 5:29:59 PM
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