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Is this religious persecution? : Comments

By David Palmer and Allan Harman, published 21/1/2005

David Palmer and Allan Harman argue that Justice Higgins' ruling on religious villification is tantamount to religious persecution

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I'll try to limit this so we can actually move ahead to some kind of light at the end.....
You say 'Mohammed married a 9 yr old" is fact.. yes indeed it is.
Then u say
But if they said it to indicate that the Muslim faith promotes pedophile, then that is derogatory.

Actually Kenny,.. UR RIGHT :) what they SHOULD have said..was==> The Islamic faith does not recognize Sexual Molestation of 9 yr old girls as outlined in Australian law. (Pedophilia relates to habitual molestation of pre-pubescant children, Molestation/Abuse applies from puberty onwards.) see Crimes Act 1958 section 47 read it all :)

What I think u might have missed also in the Pastors submissions, is the 'HIGH REGARD' by way of EXAMPLE Mohammed is held in Islam. Here is a list of points I found after a couple of searches on how he is regarded.
1. Most examplary character (33:21) (68:4)
2. Sadiq (Truthful) (33:22)
3. Final judge and arbiter (4:65) (24:51)
4. Honoured, noble (69: 40)
5. Forgiving (7:199)
6. He is Burhan (Clear Proof) (4:175)
7. Brave: Commands Muslims in battle (3:121)

Now, Kenny.. don't u think its reasonable to deduce that Islam looks favorably on ALL that the Prophet did ? and therefore regards him as an example to be vigorously emulated ? Do you think that in Saudi Arabia or Iran, they stop to ask about Australian Law in regard to child marraige ? is it not reasonable to assume that Muslims in Australia will always regard "ALLAH'S LAW" and "ALLAH'S PROPHET" as preferable to Australian INFIDEL law ?

Lets get an actual answer to that one before going any further ok :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 8:22:57 PM
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Well said Percy. The judgement against the two Pastors was a disgraceful miscarriage of Justice. How can "truth not be a defence?" If the Pastors quoted the Qu'ran truthfully and their comments were fair and logical, they can and did get clobbered! I attended a case before VCAT some years ago, and found it was so biased that it was a farce even then. The whole thing is un-Australian, from the Muslims spying on the Pastors at the seminar, to the Judge's decision. It should be appealed, and every Christian organisation should support the appeal.

anti-green posted on Jan. 22 that the sacred books of Christians, Muslims and Hindus are "the disjointed rants of spin doctors". I wonder what Judge Higgins would make of that.

No religion should be protected from criticism. They should be able to defend their beliefs in the public arena. If they lack the confidence to stand up in the public area, they should take a good look at themselves. This is religious freedom of discussion which has been traditional for generations. This is yet another Tradition under attack, as is the traditional celebration of Christmas.

We must defend our Traditions, especially our Freedom of Speech which has been seriously undermined by this draconion and unfair law. I note that South Australia and Western Australia have backed away from proposed laws on "Religious Vilification". Maybe they saw the dangerous situation created by Victorian law.

Maybe as Labor Party people, they remember the phrase by Voltaire which they have often quoted in the past: " I disagree with what he says, but I will defend to the death his right to say it".
Posted by Big Al 30, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 8:26:35 PM
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if u looked closely at my opening you would have found this >>>..." the author you quote".
Yes Grace.. I actually did notice that it was not 'you' saying those things, hence my passion in response was to what SHE said :)
But u have given me some very good ammo to take back to the EOC and give them another opportunity to decline a complaint :) when I raise that book with them if I can find it is sold in any Victorian book shops.
If i can gather enough declines I might have enough clout to get RID of the 'irresponsible and discrimantory' people who currently hold sway at that "independant body".. *cough*
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 8:30:18 PM
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BOAZ-David. I think you will find that internet publication of the Ruth Hurmence Green extract quoted by me, will give you enough to base your complaint on, because you are reading it in the State of Victoria. Of course, in addition to naming the author in your suit, you will have to name the publishers of this OLO website. But you had better check through the Freedom From Religion organisation in the USA whether old Ruthy is still alive, otherwise your web-hosts might have to take on the defense on their own. Wonder what they would think of that.
Posted by grace pettigrew, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 8:53:49 PM
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Thanx Grace
I would only persue it if there was a physical book avail in victorian bookstores. Otherwise it would be pure futility.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 9:27:25 PM
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mind telling us if you think the Catch the Fire pastors are deserving of the rebuke they got from the court ?
How is it that the Family in the USA was able to be identified from their on line chats ? I suspect someone who knew them personally and knew of their web activities may have been involved. It is worth noting that a woman who insults the Prophet can be condemned to death in Islam.
Care to respond ?

Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 26 January 2005 9:51:22 PM
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