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Covid chaos: lest we forget! : Comments
By John Mikkelsen, published 16/9/2024With new issues confronting Australia and the world every day, many apparently would sooner forget the early covid years and massive over-reach of vaccine mandates etc.
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Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 17 September 2024 5:00:40 PM
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We looked at and you were wrong there. Were there others where you were actually right? It certainly wasn’t any conspiracy of yours about the covid being deliberately manufactured. We already covered that one. Whether Covid was a disease of the elderly or children were “effective immune” depends on what exactly you mean by these, but I suspect you were wrong about those, too, given your track record on… every topic. //So you call me a Monday morning quarter back and when I point out that was wrong you just move on to the next unverified assertion.// No, you didn’t point out that it was wrong. Scroll up and take a look. There should be a wheel in between the two main buttons of your mouse that will allow you to do this quickly and easily. Thank you for at least having the honesty to refer to what I addressed next as an “unverified assertion”, though. There’s been a lot of those from you here. And as soon as they’re discredited, you just pretend nothing was said, and move on to your next attempt to distort facts. Precisely what you accuse me of doing! Have you ever heard of “projection”? //There are a large number of studies showing post vaccine spikes in all sorts of diseases.// This is yet another example of how you cherry-pick. There are risks associated with vaccines, including rare side effects like myocarditis or Guillain-Barre syndrome, but these pale in comparison to the benefits of preventing severe covid cases and deaths. //There is a largely unexplained rise in excess deaths in Australia and many other nations.// References? //We're discussing abortion elsewhere and the great claim about abortion is the line "My body, my choice".// This is a false equivalence. Abortion is a personal matter that primarily affects the individual, whereas vaccine mandates were about public health - protecting others from a highly contagious virus. The intent behind mandates wasn’t to control people’s bodies but to reduce the spread of a virus that was overwhelming healthcare systems and causing deaths. The contexts are fundamentally different. Posted by John Daysh, Tuesday, 17 September 2024 6:19:02 PM
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NOT forceful mandates and coercion!"
mhaze, But it's ok for people to choose spreading the virus by not wearing masks or staying away from others ? Forcing others to have to share space with them ? It's really a two-way street. No-one can prove that the lockdowns didn't work nor that they did ! Just because someone doesn't get sick is no endorsement that they're not spreading to others. Just as some who died did so with Covid & not necessarily because of it but could have quite easily have died because of it. We'll just have to wait for the next wave to learn more rather than just hysterical guessing for the sake of having something to complain about at everyone else's expense. Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 17 September 2024 8:31:13 PM
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Some more recent news from Japan for the true believers (perfectly safe and effective, hey):
"Japan detects more Moderna vaccine contamination - Japan has suspended the use of some batches of Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine because contamination was spotted. "Two Japanese regions suspended use of some Moderna Covid-19 shots on Sunday after more cases of contamination were spotted, the local governments said. "We are suspending the use of Moderna Covid-19 vaccines as foreign substances were spotted" in some of them, authorities in Okinawa said in a statement. And: Japan’s health ministry admitted to a second “undeniable” causal relationship between a COVID-19 vaccination and death after a hitherto healthy teenager was found unresponsive following a third inoculation against the novel coronavirus. According to a paper by a research team from Tokushima University, which conducted a judicial autopsy at the request of Tokushima prefectural police, the girl received the mRNA vaccine manufactured by Pfizer Inc. of the United States last August. She developed a fever the following day, which subsided in the evening. After going to bed, she awoke temporarily and complained of breathing difficulties. The next day, her family noticed she had stopped breathing. Forty-five hours after the vaccination, the girl was confirmed dead.... ...A total of 2,076 deaths related to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine had been reported to the ministry by April 30, officials said. Posted by Mikko2, Wednesday, 18 September 2024 9:18:05 AM
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JD asserts "and you were wrong there."
Oh well, if you say so. No evidence mind you but in the JD world, him merely ASSERTING something is the best evidence of all. So very childish. "Whether Covid was a disease of the elderly or children were “effective immune” depends on what exactly you mean by these, " What I mean is that if you look at the statistics, virtually no children died and the vast majority of those who did die were elderly. Is that toooooo difficult for you to follow? "//There is a largely unexplained rise in excess deaths in Australia and many other nations.// References?" The Australian Bureau of Statistics. I assume the numbers will go over your head. I always find it amusing when people whose only form of argument is to assert that what they want to be true, is true, suddenly demanding evidence of others. " The intent behind mandates wasn’t to control people’s bodies " The mandates were forcing people to put untested chemicals in their body for reasons that turned out to be false and were known, at least by some of the authorities, to be wrong. Do try to keep up. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 18 September 2024 9:38:01 AM
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"But it's ok for people to choose spreading the virus by not wearing masks or staying away from others ? "
Indyvidual, It has been comprehensively shown that the masks provided no protection and may well have caused more harm than good. Equally, it has been shown that the notion of social distancing was completely useless in regards to the virus. Fauci has now admitted that the 2 metre social distancing rule was completely made up with no science behind it. And other studies have found little to no evidence that the virus could be or was spread in outdoor environments. The safest place to be during the pandemic hysteria was outdoors. So of course governments forced people indoors!! Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 18 September 2024 10:14:32 AM
On a site like this, you can go back and see what your opinions were over the years. And yes, I'm rather proud of the fact that I very early on recognised that the lockdowns and the whole government approaches to the dreaded wuflu were wrong. Just as I was an early adopter of the view that it was a manufactured virus that escaped the Wuhan lab. And that it was a disease of the elderly. And that kids were effective immune. and ....
So you call me a Monday morning quarter back and when I point out that was wrong you just move on to the next unverified assertion. Its like trying to stop rancid custard pouring through your fingers.
"Well maze, let's trust that all the covid vaccine / government doctrine believers will keep up their healthy boosters."
Yes, as we see with the likes of JD, some will continue to believe whatever the government tells them, irrespective of the facts....which they assiduously work to avoid.
" peer-reviewed study about heightened risks of various diseases including serious heart and neurological defects"
Yep. There are a large number of studies showing post vaccine spikes in all sorts of diseases. There is a largely unexplained rise in excess deaths in Australia and many other nations.
"I agree - "the right choice" should be FREE choice - NOT forceful mandates and coercion!"
If it could be shown that the vaccines stopped transmission, then there was some degree of sanity in the mandates. Which is, of course, why Big Pharma and Big Government pushed the claim that the various vaccines did stop transmission. Get the shot to save granny etc. But it was a lie and many of them knew it was a lie from the outset.
We're discussing abortion elsewhere and the great claim about abortion is the line "My body, my choice". But the same people chanting that were anxious to take away choice in the case of the wuflu. Hypocrites to a man.