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It’s everyone else’s fault : Comments

By Graham Young, published 10/9/2024

Per capita we're 1.5% poorer. If 'Gentleman Jim' and his mates, hadn't been holding the economy to ransom for their union Siamese twins, things could have been quite different.

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They are like kids: “it wasn't me”; “it was those other boys”; “they made me do it”.

There is not an adult among them.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 9:24:16 AM
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Neither is there an audit among them, nor the prospect of one.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 10:13:54 AM
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While the Canberra Clowns play the blame game, Twiggy Forrest is building a terminal at Port Kembla to IMPORT gas. It could be up and running by winter 2026.

The world's second biggest exporter of gas is going to import gas!
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 10:15:26 AM
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Labor blamed their mismanagement on the GFC but the Coalition was hounded when Covid threw a spanner in the works !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 10:16:54 AM
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Kudos GY, ttbn.

Our deficit and GNP are very sick due to Labor policy as GY has said.

In the past I've supported unions to ensure that the workers can negotiate more equally, but I have become tired of their "militant hostage tactics". The unions don't look after the workers or listen to their members but play ideological games. There has to be a better way to protect workers interests than unions in their current form.

The unions and their mates damage the economy for ideological reasons, holding Australia hostage, making everyone worse off.

The CFMEU is in the process of being de-registered but hopefully other "militant hostage unions" will follow- and Team Australia can prosper.

As Graham Young said stupid policies such as DIE/DEI that the Woke Marxist's promote globally, undermine productivity. Australia needs to be able to stand apart from other nations to do the right thing for Australia and to break down Woke Marxist group think.

I believe that Australia needs to focus on "value added production" and "durable goods production" as well as "defense production" which will require some heavy industrial capacity. We will need to stockpile key resources for coming shortages. We need to move into preparation for conflict with China rather than current distractions
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 10:49:10 AM
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Sadly Woke Marxism has had such widespread impact that we can't get eggs for under $5 when previously we could get eggs for under $4, about a 30% increase in price. Eggs are a key source of protein for lower financial segments.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 10:58:41 AM
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Way to go, Graham. Emphatically, Albanese and Chalmers set the immigration and population targets every year, in Budget Paper No. 3.

If Population Growth = 2.5%, Economic Growth = 1%, the incumbent government totally owns it. It is not the fault of Dutton, Murdoch, the global outlook, misinformation, social media, climate change, COVID, or any other of their 101 insulting and childish excuses for betraying Australians.
Posted by Steve S, Tuesday, 10 September 2024 12:15:06 PM
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Dear Graham,


I don’t know if “it’s everyone else’s fault” or everyone’s fault, but I’m pretty sure none of our politicians, whether they be in the government or the opposition, were prepared to have their hand strapped to the back of a bucking bull and the gate thrown open for their first rodeo ride ever, on Covid 19.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in April 2020, 20% of people in the labour force were either unemployed or underemployed. By June 2021 this had declined to 12.8%, below late 2019 levels.

Unemployment increased from 5.1% in February 2020 to a peak of 7.5% in July 2020. It returned to pre-pandemic levels by May 2021, and by June 2021 it was lower (4.9%).

If Australia had experienced the same serious illness and death rates as 3 comparable countries Canada, Sweden and the United Kingdom, there would have been between 680,000 and 2 million cases instead of the 28,500 that did occur, and between 15 and 46 times the number of deaths.

The Reserve Bank of Australia describes the economic impact of Covid :

« GDP fell by a substantial 7 per cent in the June quarter of 2020, the largest contraction of the Australian economy since the end of the Second World War.

There was an historically large monetary and fiscal policy response to the disruptions caused by COVID-19 and the deterioration in the economy. Policies were designed to support demand and employment. They were introduced from March 2020 onwards, to limit the negative economic effects on households and businesses of public health measures to control the virus and to support the economic recovery. They were in line with the actions of other central banks and governments around the world. »

After more than two decades of low and stable inflation in advanced economies, inflation rose sharply after the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2024, inflation has finally been harnessed. We now have to reboot the economy.

The IMF predicts that Australia’s economic growth will continue to outperform advanced economies over the next five years.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 2:35:15 AM
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Here we go again, a devote LNP supporter singing off the same old tied Dutton song sheet. In government these Coalition reprobates, including Dutton himself, were divisive, incompetent and wasteful. The Albanese government is not perfect by any stretch, but its light years ahead of the previous mob, who BTW left Australia with almost a trillion dollars of debt.

Today the Noalition simply sprooks un-costed, unachievable, "thought bubbles" as "policy", a couple of examples; "Lets build a bunch of nuks!" energy policy what a joke, where, when, how much, "DUN-NO!" is the answer. "Lets cut $315 billion from gov spending!" social policy, what a joke, from where, when ,how, "DUN-NO! again the answer"
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 6:08:40 AM
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I can remember the ABC predicting economic collapse from the Morrison government's handling of COVID in nearly every news bulletin. Lots of money went where it shouldn't have, but things could have been much worse.

Under Albo, there was a huge revenue boost from the commodity boom, yet the performance has been like Whitlam 2.0. Not a jot of criticism from Auntie though.
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 6:20:22 AM
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Hi Fester,

There is no commodity boom, the price of our largest export, iron ore, is down 22% this year alone. In fact it was the Morrison government which substantially profited from a commodity boom. The Coalition failed to deliver one surplus in almost 10 years in office. Government expenditure as a fraction of GDP peaked under the Coalition at around 3.4%, its now down to around 2.6% under Labor. If you favour that sort of thing. BTW where should the Colalitions $315 billion in cuts come from, they wont tell us.

BTW, I was not aware of the ABC "predicting economic collapse from the Morrison government" Things world wide were perilous at that time, both from a heath perspective, and an economic one.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 7:01:56 AM
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By how many has bureaucracy increased since 2020 in comparison to the actual productive workforce ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 8:23:48 AM
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It seems our education system would do well to start teaching economics from an earlier age.

Some of the claims in the article are exaggerations, some are only partially true, and some are just plain false.

But none are completely accurate.
Posted by John Daysh, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 9:39:36 AM
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John Daysh,
Yes and, to actually make a proper start, begin with educating the teachers ! I have encountered some rather poor examples of educated people.
We have to get away from letting them get away with telling us how important & of how much value to society they are as soon as they walk out of Uni.
Educated people don't appear to know the meaning of merit. We must focus on merit above all else ! Nothing else can work for long enough. I'm afraid I can't see how we can ever get on top of the me, me everyone else owes me mentality without a National Service. Not a Military service as those who are against any discipline like to refer to it.
Australia is being overrun & going broke from lack of merit ! Do away with the insidious dual citizenship for a start as it is nothing more than a free pass to exploitation without consequences & responsibilities !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 10:05:40 AM
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It seems that improving productivity is almost like falling, you actually don't have to do anything a lot of the time, just stay out of the way. If you remove red tape the community will produce without government doing anything. Sometimes there are some blockages that need a small amount of management. But often governments don't know when to sit on their hands and leave things alone. Management is just as much knowing what to do, as what not to do.

It helps to look at different case studies of different systems- a transport system for example- if a road changes the limit along it's length turbulence will occur- if the government alters the limits along the road more people will cover more kilometres per time. If the number of lanes on a road changes then this will create turbulence- so if the government equalizes the lanes on the road there will be more vehicles covering more kilometres per time.

It seems that some governments create problems to justify their power, because they are afraid that their skills aren't transferable, to be successful in other exploits
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 2:51:41 PM
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If there is a shortage of eggs. Create policies that allow everyone to keep chickens whether in homes or rental accommodation. Allow people to sell their eggs rather than to have strict "food safety" rules. Lower the barriers to entry.

Governments need to be aware that productive infrastructure requires investment, if people are afraid to invest, maybe it's because of the political climate and the stability of the community.

There will always be screams from different quarters of the community, sometimes you need to ignore some of these screams for the greater good.

Lowering food safety standards could potentially increase health risks, but there are also other risks of supply shortages, etc. Empty vessels make the most noise.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 11 September 2024 3:02:41 PM
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